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Everything posted by Mick Holdsworth
Hi Pete, Must admit I don't know of any other UK test presses other than the one in the first post .. oh and the US Bell Sound acetate. I meant 3 black labelled copies, although that figure is the one banded about for 30 years or more - 1 copy lost, 1 copy gained, blah blah ... but your right, Decca in the UK undoubtedly pressed a full run, or close to it, but only these few escaped the crusher after Len's departure to RCA. - I also agree there may be one or two more out there in non-record land still waiting to be found. Cheers Mick
The 3 known copies refers to black labelled UK stock copies, if that figure is accurate. We know one copy was lost forever (Richard Searling / Car / Roof / Wigan / Bolton etc ..) but on the other hand a fresh copy was found in the 90's, (someone on here found it in .. Sydenham ?? ) so it may be 3 copies .. again. Cheers Mick
John, I had two different black stock variations - one with bigger writing, which I had in about 1980, and still have to this day ... and then someone turned up a handful of "New' black copies in the late 80's or early 90's which were laid out differently, and the titles had smaller writing. I got one of those but sold it soon after - it looked too new ... The copy I sill have is with big writing and the dog is to the left - can't remember if the other dog was different. Cheers Mick
Dean Courtney - I'll Always Need You
The Toys "deserted" French Ep & Rose Brooks I'm Moanin'
Mick Holdsworth replied to Pete S's topic in Record Sales
Pete - Missed TWO of those on eBay a couple of weeks ago - just simply forgot 'em - take it yours is one of those ? Mick -
Searches seem to work Ok, although it's hit and miss if it finds everything that's there in your criteria. (old version was much more consistent, but by no means perfect) Problem is general listings - say for instance 7 inch r&b, : Previously I could list through all records in this catagory, listed in any country, any currency, sorted by finishing soonest - Yes, it was tons of stuff, but I was only interested in looking at stuff finishing now, so I could do a "day" in about 20/30 pages. Can't find any way to do that anymore, so I have seperate bookmarks now for , again say 7"/r&b, but for .com / .co.uk / and various european sites - 'tis a pain Mick Holdsworth
That's a different LP - "14 Things To Think About" Mick Holdsworth
Wonder how it would handle tracks like "What shall I Do"/Moonlight/New World etc, .. or maybe Cody Michaels/Liza Mae/Michael Christian etc. or any other variation on muliple uses. Probably come back with the First one it found without going further into it's database Mick
Glen Campbell was also in a group called the Folkswingers, and performed on some of their many tracks - I don't know if he was in the group at the time of 'Paint It Black', but this was the version that Mr SS booted on Soul Galore as the Love Sitars. Mick
Ted, After you logged in first time with your old password, did you get an email with a copletion link ?? I did, and after clicking this it did ask for username and password again, and accepted it - this was yesterday (Thursday). Could be that if that didn't work for you today there could be a glitch. Maybe John or I web Solutions could follow that up. Mick Holdsworth
Hello wondered what label yours was on (Associated Recording ?)- read further up it was also on Beltone - Is it the same take I wonder. Cheers Mick
Forgot about this - Anybody have one ? Thanks again
Hello You! - It's Me here! If you need another Bobby Paris , I've got one (think it's £2.50) It's on a pop music site of mine and can be found here ... Mintimperial Records & Books Online Cheers Mick Holdsworth
Tried this a few times, but I can only seem to get very recent listings - is there an archive page there? Thanks Mick
Canadian Issues More Or Less Than Usa Issue ?
