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Mick Holdsworth

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Everything posted by Mick Holdsworth

  1. I thought about £1000, but on checking, the price seemes to be much higher, maybe £2000 (One example did hit $2800) On popsike, I could only find four, going back to 2014, but there were at least that many listed about 6 or 7 years ago, which were generally much lower, hence my original thought of about £1000. These seem to have disappeared from the archive. Cheers Mick
  2. I found a couple of places that state it, https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/bunny-sigler - and also on a youtube comment for the Phil la song. It's bugging me because I remember reading that one of Bunnys regrets was not recording a song with Benny, just can't find it now. Think it might be another thread on here.
  3. Yet another great to leave us. Very sad. Just one thing though, I thought Benny Sigler was Bunny's brother, seem to have this in my mind. Cheers Mick
  4. Obviously not this, but it reminds me a bit of Chic - Le Freak.
  5. The better LP is probably the Redifusion release, as as has the same recording but WITHOUT the fake crowd tht was sequenced in on the Plexium release. Both date from 1971, as does the Blue Sharks single.
  6. Did I read somewhere that Jay Traynor was the Jay in "Jay and the Americans", or am I thinking of someone else.
  7. Yes, it say 2:49 on label, but is much longer due to the extended intro / sax. That 2:49 must be a printing error, taken from the standard released single and no one thought to change it. (Same on yesteryear).
  8. Mike, Do you mean the preference between 60's and 70's music, or the preference of being around in the 60's or 70's Cheers Mick
  9. I've sold a couple over tha last few years - £100 for a so-so copy (to a friend) and £250 for a minter. I've only been aware of it in the last 4 / 5 years. Craig Moerer had one up for $200 but that's now gone. Hope that helps Cheers Mick
  10. I've noticed all the Fred Mark tracks with audio above, and "I Got A Feeling For You" are exactly the same "vocal" tune. I'm sure there's a few more Liza Mae on both of the two labels, plus "If These People Could Hear My Story" on 20th Century Plaza acetate, which may or may not have been released. Has to be one of the most used backings, probably surpasses the other one (7 days 52 weeks etc.) Petersons is the one for me though. Cheers Mick
  11. Just checked mine, fine both sides. Price seems to be about £30 upwards on discogs.
  12. Although the original intro is there on this newish release, I can't hear anything extra at the fade out (It's possible there may be about 0.5 / 1 second extra, but I couldn't be sure). I believe Gloria Jones has something to do with the label (A previous release of Tainted Love sold out , was repressed, and sold out again - That one passed me by). Cheers Mick
  13. I think that'll probably be it Kev. Smiley Brothers becomes Shiny Brothers but both with Rydal Pa in address. If not identical recording, then maybe a version or variant of it. Don't know which release came first.
  14. Robb, I can't find a clip of "The Brush", where did you hear it ?
  15. Sandy Wynns - Touch of Venus is on the same label - Do you mean Patti Young H & S - I don't remember that.
  16. One of my faves - I bought one in 1980 or 81. Trouble is, I'm still waiting for it to arrive !!!
  17. Sidney Barnes for me, but only just.
  18. Bee Gees, Dusty (Wishin) Lisa Stansfield (Around the World) Annie Lennox, other things, - To be honest I wonder if the Channel transmitted the right show. I recorded it at 9pm, as the schedule said, but there was no introduction or finish to the show, so it is quite possible I was an hour too early or too late.
  19. HA - No wonder the face looked familiar, I was trawling through B & D images only 10 minutes before to get Hal David pic !
  20. No, I've just done an image source etc, and this came from Discogs, but couldn't find it anywhere else, but the face is familiar. This is Hal David Cheers Mick
  21. Looking at the two little white dots on the middle (2 o'clock on the centre hole, and then again just above it) this is the very same copy, so presumably that is where Ben got it from.
  22. Quite like the B side too (not uptempo, just like it)
  23. Yes, just once in 2002 (plenty of boots since then) The flip side was a "slightly" different and longer version on TGATS Cheers Mick
  24. I can't find it, anyone got a link
  25. Yes, "No Baby" is the B side of the German release. I don't think I've ever played it before, quite like it though. Cheers Mick

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