Well, it's hard to comprehend the events of the last 36 hours (less than 24 for myself as I only heard of his fate yesterday)
I've known Max since I was a teenager in the late mid 70's, although I've known him very well over the last 15 years. I'm still expecting a phone call or email telling me he'll pick me up to go fishing in the morning - just like the one I had Thursday before last. ---
Mick - Fancy fishing in the morning - pick you up about 9 //
Sorry mate, I'm off to Wales in the morning, can't make it //
No probs, we'll go next week instead //
Fine Max, see you at the Great Western next Sunday and we'll take it from there //
I'm still stunned, and feel sick to the stomach.
I'll miss him very much. - I already do.
Mick Holdsworth