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Everything posted by Soulsearch

  1. Thankyou Ady, Agree completely, amazing records out there for no money but what about those uncommon and unobtainable records for us mere mortals? just an example Stevens & Foster say - in no way can i obtain this on original vinyl unless its a re-issue - so, delighted with that and many others - playback wise some other reissues not so happy with.
  2. How "eloquently" put Mal! - Laughing too
  3. OK My OP "should" have been far simpler and a lot more condensed and i should have stuck to one subject- i see that now Big Thankyou to those "positive" responses which was what i was hoping for re one section of my post, i.e playback comparisons of the original on vinyl and a reissue on vinyl - Yes completely lost for the moment but interesting reading so will certainly continue I do tend to Waffle - i shall try not to from now on?
  4. OK, this is my last reply on this, i think the OP has well and truly died in the water. Point "part" taken. Most of the topics on here are IMO sometimes very niche, as in they appeal and stir the interest of those "serious" collectors, which is great and i thoroughly enjoy reading the posts - i have had a good few belly laughs in the process. However, my post was "simply" and "only" to try and bring in a more "broader" chat maybe by those who often don't reply/comment and/or those that simply cant afford to collect and buy these obscure and valuable records rather than those hardened collectors (i am one of them). I LOVE the music, so for "me" its opened up an avenue for me to be able to purchase records that TBH i will never ever have hoped to be able to actually play on vinyl which i much prefer listening to on CD and other formats. Finally, the responses are really IMO to make a poster look stupid. It just "appears" a bit too "cliquey" for my liking - the usual suspects just my opinion though. Thankyou again PS This topic obviously can be continued, but not with any involvement from myself.
  5. I never said "discuss" and i never mentioned "specific" records - it was a general post/topic just to chat about the reissues and people feel about them in general. But what truly amazes me is i cant believe you guys are trying to turn this into some kind of argument? - i really just don't get it?. I am out of here - for good Thanks for embracing "new" members on this site Enjoy!!
  6. Hi Pottsy, LOL now your just feeling sorry for me , No cant really mention any specifically, wouldn't be right. Its probably a stupid post anyway, but TBH i have been out of collecting for a good 25 or so years, so am completely well and truly out of touch with the scene/records/market etc. It was really just a general post to see what others feel about the re-issues coming out recently. Yes it was primarily the "classic" oldies i was referring to. Also, a lot of the posts on here are "very" specific and really appeal to or at least answered by a very few avid experts/collectors whether it be labels/writers/producers etc, so my post really was intended to involve (if wanted) to a broader range of folks on this forum just for harmless and fun discussion. If honest probably not the right place for me at the moment to be posting these types of topics but greatly appreciate your reply. Thankyou
  7. Hi Benji, You are indeed absolutely correct! - not really a lot of point and certainly a little "outside the box"? I suppose i was just wanting opinions on the market for the re-issues being pressed currently, nobody has to reply and just felt like putting down my feelings as a post topic in bold text in the OP. I "think" what inspired me to post this was that i have been buying lots of re-issues currently and that is really it - i like to get peoples opinions and thoughts on certain subjects. But yes, i agree perhaps these pondering thoughts are pointless to almost everybody. But not to me though.
