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Everything posted by Soulsearch

  1. Thankyou for that, Great stuff - Bit Jealous though that you kept all those mags - wish id kept all mine
  2. Hi Benji, Yes so do i, but i am going to get that one too , may have to wait post Christmas mind you!
  3. Thanks Benji, Yes i love that "off the cuff" version - something we were not meant to hear
  4. Gosh i cant remember which CD i actually ordered??- from what i gather though i reckon its on both of those CDs. It should however be officially now know as the "throat clearing version" - Big thanks yet again
  5. Hi Benji and Wilxy, Yes ive just seen an old Forum thread, so confirmed its defo on the Totally Hitbound CD - Phew!!, as its not a cheap CD - Big thanks.
  6. Guys?? LOL (sort of......) - i have just brought the CD - Don't say i have brought the wrong one? - i suppose i will know when it arrives
  7. Thanks for that Wilxy - yes just brought it - not cheap though - The vinyl may have to wait
  8. I shall have a look for that CD as i quite like that version - Actually i love ALL versions, so maybe i will get the CD if i can track it down plus of course the record - "slightly" prefer the Sidra. Thankyou both, greatly appreciated!
  9. Yes, That's the one thanks for posting it! - How strange. I shall call it "clearing the throat version" OK, so maybe its not a released version then - because i cant seem to find any other versions on vinyl. Cant be a remix because of the added vocal either? Thankyou
  10. Cheers Shinehead, Youv'e been a great help! - im gonna get myself the CB 7" - its grown on me
  11. And the rest! last two copies i saw were just short of £1000 hence i am not looking for it anymore , (unless its re-issued) I think their other 7" is a lot less though and is a gorgeous little number
  12. I sometimes think people think i am hijacking the whole Forum - I am really not I promise i just ALWAYS seem to have a question, there are millions i haven't actually asked yet. I am going to get myself a Barbara Mercer, i have tried not to but i am now giving in. I understand the Sidra is different from the Capitol (strings), but.................................................................There seems to also be another version which has cropped up here and there with the vocals continuing where in the normal versions the violins cut in (about half way), it also seems to have a bit more of a strong beat to it - Is this my imagination or is there anothe 3rd version? If so, which actual record is this on? HUGE Thanks again, i promise i appreciate ALL feedback and i wont ask any more questions for at least a week?
  13. Thanks Shinehead, I Knew it!.................................................. have to do it myself one day just for fun.
  14. Thanks Andy Well i never! - never knew it was a "thing". Yes i think the consensus is that its a made up one, but i will on a final note say it again. GREAT little package he made it looks how i would imagine it would look if there ever was such a classy reissued double pack issued. Never found one - I don't think i could afford one anyhow - hence my excitability when i first saw the clip
  15. PS Just incidentally has anyone played the Album version on the Cornelius Brothers at 45rpm? - if so, does it actually sound like the Marshall version? I "imagine" it would sound exactly the same.
  16. WOW - i like the New Yorkers on JM - i may just put a cheeky bid on for £500 see if i get lucky? - wish me luck!
  17. Thankyou The Yank, Mmmmmmmmm, not for me personally, but makes things interesting i guess and why not?- as they say "each to their own"
  18. Think your right Shinehead - good on him, if that's the case he's done a great job DAM - thought i'd be getting my hands on a nice re-issued double pack for £20.00 If it ever happens though, his design should be used. Thankyou very much All!
  19. Thankyou Chalky Neither have I? - just a talented designer and printer then i guess? - why go to that bother?
  20. He's Got something? - OK i am satisfied i think,,,,,,,,,,?? but if it is a "made up" sleeve, its exactly what i would expect to see if it was an official LE double pack - Also if I was that talented I would be happy to have nits
  21. Thankyou Shinehead, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes i know, but the MDB one was the first version I heard, sounds like the MDB but played at 33 rpm - Actually they do sound pretty much identical except speed? OK, so its probably a made up (very very well done) cover, just wanted to make sure i am not missing out on a new Limited official double pack? - Why on earth is he scratching on it??
  22. Thankyou, "If" so, He has done a marvellous job there??? - Yes but the CB LP on 45??
  23. Thankyou Shinehead - Your a superstar. Now then what is it???
  24. Dear Anybody, There is a YouTube clip Marshall Donovan Broomfield double demo. I am afraid i cant put it up, i am not very IT! In the clip the Guy is playing BOTH the 7s on what appears to be a Augusta Records gatefold sleeve?? This Double pack demo surely will exist?? but i cant find any reference at all to this record pack - it looks like either a one off original or is it a legit re-issue, doesn't appear to be a cheap boot. Anybody know what this is they have?? because i want one. Much appreciated if anyone can help Thankyou

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