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Mick Holdsworth

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Everything posted by Mick Holdsworth

  1. Yes, in all cases it is printed as "Special Boston Edit" or whatever city. It's found in small print above or below the left or right hand side credits. Here's typical one ... Cheers Mick
  2. Just thought I'd give this a bump, now have the Boston , so I just need Detroit AE7 1138 .... And AE7 1131 which may or may not exist but no idea which city. Cheers Mick
  3. One here ... https://www.ebay.ie/itm/JIMMY-JAMES-and-THE-VAGABONDS-Why-Help-yourself-Original-1970-TIGER-TROJAN-/142367958523?hash=item2125caa5fb:g:iJ4AAOSwSlBY3r7T
  4. Was this something JP played on the radio and simply never said who it was, or is the recording just edited down without his comments at the beggining or end. Just wondered.
  5. Is that the same ? Often wondered, but never had an LP - It might explain where the incorrect 4:23 timing comes from on the 45
  6. A few nice things finishing this Friday evening (May 5th) about 7pm UK time. Betty Lloyd Test Press (slightlly different version) Jimmy Macfarland Acetate (slightly longer version to release) Dana Valery - You're Gonna Love My Baby !! South African LP track Plus Clyde McPhatter Amy demo, Pretenders acetate, Sweet Geraldine, Grover Mitchell demo, Olympics Same Old Thing alt version mispress, Moses Smith Try My Love orig, Johnny Summers red Yorktown, Tony Hestor Karate demo. Loads more ... Full list here ... https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?_ssn=motown-sound&_sop=1 Cheers Mick
  7. can we see the label ?
  8. It's the solo version by Frankie Valli - Only ever seen it on Australian Tamla Motown from 1975 (The normal version starts with the Four Seasons (or three of them) singing the opening lines, whereas this is purely Frankie Valli singing right from the opening "Beware".
  9. Chris, the two green spring presses are the same version as each other The other version is the Kent 45 but whoever made the YouTube file used a fake image and just changed the colour from green to Purple. Airbrushtastic Mate. Here's the Kent 45 with sound file https://www.northernsouldirect.co.uk/millie-jackson-house-for-sale-garland-green-come-through-me-45-kent-7-vinyl.html Cheers Mick
  10. Ah, that's understandable.
  11. The Green is the orig UK 45 (presumably the same as the LP ?? - Never had an LP, so don't know for sure). The Pink / Purple version with the Male backings is the Kent 45 from 10 years ago. Here's a link to the Kent 45 with sound clip ... https://www.northernsouldirect.co.uk/millie-jackson-house-for-sale-garland-green-come-through-me-45-kent-7-vinyl.html I think that Pink / Purple image is just a doctored image of a green label, as you can see the reflection in the vinyl at the very bottom is also the same colour. Cheers Mick
  12. Don't know, but I've just noticed on the YT page, after you click share, there is an option to embed the link only, maybe it's a default setting on your browser. Yes, one of Simons.
  13. I think that's what he did Peter, as the https... //youtu.be/CH ... 83vc is right, just for some reason hasn't pulled in the content.
  14. Strange Steve, the code you have in you post is EXACTLY right, don't know why it doesnt show the vid. Anyway, er, yes, I do recognise it, there were a few that mr SS did at the time, versions of Stronger than her love, Casanova, alonside this version of My Dear Heart - Think there was a UK 45 of Patti Brooks.
  15. It's the same as Larry Atkins - Ain't That Love Enough Cheers Mick
  16. Cheers Steve and Chalky. Will do that.
  17. Cheers - Reason is I have a couple of copies, just wondered if anyone had a value, so as I could list 'em.
  18. Yes, 4365 - I wrote that first and then changed it for some reason, will ammend above posts. Well spotted.
  19. Steve, It's not easy to explain, but if you see then side by side you should see. The bootleg has modern computer fonts. These are the originals from 76 These are the recent boots ... As to the matrix, the ones I gave you ... A Side : 4365 - A B Side : 4365 - B ... are etched in and from the 1976 original. I don't know if the bootleg has different ot similar markings. Cheers Mick
  20. And Plexium for the LP. I asked this before, but is may have gotten missed. What's the going rate for the LP these days. I haven't seen anyone selling them, unless its on Facebook or similar. Cheers Mick
  21. The 1976 first release is ... A Side : 4365 - A B Side : 4365 - B Labels are different colour - here's a real one, a brighter yellow. Typeface is all different, but hard to explain ... https://www.discogs.com/Milton-Wright-I-Belong-To-You/release/6072714 Cheers Mick
  22. Same here, I was a touch older but those early 3 figure DDS 500 records were just brilliant. Series was revamped with a DDS 2000 numbering and seemed to go downhill towards the end (Sounds of Lancashire / Flintnick Rock etc.) But the early ones as mentioned above, alongside the Wand/Scepter LP were fantastic to a novice like me
  23. It did get a boot about 6 / 12 months ago, but seemed to get replaced very quickly with Gallop voc/ inst (probably the Grapevine boots with new Satiron labels). Seem to remember some (not all) of the Gallop / Rolling were on Satiron but with small middles. Cheers Mick Just found the release page on discogs ... https://www.discogs.com/Milton-Wright-I-Belong-To-You/release/8815809
  24. Or change your own name to Kenny
  25. It's eight (possibly 9) - ~The high numbers quoted in the past of 14-17 variations probably refer to different pressings of same records (issue, demo, reissue, UK etc). Cheers Mick

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