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Mick Holdsworth

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Everything posted by Mick Holdsworth

  1. This is Kae Williams - Our Love Is Dying Cheers Mick Holdsworth
  2. Whoever gets to sing "There Was A Time" puts their own name in it (Gene Chandler / James Brown) We should be glad "Englebert Humperdink" never sang that song. Cheers Mick
  3. Pete Dunno about the Mel Britt, but the ABC was around about 3 years ago. Used to see them on eBay from the same place as the "Soul" copies of F Wilson / Originals / J Ruffin / G Knight etc - also White "Tamla" copies of "Love starved heart" (first and second generation) plus heaps of other boots. Cant remember who it was now, someone obvious. Cheers Mick
  4. I don't think he meant the catalogue number was missing. He means the "45" is missing from the number
  5. Craig Moerer has one for $80 - I think that's a litle steep - I would have thought about £30 tops - he has the spelling as "LOWNLY CROWDE" - I know the "Crowd" had an "E", on the end, but I'm not sure if the "Lownly" is a typo though (Scan anyone ??) Cheers Mick
  6. Martyn - it's a US MGM release (it's actually "lonely crowde") Cheers Mick
  7. I've often wondered if Mutt Records from Inkster ever put out any form of promos, either white or green demos. I'm pretty sure I've never seen any, but I wonder if anyone has any - nice to see scans if the do exist. Cheers Mick Holdsworth
  8. Aah, yes, see what you mean cheers Mick
  9. Well, that's what I thought - but the link in an earlier post (going directly to the feedback of an ebay user), must have come from somewhere. boba but the link up, maybe he can shed some light on it. Cheers Mick
  10. Thanks for that - I think I've seen the percentages of bids etc.before - I just didn't realise you could extract the exact name from the figures, i thought it was still hidden. Cheers Mick
  11. I know as a seller you can see the full ID names of the bidding history against your item. I was wondering as a buyer, how a winning bidder actually knew the IDs of any of the other bidders - all the views I ever use when bidding only show myself and other hidden names like a***f (123) etc. Cheers Mick Holdsworth
  12. I've only just realised that the record was released on both Cameo and Parkway - must have seen loads of both in my time, but it just never clicked until now. Cheers Mick Holdsworth
  13. The scan above was my old copy - at least it looks like it - here's the old posike / ebay listing from 2004 .. https://www.popsike.c...4007737692.html I bought this from Sam many years before - It was definately a genuine 1967 release - there was a label tear on one side, with the same dark red colour showing through, just like Decca labels from that period, albeit they would be blue. Cheers Mick
  14. I know you can cancel transactions for quite a few reasons, including the item being counterfeit, but can you cancel a transaction before you have paid for it? I get the impression that is the case here - Diggin' Dave hasn't actually paid out money yes, but is being treatened with a nonpaying strike (or whatever they call it) if he doesn't go through with the deal Cheers Mick
  15. Jon Ford - he did an Ok sort of version of "You got Me Where You Want Me" Cheers Mick
  16. It did a bit in the early eighties. It's not the Professionals though, apparently it's another take by Steve Mancha, just pressed up as a filler for "That's Why" Cheers Mick Holdsworth
  17. Pete Ted Massey was trying to find out about one of these in January - maybe he can shed some light. Cheers Mick
  18. Phil Might be just a coincidence of course, but on listening to the intro of the eBay item, the intro is chopped off. To me this sounds like the IDENTICAL recording that was posted on here last year (ish) - so I don't think it is done directly from a 45, more like a DJ spot / mix with the talking / previous record fade cut off. Cheers Mick
  19. Wasn't that the "tonge-in-cheek" version made by AVI as a reprisal for Simon Sousan booting James Bounty, which was owned by AVI ? Cheers Mick
  20. Thanks Ken, I will see you there Mick
  21. Just checked the source and they (funkadelphia) say they now have "less than ten copies left" - also price has risen from $5 to $15 Cheers Mick
  22. Mike, It is on the net live at ... https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/playlive/bbc_wm/ Cheers Mick Holdsworth
  23. Well, it's hard to comprehend the events of the last 36 hours (less than 24 for myself as I only heard of his fate yesterday) I've known Max since I was a teenager in the late mid 70's, although I've known him very well over the last 15 years. I'm still expecting a phone call or email telling me he'll pick me up to go fishing in the morning - just like the one I had Thursday before last. --- Mick - Fancy fishing in the morning - pick you up about 9 // Sorry mate, I'm off to Wales in the morning, can't make it // No probs, we'll go next week instead // Fine Max, see you at the Great Western next Sunday and we'll take it from there // I'm still stunned, and feel sick to the stomach. I'll miss him very much. - I already do. Mick Holdsworth

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