  8. Hi, NOT taking into account boots, weren't even on my radar Thankyou
  9. Hi Too many thoughts which i obviously feel the need to share. Sorry......................... No debate (unless turns into one) just friendly opinions really on the new records that are coming out very fast and furiously it seems. And yes buying reissues is going to be my future collecting pathway as i am enjoying it and can afford it. To admit i am really in no position at all to purchase valuable records, would have many years ago but i really am truly thankful for the quality records i can now get my greasy little paws on for a tenner thereabouts - So hats off to all of you out there who do this, some for profit and some it appears purely for the love of doing it I have a massive collection of 5 original 7s now (LOL) which were not easy or/and cheap to get hold of but these have always been on my list as they meant a lot to me, brought for the pure love of them and never for investment. Now i buy cheap originals, new stuff and reissues, CDs cover most other bits and i am pretty much content and happy. No real questions as such, just opinions if you feel you want to, add anything: Certain record suppliers only allowing 1-2 copies per transaction of the same record Hats off to those suppliers doing this - Far too much exploitation going on of bulk buying individuals, keeping for a while then flogging them all off for quadruple the going rate (and more) - I obviously know people out there have to make a living but.......................... makes my blood boil (personally) Common and cheap records that are reissued when you can easily go and buy 2 mint Originals for less than the reissue - Cant get my head around this - surely there must be a reason? Some reissues are of beautiful quality and packaged very well with the playback that you deserve, some on the other hand are thin/cheap vinyl with no thoughts as to the packaging and quality of playback - It is just disappointing. If your going to legitimately going to reissue a record worthy of this, please do it the justice it deserves and make the item a special item to savour, cherish and behold with a listening experience to be enjoyed. I have had a few recently that i almost cant listen to - Back to the CD player then then again i have brought a few recently that i have to put my silk white gloves on before handling them! - They are special to me and no they are not 5K records. As i said, Any opinions welcome? and apologies if these have been discussed before, i do try to check before posting - but there is a HUGE amount of content on here. Big Thankyou Have a great weekend!
  10. PS although a recent post will confirm that there are plenty of amazing records still out there which are still easy to find and absolute steals. Its the music for me now, not the hunting, it "was" fun but as you say those days are long gone
  11. You nailed it for me Joesoap - the fun really has gone
  12. Fine for an actual "rare" record, the problem with That Betty Moorer and many others recently is that they are not actually "that" physically rare? - its plentiful in collections i thought but folks keep hold of them. Many People will keep their copy but at the same time i feel many are going to want to sell theirs - I would if i had it, that's a lot of money. It wont flood the market perhaps but i am sure a good few are going to start cropping up soon. As i said, for a proven physical rarity then fine - pay whatever you are happy to and can afford, but surely not for a "fairly" plentiful record. That MUST be a collector that brought that i cant possibly see any profit in that record ever for an investor? (i may be wrong of course) - Also if that's an overseas sale then the import/VAT/post potentially takes that record to about £900?
  13. Yep, there are many many other, Another is the Charmels as long as ive got you is also an eagerly hunted 7" for the hip hop fraternity purely for the sample (cant remember who sampled though?)
  14. Thankyou Girdwoodinc, You maybe right, haven't got a clue about now? but when i was growing up in South London in the 1980s that was what was happening then with the groups i associated with, i cant speak for now however, again just another potential scenario to throw into the mix. Anyway, sampling is not necessarily "scratching". Conditions for records back then also wasn't really an issue as the crowd i knew quite liked a few crackles - in fact the more the merrier LOL
  15. As well as the "Investors" and the collectors you also have the other spin offs. I started listening to Hip Hop aged 12 (ish) then becoming interested in the samples used - this path led me to my love of soul. I am not sure what this is like now but i do know for a fact a lot of my friends around that time were spending huge amounts of money on their elusive soul 7s just for their samples alone. If any of you listen to any of these albums you maybe surprised at how often these samples are used. I am not certain of course but i would imagine now that this "scene" also has grown hugely? maybe maybe not?. Then you need to take into account the producers and other artists that are using these soul sounds in most of their musical creations David Holmes being the obvious one that springs to my mind ie a melting pots of individuals wanting to purchase these records for differing reasons. I brought myself a 7" a couple of weeks ago, a very slow and rare sweet soul "ballad" in fact a few days after my purchase i stumbles across 3 hip hop records sampling this record including a recent snoop dog one?? My point being, just a melting pot of many various reasons people collect and buy soul records not "just" the folks that were lucky enough to have been there in the 70s dancing away - wish i had been there though, sounds like they were amazing times just saying..................................................
