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Mick Holdsworth

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Everything posted by Mick Holdsworth

  1. Probably just a typo. I was equally surprised as late as the mid-nineties upon my own realisation that Darrell Banks Stateside demo was titled incorreactly, even though I'd had and seen copies for many years before.
  2. I'd heard he was ill, but didn't realise it was this bad. That is very sad news.
  3. George Soule - Cross My Heart - Muscle Shoals & Cotillion (US) Test pressing. Condition M- Although the artist is uncredited on this songwriters test pressing, this is George Soule. It is one of either five or six copies, found in the late 90s. No other copies have ever turned up. Reduced . . £1100 OVNO Sold GeorgeSoule-CrossMyHeart2.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** For vinyl condition, I use M / Vg++ / Vg+ / Vg ********************************** Paypal is okay - UK ONLY please. Free Special Delivery, again UK ONLY please. ********************************** Please message me. Thanks Mick ********************************** ********************************** **********************************
  4. Okay I see now it is far more sophisticated and complex than I understood (or ever hope to understand). As a layman, I suppose the point I was trying to make was that reading some of the AI responses on a subject we are all aware of, I can't help but feel it is just saying the same things we've heard before, but in a slightly different way. I see from your explanation that it makes sense to answer in a way that is useful to the reader, without giving an opinion. Cheers for that, both of you. PS I'm sure you're aware that ChatGPT now has a new version: GPT-4. I only saw it on the news feed last night.
  5. Most of those answers are very familiar, so I assume the wording is directly from internet text sources. Simply typing the question into Google, or another search engine, would give similar results. I don't do it, but you can talk to Google and get audio results. Can you with this ChatGPT ? Either way, at least with a search engine you can sort through the crap and concentrate on the real info. With ChatGPT it would appear the sources are not available so you're left with no options to evaluate. I would have expected to see phrases like "According to abc.com" or "xyz.com says that . . . " . Can't see me ever using it.
  6. George Soule - Cross My Heart - Muscle Shoals & Cotillion (US) Test pressing. Condition M- Although the artist is uncredited on this songwriters test pressing, this is George Soule. It is one of either five or six copies, found in the late 90s. No other copies have ever turned up. £1300 OVNO GeorgeSoule-CrossMyHeart2.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** For vinyl condition, I use M / Vg++ / Vg+ / Vg ********************************** Paypal is okay - UK ONLY please. Free Special Delivery, again UK ONLY please. ********************************** Please message me. Thanks Mick ********************************** ********************************** **********************************
  7. B & The Family - A Good Time / You're Gonna Love Me - Hit Shack (Superdiscoedits) - M/M- £30 BandFamily-AGoodTime.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** Buddy Hank - Try Your Love - Time Capsule (Superdiscoedits) - M/M- £25 BuddyHank-TryYourLove.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** Derek Damian - Watcha Wanna Do / Never Felt So Good- Izipho - M/M- First issue original - Yellow Label £60 DerekDamian-WatchaWannaDo.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** El Count Executives - I Want To Thank You - Radar - M/M- £35.00 ElCountExecutives-IWantToThankYou.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** Keni Lewis - Ba'e Brother (Vocal) / (Instrumental) - Epsilon (reissue) - M/M- £5.00 KeniLewis-BaeBrother.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** For vinyl condition, I use M / Vg++ / Vg+ / Vg ********************************** Paypal is okay - UK ONLY please. Unless stated otherwise, postage is as follows . . . Up to £30 value - £2.50 (any quantity). Up to £50 value - Signed For - £4.00 (any quantity). £50 value and above - Special Delivery - £8.00 (any quantity). £200 value or above - Free UK Special Delivery. ********************************** Please message me. Thanks Mick ********************************** ********************************** **********************************
  8. I think CHLY it was covered up a Johnny Caswell, but only for a very short while, so not 100% on that.
  9. To me it is a very modern press. Close inspection of the scan reveals the telltale "rings" that appear on a lot of modern day presses. (All the Northern boots like Salvadors / Sam Williams etc. are just a small example. I can only assume it is some new process that either printers or pressing plants use. It's more noticable just above the "HIDE" in the title.
  10. There was a 12 inch three track that might have been 009. I think it was Greg Perry / Voices EH / and maybe Alfie Davison.
  11. Thanks, but sorted from Godzilla yesterday. Cheers anyway.
  12. Same here if still available. Update, It's now ordered.
  13. Red one here too. There is also has a white demo for 9006
