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Mick Holdsworth

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Everything posted by Mick Holdsworth

  1. Thanks Bob, so I needn't worry then. I suppose if the buying system allows me to buy, whether from eBay, CDBaby,Amazon etc., then it's obviously fine. Cheers Mick
  2. OK, I think you're right. I was just going on the info in the other thread talking about JM bootleg guide having the series as 1967-1969. I think that must be wrong, as later on someone refers to Sept/August 70 as the first time they appeared. Cheers Mick
  3. I've just been browsing eBay looking for import and customs information and found a page called ... "Importation of goods into the United Kingdom or Ireland policy" Within this page I found this "Types of goods that might be subject to import restrictions" "Here are some examples of potentially infringing imports: Music CDs that were intended for distribution in the United States (even if they are genuine copies)" The full page is here ... https://pages.ebay.co.uk/help/policies/importation.html I suppose the key word is "potentially", but does this mean I could not buy a US import CD if I wanted to, and if I did, would I be breaking any laws, or is this just an eBay policy. Last time I bought a US CD through eBay was about a two years ago, but I have bought US CDs from CDBaby only last year. Can anyone shed any light on this, as there must be dealers who import CDs for sale within this country. Cheers Mick
  4. I have an Earl Van Dyke 6x6 / Dynatones white label that was done at the same place as all the Soul Sounds etc. As it was a double sider as opposed to the proper B side, I wonder if this was before the SS series started in '67 Cheers Mick
  5. Well there is a copy here ... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/370833653669 Seems very expensive, although it has "Make offer" and also has the B side you want, which, at £350 may be the only things in it's favour Mick
  6. Ethics - Look At Me Now - Vent Lou Courtney - You Ain't Ready - Riverside And the greatest of them all ... Spyder Turner - I Can't Make It Anymore - MGM You can pay more than a fiver, but you shouldn't really have to. Cheers Mick
  7. Dave, certainly the matrix is one way, although from a scan, as in this case, the silver text is a giveaway. My point was not so much the questionable value of said item at £425, but the fact that it wasn't even a real one, and that nobody seemed to have mentioned it. Cheers Mick
  8. Apparently so - must have been upgraded to "original" status earlier this month
  9. Thanks Dazz, thought I might be seeing it wrong as no one else has mentioned it - So this Maurice Williams Silver text is £425 then. So how much for an original Gold text then ??
  10. The photo appears to be silver text instead of gold - trouble it is too small to see for sure, but ....
  11. I was extremely lucky when the first Royal Esquires appeared on eBay (10 / 12 years ago ? - seems like a lifetime) - bidded about $1800 (about £1000 in those days) and got pipped in the dying seconds - I was actually the third highest bidder. I was sort of disappointed, but only for about half an hour until an email appeared offering me a "spare" copy. Alarm bells rang especially as I wasn't the second highest, but third. Needles to say, I never took up the very kind offer, and so as the weeks and months went by with copies constantly appearing and obviously going for less and less, I felt very lucky not to have won in the first place. I eventually bought a fair few when it bottomed at about $25 / 30, think they were 3 or 4 for $100. Cheers Mick
  12. Was wondering about that - I couldn't understand why these alternative guide vocals would be recorded after the main track and lyrics were already written (and in the case of the backing vocals, already recorded). Can't see how these lyrics would help guide the lead singer. Must be a reason though, enough to record this alternate track (at least) twice. Cheers Mick
  13. Just on one side I think - so that would be .... "Margaret Phelps, Berry Gordy, Jr. Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, The Marvelettes, The Temptations." This is the leader at the moment with (I think) 110 characters, not counting spaces. Great stuff Mick
  14. I suppose by the amount of characters. I haven't added them up but it think the Philly All Stars featuring eveyone and my mom is probably in the lead. Can't remember the details of the Hitsville Appreciation Society, but that could be up there too.
  15. No probs MrC, just thought that where I said "Longest Artist Name" in the Title and "Is this a contender for the longest artists name printed on a record label ?" as the opening post, I sort of thought it was obvious Some of those titles are good tthough Cheers Mick
  16. Is this a contender for the longest artists name printed on a record label ? No soul connection on this record (move to freebasing if necessary), but I thought I'd share it anyway. If you can't see the picture, the artist is ... "The Walham Green East Wapping, Carpet Cleaning Rodent And Boggit Exterminating Association" Anyone think of something that can beat this? Cheers Mick
  17. PM'd you cheers Mick
  18. There was also Diane Renay "Can't Help Lovin That Man" being released as Laura Greene, also on Graprvine about the same time.
  19. Luckily we were all put right on that one when the Simon S sent over the "Originals", and we could all see it was really James Conwell Jr. on Patches :D !! Cheers Mick
  20. I think for some folks, CD's are the last chance of owning a piece of music in a physical form, something you can hold and say "That's Mine". Wheras when (if?) downloads become the only way to get new music, they will become invisible and nothing more than just a file on your computer / phone / Ipodwalkman thingy ... or even just stored on some server God knows where. I do get downloads occasionally, but only as a means to an end , either to compile a CD or cut a Disc etc. Cheers Mick
  21. Ah , yes, well spotted Dave, knew someone would pick up on that !!!! Really though, I've never got them confused before, just today for some reason. So there is some truth in the stax story, well I never.. Cheers Mick
  22. When Construction's "Way Out Girl" was known as "Phantom Janitor", I remember wondering not so much who it really was, but what the hell a "Phantom Janitor" was. Someone (could have been Brian Rae?) span a yarn about a janitor who worked at Stax records and would blast in to the studios mid-session to clean etc. I don't know if there was any truth to this, as around the same time he told an equally compelling story about the origins of the name "Opus 17" for the Four Seasons song, which consisted of a 10 minute monologue about pancakes and drag racing (or was it peanut butter and curtains, can't remember now). So, does anyone know what a "Phantom Janitor" is ??? Cheers Mick
  23. There's some copies with a different label design to the norm, but can't remember if these are also demo's or not

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