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Mick Holdsworth

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Everything posted by Mick Holdsworth

  1. Mark - Am hoping to meet him in Liverpool on 17th Aug. - Not sure on exactly where though? - I know Liverpool about as much as Pluto. Cheers Mick
  2. Think there's a few more than 3 - probably about 6 or 7 The rare one is the UK white test pressing - and the US Bell Sound Acetate - far as I know still only one of each. Cheers Mick
  3. As far as I can tell it is exactly the same Andy Thanks Andy
  4. Hi Andy - So that's an 8" - I didn't know about that one !! - Nice Is it the same take as the 7" I wonder ? (The sound clip in the opening post is exactly the same as the 7" Accociated, at least as far as the soundclip plays) Cheers Mick
  5. Also the opening intro is chopped off by about a second. Strangely, the exact same mastering error appeared on the Hesitations "Soul Superman" CD from the nineties containing "That's What Love Is". Both vocal and instrumental versions were "chopped" identically to this Eddie Parker boot (whereas the orig vinyl LP was fine). Cheers Mick
  6. That's right - I actually bought Sams first copy from him in about 1979/80 (give or take) - it was supposed to be a one-off at the time - I think that copy went to Iain Stewart in the mid 80's. I never did find another one until copies started appearing with the birth of eBay. I've had quite a few over the last 10 years or so, and Sam had a spare one from me about 2005 . I thought he'd still got it, but earlier this year he bought another from me as he no longer had the other copy. Cheers Mick
  7. I bought the JB Willingham "Don't Wanna Be Hurt No More" acetate off Sam many moons ago - I had it for about 8/10 years and sold it on only a couple of years ago. This was a 7" single sided Associated acetate (for what it's worth, the picture on my avatar is said disc). Cheers Mick
  8. Still got an audiodisc of the Flirtations / Stronger than Her Love - Inst that was due for Destiny release - There was also a version of "Hold On" on the other side, also shelved, albeit reliesed elswhere. Never knew why the "stronger" was never issued Cheers Mick
  9. I won a record last week from France. The declared post to UK was 0,87 Euro, and for that I could have bought up to three 45's. For 4-8 records the postal charge would have "SHOT UP" to 1,28 Euro. The world wide postal charges were only about 60% more than this. I thought it was bound to be an error on the sellers side, but the parcel arrived today and there was the postal sticker, clearly showing 0,87 Euro (about 70p). Is this some sort of "special rate" , maybe armed forces? Cheers Mick
  10. The B side was a cover of "Banner Man" and Blue Mink only recorded this in 1971
  11. When I started to read that description, I thought it was a bargain, until I saw the actual record was not really anything to do with the Beatles, just someone who just happened to be around at the same time. But there are Beatles fanatics out there by the thousands - maybe the winner knew what they bought. Many years ago, I saw a ridiculous item go through eBay - It was just a scrap of paper that had recording notations on it, but it turned out to be recording levels for an Elvis Presley track at Sun. Apparently there was some provenance with it and I think it was well into 4 figures ($).
  12. Don't think the Moments have been mentioned ... Just Having Your Love I've Got The Need
  13. This is the boot from late '83 / early '84 (vinyl, not styrene)... Cheers Mick
  14. Quite true, it's just that the actual increase itself is so much, rather than the final values themselves
  15. UK to UK at present for up to 250g is £1.09 --- this goes up to £1.20 --- so that's only an 11p increase Recorded Delivery is an additional 77p at the moment --- tomorrow becomes 95p add on --- an extra 18p These increases aren't that much really. However sending abroad from the UK is the one that will hurt the most. UK to Europe at present for 140g is £1.79 ---- this goes up to £2.93 --- if it's 160g then £3.16 UK to Worldwide at present for 140g is £2.60 -- this goes up to £3.90 --- if it's 160g then £4.50 Those are massive increases that will affect anyone in the UK sending records abroad. Full details are here ... https://www.royalmail.com/prices2012 Cheers Mick
  16. Yeah, thinking about it its probably more like $7-$8 these days, so not too much of an increase - thanks Bob
  17. Is that US to US ? What can we brits expect as a typical postage to pay when buying in from US - at the moment its about $6 / $7 on average
  18. For sending abroad from the UK is the one that will hurt the most. UK to Europe at present for 140g is £1.79 ---- this goes up to £2.93 --- if it's 160g then £3.16 UK to Worldwide at present for 140g is £2.60 -- this goes up to £3.90 --- if it's 160g then £4.50 Those are massive increases that will affect anyone in the UK sending records abroad. Full details are here ... https://www.royalmail.com/prices2012
  19. Hi Neil Trying to contact you, could you give me a bell. Thanks Mick
  20. Just had a look through popsike, but some of the recent ones aren't there - This one was the $565 / £350 silliness ... https://www.ebay.co.u...nc#ht_807wt_924 Cheers Mick
  21. I'm amazed at the recent prices for this record - yesterday or the day before an original went for £350, and a green boot was well into 3 figures not too long ago. Even the maroon reissues are kind of high in price - All these high prices seem to be in the last 3 or 4 months. Is there some recent demand for this?
  22. Add to that the long intro take of Frankie and the Classicals and the Burning Emotions / The New World, and that's about it. Once heard there was a version by Globetrotters on RCA Acetate, but never heard any more about it, so that may well be false.
  23. Maybe not the "greatest", but both damn good ... Justin - "What Can I Do" Paul Smith - "I'll Run"
  24. Thanks for the info Dave - didn't realise about the parking, so I'll put your message up right here ... *************************************************************************************************************************************** I think it would be a very good idea to let people know of the lack of parking around the church and to get there early. The Church has a very small carpark at the front (20 cars max)and is in a very narrow residential road. The same with the Labour In Vain Pub carpark (20 spaces). Stoubridge Junction railway station is circa 50 yards up the road from the pub and a five minute walk away from the church but although it has over 400 spaces it's strictly for rail users with all the subsequent clamping/fines bollocks to boot. There are plenty of pay and display carparks in Stourbridge 15 minutes walk away but these will be busy during the week more so as they are demolishing the town centre multi-storey carpark. It might be easier for people who are travelling to catch the train to Stourbridge Junction ? Regards Dave Welding ***************************************************************************************************************************

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