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Mick Holdsworth

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Everything posted by Mick Holdsworth

  1. There was definately a different version - Did it get put on a Kent LP, maybe that was it. I know the UK Inferno release (which in itself was a freebie with an LP compilation) was this different vocal take, this was sometime around 83/84 ish, and thought at the time it was taken from the Kent LP, but it's been so long. Kent 50, as posted above
  2. Originals have gold text, and reissues have grey text. There's probably other differences, but the text colour is the obvious one. Cheers Mick
  3. I only once bidded on Tim's auction. At the time I scoured the site for info on how the bidding worked and had rang him up. I was bidding on a Cool Off acetate and it was sitting there with one opening bid. Once he explained that what I bid was what I would pay, I then asked if I bidded say £10 more than the opener, would that be OK? Was told, yes, that was fine. So I placed my bid about 30 seconds from the end. Maybe I would have got it anyway, or maybe there was no time for other bidder to respond, either way I won it and it wasn't that expensive (£110 or £210, know it was a round 100 plus my tenner. Pretty sure it was only £110). I seem to remember I had to bid by email and include name and address, so I prepared all that and left it till the end to send. This was a few years back now, so I don't know if there is any change in the function of the "Bid" button. Cheers Mick
  4. George Soule also recorded it, albeit just as a demo, and not released until CD a few years back. Suppose that's the first.
  5. Generally, where loads of records are pressed up, occasionally the machine operator may pick up the wrong label and a record may get two A, or two B side labels pressed, and if they're not noticed, can go out to with the rest. There are thousands of examples, although each one can be unique, or limited to a couple of records only. There's other ways this could happen, resulting in a couple, or a lot of misspresses. A common error is A and B labels reversed. So what you have is quite common in terms or records, but "possibly" unique, or as close to unique as makes no difference, in terms of TMG 575. Cheers Mick
  6. I last used them on 12th Dec - no problems then. The website is still up. Have you tried the phone number on the home page ? Cheers. Mick
  7. I don't have one, but here's another label variation. Brown label credited as "Jesse and the James Boys" (as opposed to Jesse James and ... ) - This is the same credit as the brown demo of "Sweetest ...", so it may well also exist as a multi-coloured "Jesse and the James Boys". Cheers Mick
  8. I initially used this link at the top of this page to listen to snippets. Supposedly need an acccount, but maybe that's to buy. I could listen listen without any login (only about 30 secs, like amazon etc.) Cheers Mick
  9. I've recorded all four songs, just for comparison and future ref, BlueSharks-TheseThings.mp3 MikeMorton-TheseThings.mp3 BlueSharks-BannerMan.mp3 MikeMorton-BannerMan.mp3 I have already conceded that "These Things" are the same as each other, however Banner Man is clearly different. It sounds like the same Female vocalist, but the Male is different, could be same singer but a different take. One obvious difference is the phrasing of "and the tubas oompahed all the way" in the first Male vocal at about 25/30 seconds in. Cheers Mick
  10. Gene, Yes, I know I was wrong about "These Things", and 'thought' I'd updated the post soon after, apparently not. However I was being a bit basic in the comment about fading, I meant fading music to canned applause to music.
  11. The ones I could see are fake labels stuck over the plain white boot (presumably) - They'e mostly from the same "if it suits your needs" seller
  12. If you mean the Multi-coloured vinyl copy, it hasn't been booted (at least not in the seventies or eighties) although as with any record, you have to be careful of Ink Jet / colour copy labels gobbed onto an outta site or whatever
  13. Label "looks"the same, but, as said above, the 64784 matrix and the much smaller runout with is orig. ORIG And the Boot has the Aug 76 martix of 100272 with much bigger runout BOOT Also the left / bottom line runs out too short on the boot Cheers Mick
  14. Just from the image, the extra large runout gives it away. But the delta dates it to Aug 76
  15. Boot - the delta 100272 (see second question) puts it Aug 1976 - Even without that, the large runout gives it away. Cheers Mick Edit ... Sorry, didn't realise there were two threads running on this, and question had been answered on that thread
  16. Anyone got a sound file of the Cressa Watson version ?
  17. This one's on YouTube ... Cheers Mick
  18. Can't find a scan (just his other song, "Everytime"), but here is a full sound file ... https://www.wefunkradio.com/song/play/664_ag/buddy+mcknight/keep+it+from+me If you want the mp3, just let me know Cheers Mick
  19. It was CK who did it - I haven't a clue who the vocalist was, but assumed it was a local singer Chris got in. much like the Tina Lewis a few years later. When I first heard it I asked him about it, and he said, toungue in cheek, it was Ric Tic 113. So bearing that in mind, I don't think there was any doubt he'd just knocked it up. I seem to remember this being around a bit before the Ric Tic revue of '83, but the release on Slow Fizz was much later, about '86 or so. Cheers Mick
  20. That is the right order, but there was an awful lot of "crossovers" where both Solid Red and Red with writing alternated and were both used for many single releases. There was a similar mixed changeover from Red with writing and Grey. If you look at 45cat site / Us Columbia and jump to page 110 and just clicking through the pages you'll see the labels gradually changing. https://www.45cat.com/label/columbia-us/110 The last grey label I could find was on page 135 https://www.45cat.com/label/columbia-us/135 Cheers Mick
  21. White for the Demo, and Red for the Issue (Blue & Purple (Or Pink) are 70's boots)
  22. Sorry, just checked, The Collectibles has the long intro AND the sax break, with Synthesized background, and times in at 4:09 The Long into WITHOUT Sax is on both Red Vinyl Orig and Yesteryear Reiss - these time in at 3:43 (as printed on Red Vinyl label) (The labels on the Yesteryear and Collectibles are presumably typos, just carried forward from a standard version.) Both of the other variations are on different LPs (have ammended orig post) Cheers Mick
  23. This is the Original long intro version, exactly the same as Red vinyl US, but on US Motown Yesteryear ... https://motownsound.co.uk/search/Stoned_Love There's also a Long Intro version with a light synthesizer backgound over the song, although this also has an extra Sax break (US Collectibles 45) ... and also a version without the Long intro but with a Sax break in middle .... and also a version with Long intro and No Sax (again with synthesizer) both on LPs. That covers all 4 possible variations. Cheers Mick
  24. Still need both "Boston" & "Detroit" Cheers
  25. It most certainly is. Thanks for that. Now then , where do I get one ?

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