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Mick Holdsworth

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Everything posted by Mick Holdsworth

  1. It's a full chorus longer , so about 10 seconds extra Mick
  2. Think that's going to be "We're Gonna Party" or "Motown Party" - It was a sing-a-long from about 30 years ago done by Chris King - Can't remember what the artist was eventually called, but it did get a release on Slow-Fizz records (flip side to "Picture Me Gone" reissue)
  3. I like things like this - I have quite a few odd variations of this record - the machine stamp of this one is also INV 502 I've also seen this label for INV 501
  4. I did go for the Len Barry demo - (it might have been another on as this was only about 3 or 4 months ago). I also had no real idea what to bid, so I tried about £30.00 - and was outbid in last few seconds. Was gutted, as it's the only Len Barry Brunswick demo I'm missing , apart from the 123 LP demo or Test Press (If either exist). Still, live in hope.
  5. You should be able to track it at Royal Mail, as an INCOMING parcel https://www.parcelforce.com/portal/pw/track/
  6. Is that what you meant - and EXTRA £2 for recorded delivery - surely you meant £2 total ?? anyway, you should still be able to get your £20.00 back from PO anyway if you still have the PO receipt.
  7. Known through a "few" demo copies (at least one is cracked and jumps), of which there are two label variations .. .. and .. .. and One stock copy ... .. and bootlegs (don't have bootleg scan, but they are the same as the Stock except the thick line under the Philles logo is much thinner).
  8. There's quite a few records that have had the speed changed prior to manufacture. I have a studio disc of Carstairs - much slower than the released version - vocally better, but probably no good to play out as everyone knows it at the "fast" speed. Get a Decca or Champion copy of Johnny Caswell - listen to YDLMA - flip it and play IOU - you'd think a completely different vocalist - until you slow IOU down a couple or three revs, then you have the same pitched vocal - (alternatively speed up YDLMA to meet the pitch of IOU, but that doesn't sound right).
  9. It doesn't say 69, it says 65 - just a dark scan - the list number shows a 5 in the 15922 release number -tis the same
  10. I Was Down And I Was Living In Misery Without A Penny, The Epitome Of Poverty Len Barry (and Johnny Caswell) - I.O.U.
  11. Here's what it should be like - Not single sided but both released songs
  12. Ther is at least one other single, but it is just two of the LP tracks - I think "Come back to me" is one of the sides
  13. I sometimes buy blind, but again, $5 - $10 dollar stuff - ususally crap when I get it. but sometimes I go a bit more. A couple of weeks ago, I saw a record by "flesh and blood" go through eBay at $249.00 - It was after the auction ended and the sound clip had gone. So I did a net search using 5 or 6 search engines and found nothing except a query on here, getting no response. Found a copy on eBay last week at a low starting price, bidded about $80 and got it for just under $70. I still don't know if it is any good, as it hasn't arrived yet ... so it's still a blind buy.
  14. Yes My Dad wasn't so kind .... but my step-mom loves it
  15. Don't know if anyone remembers this but ... An old episode of "Northern Exposure" featured this song quite heavily - one of the female characters was going throug a "singing" phase and sang the whole song at least once during the episode, much to the annyance of the rest of the cast .. and .. More recently in an episode of "Doctor Who", at a wedding reception (where else), the "DJ" played a song that was clearly an adaptation of The snake - It was the first episode with Catherine Tate. Never heard this before - or since - don't know if it was a real record or just incidental music especially for the show.
  16. Yeah, about 3 years ago - I didn't think they were that expensive, about £20 or so - I know I got one
  17. Hello Can anyone help me with Bruce Channel / There Must Be A Love Somewhere - Le Cam I know it's a poor quality recording and sounds like sandpaper, but it fills a gap. Thanks in advance
  18. Hi Carl That works fine for the searches, it's the listings or browsing catagories that I was talking about. There's a facility to pick location "available from" and "any currency at the moment, which lists US$ right in with UK£, Euros and AU$ etc. Come April you can only do this if you actually run a search. Mick
  19. Hello As we all know, come April the new experience searches and listings will become mandatory. Over the last cople of months i've been experimenting with it and have constantly found I am reaching a brick wall and cannot see what is behind - or to put it another way - it's crap. I "think" I know what the problem is, not with specific searches, but with general listings. The worldwide option doesn't seem to do anything. At the moment, one of my normal pages is records / 7 inch RNB / Worldwide, no other limitations, and that gives me about 25,000 if I use the .com site. If I include stores it goes to about 140,000. With the new page, I can't get it past 16,000 - adding worldwide option changes nothing, it just list US listings, and no facility to include stores stuff. Tried it on the .co.uk site and that also only includes UK listings, even with Worldwide selected. Anyone cracked it - I cant believe eBay would allow this regression, and I've heard nothing on here about it so I'm really hoping it is me being stupid.
  20. Jackie Wilson - I Get The Sweetest Feeling, could be used on ... well, just about everything ... again
  21. Hi Darryl There you go Cheers Mick
  22. Just adding to this aswell - since the Mike Morton Congregation knowledge arose, I've aquired both MMC LP's - the green one with "banner man" (which also had covers of Elgins and Tami Lynn), and the other LP with "these things" - Banner Man was'nt the same recording as the Blue Sharks, But These Things was the same as B Sharks.
  23. I've got an instrumental version of this - more of a sing-a-long track, - it's not the same backing track, but clearly the same song - I'll see if I can put it up tomorrow.
  24. If there is a vinyl release, it will be a Sevens or similar, but I don't think so

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