I think for me the Postal Charges would be manageable if the sellers were consistent, eg. $12 or $13 to cover up to 4 or 5 records (Is that about right?), It's extreme cases when you can't find a couple of other records to offset the cost. (Our own UK to US charges also shot up recently, almost doubled over two annual rises so I can appreciate that this charge is unavoidable).
It's the $25 and $50 shipping charges that seem to be more abundent this last six months that are taking the mick. and these are for $5 records.
But the main thing that would help (for me anyway) would be if sellers could play the game with declaration of value. We know a few have done that, and I have recently approched a couple of sellers who were glad to put a low value and "gift" on their parcels. Of course it is unfair to expect them to advertise the fact openly, so you would have to ask each seller privately as and when needed. So far I have had to ask four times. Two, as said above, were fine, and two told me "No". Publicly though, they can't really say anything, except cryptically, as in "nudge nudge wink wink". (this is not just eBay, but personal websites / sales lists, multi-seller sites like Gemm etc.)
So I'll keep on asking sellers individually and take each one as it comes.
And another thing ... "Never start a sentence with And, But, or So"