  14. Barbara Lewis - I Remember The Feeling - Atlantic (UK) - M- £200 Sold BarbaraLewis-IRememberTheFeeling.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** Tymes - Here She Comes - Cameo Parkway (UK) - M- A slight mark on A side runuot, which plays through fine, stops this being M-. Please listen to sound clip. £375 Sold Tymes-HereSheComes-UK-Full.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** T Martone - I Can't Stop This Feeling - Tiffany (US) - Vg++ £15 TMartone-ICantStop.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** Grover Mitchell - What Hurts - Vanguard (UK) - Vg+ Vinyl is a little dull, and play has very light occasional pops. Please listen to sound clip. £45.00 GroverMitchell---WhatHurts.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** Eddie Holman - Eddie's My Name - Parkway (US) - Vg+ A side vinyl has some marks, but plays excellent througout. Small area of label wear on A side. £35.00 EddieHolman----EddiesMyName.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** Milton Campbell - Someone - Zoom (US) - M- £30.00 MiltonCampbell-Someone.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** For vinyl condition, I use M / Vg++ / Vg+ / Vg ********************************** Paypal is okay - UK ONLY please. Unless stated otherwise, postage is as follows . . . Up to £30 value - £2.50 (any quantity). Up to £50 value - Signed For - £4.00 (any quantity). £50 value and above - Special Delivery - £8.00 (any quantity). £200 value or above - Free UK Special Delivery. ********************************** Please message me. Thanks Mick ********************************** ********************************** **********************************
  15. Ooh, I'd forgotten the Kim Westons.
  16. Doris Troy "I'll Do Anything" on Toast, Sep 1968 according to Discogs. I'll bet there's earlier examples though.
  17. Yes Eddie, I think it was common across the land, much like Spyder Turner.
  18. It's just pressed with the wrong label, an error by the orerator. These things often happen, most get picked up but some escape and there are countless examples. In general, regardless of the title / company etc.., they would be worth less than its correctly labeled counterpart, even though they are much rarer. An error using the wrong plate (ie. different song) may be more desirable, depending on what the song was. Sure it's original though.
  19. The black UK Action issue of the Showmen seemed to be everywhere too This would be '75 so maybe a bit later than you want, but they were probably there earlier.
  20. Presumably the thread is referring to this vinyl original variation . . . I thought I was alone in this Mal, but I have always had doubts about the original vinyl issue of this. In comparison, the vimyl demo is loud and clear, whereas the vinyl issue is low volume and slightly muffled. (The muffled sound could have been the copies I have had due to condition, but volume drop would be consitent). It's okay in itself with nothing to compare it against, but (for me at least) playing one after the other opens up nagging doubts. I have mentioned it before, but I don't think anyone picked up on it. I have never seen any other vinyl issue variation (apart from the white boot), so I am not sure either way as it could be that it was pressed using a different master at the same time and place. If this is the case so be it (it does happen a lot), but I suppose without evidence it is down to opinion and gut instinct. Over the years, mainly in the 2000s I have sold the issues as reissues, just to cover myself. If I picked one up now I would still do the same.
  21. Last 10-15 years or so I've only really bought to sell on, and not really doing that now, Money is tight (for me) so just selling stuff from my own collection every now and then. For myself,, If I've bought 10 records for myself in the last 10 years that's about it.
  22. Magicians - Just A Little Faith And Understanding - Kent Anniversary (UK) - M- First release for this Double Cookin vocal. 100 Club 25th Anniversary disc. Flip is Willie Walker - I Don't Want To Take A Chance. £300 ONO Inclusive of UK Special Delivery. Magicians-FaithAndUnderstanding.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** For vinyl condition, I use M / Vg++ / Vg+ / Vg ********************************** Paypal is okay - UK ONLY please. ********************************** Please message me. Thanks Mick ********************************** ********************************** **********************************
  23. Just a couple of reductions . . . Magicians - Just A Little Faith And Understanding - Kent Anniversary (UK) - M- First release for this Double Cookin vocal. 100 Club 25th Anniversary disc. £320 Magicians-FaithAndUnderstanding.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** Grover Mitchell - What Hurts - Vanguard (UK) - Vg+ Vinyl is a little dull, and play has very light occasional pops. Listen to sound clip. £50 GroverMitchell---WhatHurts.mp3 ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** For vinyl condition, I use M / Vg++ / Vg+ / Vg ********************************** Paypal is okay - UK ONLY please. Unless stated otherwise, postage is as follows . . . Up to £30 value - £2.50 (any quantity). Up to £50 value - Signed For - £4.00 (any quantity). £50 value and above - Special Delivery - £8.00 (any quantity). £200 value or above - Free UK Special Delivery. ********************************** Please message me. Thanks Mick ********************************** ********************************** **********************************
  24. Tina Lewis on Inferno from about 1983. A Chris King recording over the flip side of Edwin Starr. There's also Shake It by Matt Lucas from the mid 2000's using a thin recording of the orig backing track, again released on Inferno.
  25. Yes, the Soussan copy may be the one that Dave ended up with, whilst Sams copy, through me to TB, would be a second copy. Like you, I only know of those two, but there may be others out there, probably are. Locating one could be rather hard I think.

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