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Mick Holdsworth

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Everything posted by Mick Holdsworth

  1. Had a regular auction list from Canada in the late seventies, early eighties. He had a wonderful range of records, all genres, and all for auction. Over abuut three or four years, I picked up a few good 'uns, nearly all blind buys. Fortson & Scott on Pzazz, was, in retrospect, probably the best buy (for $3 Canadian), whersas with Darlene Love - Stumble & Fall, which was deemed to be very rare at the time, I got outbid at $12 Canadian. The man was a relocated Londoner by the name of Bayliss, possibly Tony, but, not sure on that. I was put on to him via Martin Kopell, must have been a mailing list swap. He did tell me. but I can't remember now. Anyone else remember him?
  2. Cheers Mick. I decided about an hour ago to delay anyway. Customers are all okay with it as no one was in a rush. Good to know though.
  3. Ooh thanks for that, I hadn't clocked that Tuesday was going to be hotter than Monday, also never considered the strikes. Cheers
  4. I don't remember seeing the Eddie Daniels record in that 76 period (real Boot or boot Boot). I do remember the contemporary boots in our local shops (Prince George etc.) but this one must not have been as widely distributed. I didn't know of the record at all until the nineties, or even noughties. One that passed me by.
  5. I'm posting this in the Sales forum, as it is mostly relevant to people selling and buying right now (Saturday), but if admins want to move it, that's fine. I have a few record parcels to send out. and I planned to send them this morning for delivery Monday onwards. All are from, and to, the UK. Having watched the news about the forthcoming very high temperatures for tomorrow and Monday, I am now quite concerned as the parcels will be in the Post Office system over the weekend. and more worryingly, in the back of a van on Monday, with predicted 40c temperatures. I'm sure I am not the only one with parcels to send, so I wonder if I should hold back 'till Tuesday. Any thioughts on this. Cheers Mick
  6. Yes. mine is the same, dangerously close to the play area on the B side.
  7. Roscoe Robinson - That's It - Gerri (US) - Vg+ £30 RoscoeRobinson-ThatsIt.mp3 ********************************** Jerry Hilton - Complete Opposites - Sonic (US) - Vg++/M- A side label pressed off-centre. Record is fine, £40 Sold JerryHilton-CompleteOpposites.mp3 ********************************** Henry Richardson - She Loves To Party / Dancing Girl - Elois (US) - Vg+ £150 Sold HenryRichardson-Party-Dancing.mp3 ********************************** Herman H Harper - Headed For The Streets - Loadstone (US) - Vg++ Light ringrear and small tear on A side label. £12 Sold HermanHHarper-HeadedForTheStreets.mp3 ********************************** Basic Black And Pearl - There'll Come A Time,There'll Come A Day - Bus Stop (UK) - Promo - Vg++ Promo Copy. £70 Sold BasicBlackAndPearl-TherellComeATime.mp3 ********************************** Masterplan - Loving, Living, Laughing - Fos-Glo US - M Superb eighties soul dancer. £5 MasterPlan-LovingLivingLaughing.mp3 ********************************** Sharon Jones - People Don't Get What They Deserve - Daptone (US) - M/M- £30 SharonJones-PeopleDontGet.mp3 ********************************** Spice - Sweet Norma Jones - Sound Gems (US) - Promo - M- Same song both sides. £40 Spice-SweetNormaJones.mp3 ********************************** Patience - Shame On You - Sound On Solid Ground (US) - Promo - M- Same song both sides. £20 Patience-ShameOnYou.mp3 ********************************** Wess & Airedales - I'll Never Turn My Back On You - Durium (Italian) Promo - Vg+ Yellow Italian juke box promo £50 WessAndAiredales-IllNeverTurnMyBack.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** For vinyl condition, I use M / Vg++ / Vg+ / Vg ********************************** Paypal is okay - UK ONLY please. Unless stated otherwise, postage is as follows . . . Up to £30 value - £2.50 (any quantity). Up to £50 value - Signed For - £4.00 (any quantity). £50 value and above - Special Delivery - £8.00 (any quantity). £200 value or above - Free Special Delivery. ********************************** Please message me. Thanks Mick ********************************** ********************************** **********************************
  8. Hi Steve, just had a look at your image of "Our Love". The A is scratched out (this is the B side. on your image at 8 o'clock) Took me a while to spot it though.
  9. That's great, I couldn't remember the positioning, just that there was a difference. Thank you for going to the trouble, I toyed with which copy to keep when I was down to my last mint copy. and decided to keep the rough one, as it was nice and old like me, and stood out from the rest, unlike me. Think I'll keep it, but thanks for the offer.