Mick Holdsworth replied to a topic in Look At Your Box
I can see what Benji means, and also your point - I think the keyword in Benji's statment is "technically", because it was almost unheard of for a record to get a worldwide release on the same day, which is the only way multiple releases of a record could be called "original" . - Technically !! Realistically, I would think any record that was released in various countries could be called "original" if they were all released within the same time span (maybe a couple of months) - So then it would be fair to say that a "reissue" could be a release in another country based on the POPULARITY OF THE ORIGINAL RELEASE. Just the way I look at it Cheers Mick -
Well, Jack sings "Dear Beloved" , and the backing singers also sing "Dear Beloved", so the two titles are sort of OK, they must have just decided to rename it, don't know which came first though. All demos have "Dearly Beloved" as the title (don't they?), so it could be that "My Dear Beloved" was a title change at the last minute - Or it could indeed be just a typo. "My Dear Beloved" is definately harder to come by than the "Dearly Beloved" copies. Cheers Mick
What Are The Top 3 Uk Holy Grails For Collecting
Mick Holdsworth replied to Sheldonsoul's topic in All About the SOUL
Hi Denbo, Should have made it mor clear - I was talking about Two copies here 1 My copy from Pat Brady, went via Blue Max to a private collector in West Mids (I think he may wish to remain anonymous, although it's probably safe to say that on the odd occassion he DJ's he does play it) 2 The copy I stupidly refused in '75 was a different copy, and this went to a Wolves collector, along with all of the remainder of Phil Simners' records. (I'll PM you the names) Cheers Mick Holdsworth -
What Are The Top 3 Uk Holy Grails For Collecting
Mick Holdsworth replied to Sheldonsoul's topic in All About the SOUL
Until recently, I also had a copy of the instrumental - I got it from Pat Brady in the very early nineties, and sold it 18 months ago through Blue Max for an offer I couldn't refuse. I know of one other that isn't mentioned here, a copy that was offered to me by "Chunky Phil" (Phil Simner) who was manager of a record shop in Wolverhampton at the time. He offered it me for £12.00 in 1975 when I knew nothing about it's history. So, as £12 was mega bucks, I refused it, and bought Bok to Bach demo for £20 instead. That copy stayed in Wolverhampton. -
Betty Wright - Open The Door To Your Heart
Mick Holdsworth replied to Alamo's topic in Look At Your Box
Hello Dave, Yes, I have one - bought it as a normal copy, but never looked inside the sleeve until months after, so I was pleasantly surprised - not seen another one though, apart from an avatar on here - must be more around though I would think. PS. the eBay stock copy was mine - didn't sell at £150 - will take £125 inclusive of Spec Dely - If interested let me know - PM or post. Mick -
I think it is probably a "low on Knowledge" issue, rather than not caring - most of thest were "wigan record bar 1976" records - boots and originals all under a pound (there are some originals in there) - could be he just bought record because he liked 'em, like my Mom used to do, with no interest in the concept of orig / boot / reiss etc. He does need to be told though, if only to give himself a chance of selling them with no comebacks.
What Are The Top 3 Uk Holy Grails For Collecting
Mick Holdsworth replied to Sheldonsoul's topic in All About the SOUL
Oh, I remember that one - I think you would have paid less than I sold it for though. Crazy thing that record - Just like busses ... First Demo copy I had was Nev Wherry's , which ended up in the hands of Tony Clayton in the early eighties. Then nothing for 25 or more years ... until 2007 when FOUR DEMO copies went through my hands. 1 - Bought from Mick Smith (eBay) - copy destoyed by Post Office. 2 - After Mick claimed (unsuccesfully, even though it was Spec Del) he sent me his own copy. 3 - Private sale from Birmingham (only vg) - but under a ton. 4 - Another off eBay - this must be the one you have now. There was another on eBay at the time of Number 1 above, but I think this became Number 4. I've still got Number 2 Anyone got a soundclip of a blue stock - would like to hear the differences. Cheers Mick -
What Are The Top 3 Uk Holy Grails For Collecting
Mick Holdsworth replied to Sheldonsoul's topic in All About the SOUL
Really Pete, I remember back in year dot I had them both and only noticed the extra length, but I was young then. At the moment, I still have a demo left, but not an issue, so I can't compare. Will have to listen. NB - The Jon Ford Demo became slightly rarer in 2007 when a copy I bought turned up smashed by the Post Office !!! Mick