  16. I realised something was changing a few months back when i noticed at bashed up copy of the midnight UK 7" in a well known high street charity shop behind the counter in a glass case for £80.00!!! ???
  17. Perhaps you are right, just what i heard. But a small ripple is still a ripple - even if it attracted 20 new serious collectors in the US it is still 20 new collectors all searching for the same records. Lots of small ripples end up being a big puddle then a pond. As i said the term "Northern Soul" has become the victim of its own success regarding the price of records.
  18. Last time i heard apparently the film "Northern Soul" was number 3 on Netflix in the US. If that's true?? then that's a vast amount of potential new interest in Northern Soul record collecting.
  19. Yes the emperors new clothes scenario. Hence i am buying "cheap" and re-issued records now. But, the term "Northern Soul" has become a household name not just in the UK but world-wide it appears. There is plenty of absolute poverty in the world and certainly more wealth than there ever has been, and therefore unfortunately will breed the greed and the exploiters will appear (always been the case though). I would guess that some "investors" out there have just decided to latch onto another market. Some of these folks may not even be into records never mind soul - its just another avenue for them to invest in. The records being stored in the loft and to be sold a couple of years down the line for "potentially" a good healthy profit. Others buy these records purely for the love of owning them and playing them as already discussed and if the prices paid are comfortable for the buyer then so be it - good on them but yes it does appear there is the greed element going on. So the term Northern Soul really has become a bit of a "Victim of its own success" i feel
  20. Reminds me of: 25 years ago or so i brought a copy of Alex brown not responsible issue mint and i paid £320 (i think) from Mr JM Sold it a few years after for a little more i think £400. The record (to me) was a special record that meant a lot to me as it was "the" record that got me into soul in the first place. "If" someone offered me a Mint yellow copy now for 2K i wouldn't buy it because in my life now i just could not justify/or certainly afford it. However, if i was offered it now and i could comfortably afford it, i most certainly would by it without an ounce of hesitation. Again, never as an investment but because the record meant and still means a huge amount to me. That single record (in a way) defined who i was and am (GOSH bit deep especially for a Monday........................)
  21. PS However, at the end of the day nobody actually knows, me, you or anybody Look at Covid!!!
  22. No i completely 100% agree with you on this Dobber in that you are right you cant really compare art and property and also totally agree collecting soul IMO will end, at some point? whether or not the bubble will burst. But my point was being that if you can afford something comfortably and you really want it then buy it - I Agree though defo NOT for an investment, but love only. Just to add also, gone are the days in the 60s/70s/80s when you could pick up a rare soul record for a fiver and keep it for 30/40/50 years then sell for thousands and thousands are gone, its already been done. ie if you pay £5,000 for a record today its highly unlikely you will be able to re sell that in a few years for significantly more (IMO) - i just cant see that happening plus you need "young"/new collectors on the scene, but where are they? - Maybe they are here? Hence the values recently?
  23. I agree Kev, A record always has been "what someone is prepared to pay", we have ALL overpaid in the past, same as Art and property and collectables and all other world commodities - There may be some form of exploitation going on but, If your lucky enough to be able to afford it and you really want it and are comfortable paying a price, then buy it, so what? Values for anything and everything are subjective and always really have been
  24. Gave you all "up votes" apart from the last comment as i ran out of "up votes". Even though i was never there, the more i see and read about the scene back then the more convinced i am i was born too late in the "wrong" part of the UK - must have been magical times
  25. Hi Haighy, I agree with your comment, i am not technically a record collector or a DJ but i have paid £500 thereabouts a couple of times (in my lifetime) for records just because i happen to love them and there is something special to me about owning the original of that particular record - i count these particular records i need to own on one hand. I now really just buy cheap records and re-issues - As i am poor Just curious though as to why you felt owning that record was worth paying that price? When you get it do you play it?, store it? look at it? or is it because you are the owner of something that is rare and you own something that others want to own? or is it for investment? or ALL/some of the above or other reasons?. As i said just curious. Thankyou

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