  10. I don't know when seperate tracks came into use, but I wonder whether two or more track recordings would be needed to seeing over a pre-recorded piece of music. If the band recorded it on a one single track tape, then couldn''t the tape be played back, with singers singing over it, and that total output being recorded as one track, again on a one-track tape. To do this, the studio would need facility to play back a pre-recorded tape as an input, (ie. a secondary tape player). The normal studio recorder would only need to be one track. Just wondering, never thought about it much. Obviously it is much easier with multitrack but as far as I can see, not impossible without it.
  11. Yes to all the above points. All this I checked at the time, the pressing marks, the runout, where the runout starts and finishes, amount of revoulutions from start to finish of the runouts. They are identical both sides. At least the A side was identical to the A side, and the B side was identical to the B side. HOWEVER, I found a difference in the allignment of the A and B plates. As we speak, I am trying to photo or video the differences, but I can't get my camera to see the runout details. I wish I could scan / photograph as clear as the above two mint ones from Merve and Stevie, but I just can't. I'll try and describe it. If I use "Ain't Gonna Run" as a datum, allign the 69001A at the bottom (6 o'clock). The allignment of the label is unimportant, it is the vinyl i need to focus on. Next, I flip it on it's north/south axis to see the B side, "Our Love", like you were turning a piece of paper over (easy to do if it was rectangular, less so with a circle). I place mine in a cover with the middle cut away, to expose all the vinyl details, so flipping becomes easy, and I can't be distracted by the label. Having flipped it accurately, to see the "Our Love" side, on MY copy, the 69001 is at about 2 o'clock (followed by the scrached out "A", and then the "B" When I had some mint ones, I did this and found the mint were all alligned differently to this worn copy. The mint ones I had were alligned the same as each other, but uniformly different to this worn copy. Of course, this means nothing, just that two, or more machines were set up to press the record. Also, I was only able to compare it against the few mint ones I had. I bet a good portion of the mint copies are different to mine, but equally a good portion are the same. Again, probably meaningless as any record on the planet that was pressed up in any quantity using more that one machine would have different allignments. There could very well be three or four allignment variations of this record, depends on how many were pressed. I feel confident that the mint haul from the 2000's are absolutely genuine, just kept in damn good storage facilities. Cheers Mick
  12. Here's a 300DPI scan of a non-haul copy. I've scanned both sides. As you can see, It is quite worn, but plays okay on AGR, and a little more crackly on OLUTB side. When the price of the Brooklynborn / Vashta ? haul had bottomed at £30/£40, I bought this of eBay for about $15-20 from a seller in Ohio who was just selling old things, not many records, but a wide range of "stuff". Maybe a house clearance, don't know. After it arrived, I compared it with a mint haul copy (I had a fair few at the time), and apart from the obvious wear and colour fading of the labels, I felt it was IDENTICAL, but maybe someone could to put up a High res copy of a mint one to compare. Cheers Mick
  13. That's the funniest of the Lomas. I can't even imagine what that was about. Is it a short song at 2:12 ?
  14. The generic Decca blank of this release of Johnny Caswell is upside down (rotated 180 degrees (or the release information text is upside down, depending on your point of view). Rotated accordingly . . .
  15. I can't find an image, but I'm sure "Cleo's Mood" went out as "Leo's Mood" on it's initial "Soul" release.
  16. Whoever types this out must have had the flip side title on their mind. It was also released like this before being noticed.
