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Mick Holdsworth

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Everything posted by Mick Holdsworth

  1. One appeal of the Villa recording (and Kent issue) is that it uses "Double Cookin'" as the backing track. The Jam-cha is a re-recording with a different music track (If I remember the sleeve notes from the Kent CD, the Jam-Cha was a very short while after Villa) Cheers Mick
  2. Two in the street !! If every street in the country had two, then there could be almost a hundred !! Joking apart, it wasn't the existance of Andantes i was querying - My query was if Velvelettes or the Isleys existed - and I think RobK answered that for me. Cheers Mick
  3. You might be thinking of "That's A Funny Way"? "Like A Nightmare" exists, just very rare
  4. Chalky, Yes, Patrice Holloway does exist - It was the Velvelettes and Isleys I was querying - Both have appeared on listings for decades, but has anyone ever seen one. Cheers Mick
  5. Sorry Mick, here you go .. 25001 - Patrice Holloway - The Boy of My Dreams 25006 - Andantes - Like A Nightmare. I remember the Isleys VIP listing from the 70's ... 25020 - I Hear A Symphony Also the Velvelettes ... 25034 - These Things will Keep Me Loving You. Both have appeared on varous listings but does either one actually exist ??
  6. I suppose up there in the top handful would be the two VIP releases - Patrice Holloway and Andantes
  7. Hi Romain, Yes, I know it's a toughie, but I figured as it has been auctioned by UK dealers a few times over the last 8 or 10 years, a copy would surface for sale. I live in hope. Thanks Mick
  8. Anyone with any help on either of these ? Thanks Mick
  9. There's a Connie Francis record on GSF from about the same time. It was an answer version of "Tie a Yellow Ribbon". Cheers Mick
  10. Couple of things I'm after, if anyone can help ... Willie Hutch - The Duck / Love Runs Out - French RCA New Designers - We Won't Know Unless We Try - US Dynamo Cheers Mick
  11. Just PM'd you Thanks Mick
  12. Must admit I didn't realise Ronnie Love was on a 12"
  13. Yes, see what you mean - As far as I can see, there is no initial search facility for Artist, Title, Label etc - so, as you say, Derrick would search Vinyl / 45's for everything - bit like eBay. Good job you don't need to search for a group called "Ex" ... or the "The" Cheers Mick
  14. Pete, The search ... https://www.discogs.com/sell/list?q=alton+ellis&format_desc=45+RPM .. gives you the page with a search box at the top (ignore) and a third of the way down another search "within filters" try typing in another artist and you should get 45's by that artist cheers Mick
  15. which gives you this .. https://www.discogs.com/sell/list?q=alton+ellis&format_desc=45+RPM
  16. Both are the same recording (upload cock-up?)- Don't know what it is though. Cheers Mick
  17. Thanks for info everyone Cheers Mick
  18. This is probably the worse case scenario, and as John S says, you may get off without a charge - Best of luck. Cheers Mick
  19. Should be 20% (Vat Rate) of $320 (about £200) - so that's £40 .... PLUS a handling charge - don't know how much these days - last time I got hit it was either £8 or £9 about 3 years ago .... So thats about £50 all in. But don't be surprised if it's a little more, as exchange rates vary etc. and handling charge may be more than £10. If you work on £60 you will "probably" get change.
  20. I believe you can put in a claim up to 45 days from time of purchase (June 7th) so that was 19 days ago, leaving a further 26 days - but that is leaving it to the last minute - you probably should claim earlier than that, just to be safe. Maybe give it another week and see if anything turns up, either record or info from PO etc. Cheers Mick
  21. It was the very early eighties for this. Possibly '81, but I think '82. Gary Rusbrooke who was the first person I heard play it, although someone else could have been before him - I bought one pretty soon after I heard it (less than a week!). I definately had it before July 82, as this was when the Cavendish started. Cheers Mick
  22. Sorry, should have been more clearer. It's the US Tamla T-54106 release I meant - I may be getting mixed up with another of her releases, but isn't this the record that was always deemed to be unreleased, until a copy (or two?) turned up a few years back. Just checked on popsike and found three (two different presses) all rough and all about $500, so I think a few copies do seem to have turned up. Cheers Mick
  23. Never really bothered to look for this on eBay before, thought I'd be wasting my time, but having just had a look I find two copies - £750 and £950. I know that's hardly "cheap", but I thought it was a very hard record to find, and if one turned up, it would be much more than this. Have some copies emerged recently? Seems odd to find 2 at the same time. Cheers Mick

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