  17. ********************************** Schatz - Soon Everything Is Gonna Be Alright - Disco-Soul (US) - Vg++/M- Plays at 33 RPM £200 (Sold) Schatz-SoonEverythingIsGonnaBeAlright.mp3 ********************************** Jerry Hilton - Complete Opposites - Sonic (US) - Vg++/M- A side label pressed off-centre. Record is fine, £40 JerryHilton-CompleteOpposites.mp3 ********************************** Inell Young - I've Never Considered - Busy-B (US) - Vg++/M- £200 InellYoung-IveNeverConsidered.mp3 ********************************** Henry Richardson - She Loves To Party / Dancing Girl - Elois (US) - Vg+ £150 HenryRichardson-Party-Dancing.mp3 ********************************** Herman H Harper - Headed For The Streets - Loadstone (US) - Vg++ Light ringrear and small tear on A side label. £12 HermanHHarper-HeadedForTheStreets.mp3 ********************************** Basic Black And Pearl - There'll Come A Time,There'll Come A Day - Bus Stop (UK) - Vg++ Promo Copy. £70 BasicBlackAndPearl-TherellComeATime.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** For vinyl condition, I use M / Vg++ / Vg+ / Vg ********************************** Paypal is okay - UK ONLY please. Unless stated otherwise, postage is as follows . . . Up to £30 value - £2.50 (any quantity). Up to £50 value - Signed For - £4.00 (any quantity). Above £50 value - Special Delivery - £8.00 (any quantity). £200 value or above - Free Special Delivery. ********************************** Please message me. Thanks Mick ********************************** ********************************** **********************************
  18. Same backing, different singer. This was recorded from a stitched-together instrumental taken from the middle section on the extended B side, with Trade Martin singing over it. There's also some extra insrumentation from about 2:00 onwards. I don't know why he degraded the sound quality to this ridiculous degree though. It makes no sense, unless this was the only recording he had. He did a similar re-edit of "Nothing Can Compare To You" with extra backing singers, and a looped intro stitched on half way though. The recording quality of that is okay, so why "We Won't Know" is so bad is quite strange. It's almost as if he recorded it with perfect quality, and then detroyed the final mix with masses of echo, giving the impression it was recorded in a dancehall with a cassette recorder somewhere in the room (much like people did, and still do, at venues over here). I haven't checked recently, but he had this and others from his "Norhern Soul Series" were for sale on Amazon. and it was the same inferior recording. Shame really, cause this would put any listener right off.
  19. ********************************** Dennis D'ell - Better Use Your Head / It Breaks My Heart - M- CBS UK Orange stock copy. £350 ONO DennisDell-BetterUseYourHead.mp3 ********************************** Helen Shapiro - It's Been Nice Loving You - EMI UK Vg+/++ Unissued. Original 1965 EMI studio disc. Play is perfect. No flaking or chips on lacquer, just a couple of very minor marks. B side is blank and uncut. £300 ONO HelenShapiro-ItsBeenNiceLovingYou.mp3 ********************************** Voice Masters - Never Gonna Leave You / If A Woman Catches A Fool - Bamboo (US) Vg+/++ Very minor biro mark on both labels £70 VoiceMasters--NeverGonnaLeaveYou.mp3 ********************************** Florence Miller - I Believe In Love - P&P (US) - Vg++ £20 Sold FlorenceMiller-IBelieveInLove.mp3 ********************************** Frankie & Robert - Sweet Thing - Tragar (US) - Vg++ £12 Sold FrankieAndRobert-SweetThing-Love.mp3 ********************************** Joanie Sommers - Little Girl From Greenwood - Happy Tiger (US) - Vg++/M- Promo Copy. A good dancer. Label has very slight print fading over title. Could be a print error. £25 JoanieSommers-LittleGirlFromGreenwood.mp3 ********************************** EJ Rice - Slow Down - NTR (US) - Vg++ £120 Sold EJRice-SlowDown.mp3 ********************************** Act 1 - It Takes Both Of Us - Spring (Promo) (US) - M- Promo Copy, same both sides £15 Sold Act1-ItTakesBothOfUs.mp3 ********************************** Masterplan - Loving, Living, Laughing - Fos-Glo US - M Superb eighties soul dancer. £5 MasterPlan-LovingLivingLaughing.mp3 ********************************** Twiggy - Beautiful Dreams - Ember (UK) - Vg++ Plain cover £20 Twiggy-BeautifulDreams.mp3 ********************************** John Harris & Soul Sayers - Hangin' In - Cree (German) - M Reissue in Picture Sleeve £70 Sold JohnHarris-HanginIn.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** For vinyl condition, I use M / Vg++ / Vg+ / Vg ********************************** Paypal is okay - UK ONLY please. Unless stated otherwise, postage is as follows . . . Up to £30 value - £2.50 (any quantity). Up to £50 value - Signed For - £4.00 (any quantity). Above £50 value - Special Delivery - £8.00 (any quantity). £200 value or above - Free Special Delivery. ********************************** Please message me. Thanks Mick ********************************** ********************************** **********************************
  20. Does anyone know if there was there an unedited clip (with the music) ?
  21. A few more in that theme. Troy Keyes - If I Had My Way Kenny Smith - Lord What's Happening . . . Philly All Stars - Let's Clean Up The Ghetto
  22. A Greek Top Tunes release of Chubby Checker ? Really ? Well that's new to me, I only know of the two Gamble releases, Frank Beverly and Dee Dee Sharp. Anyone got an image ?

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