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Mick Holdsworth

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Everything posted by Mick Holdsworth

  1. On of these went through eBay only yesterday for £21 - meant to bit but forgot.
  2. I don't think that was the case here, just a mistake. Just adding your images doesn't get rid of the original one, and if at a very quick glance they look the same, then the error will go unnoticed.
  3. This is the wrong one . . . https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Al-Matthews-Fool-Vinyl/322821928424?hash=item4b29afb5e8:g:Fz8AAOSwkOJZ3zPV His other images show Fool without a tear. Suppose he "listed an iteme like this" and forgot to take out the original image.
  4. Little Willie Faulk for me.
  5. There was also the suggestion a short time back that Jimmy Mack was Jimm(e)y Soul Clark. It might have been someone expressing an opinion, rather than a sharing of sound knowledge. Does this hold any water? Thought it may have been on this site, but I can't find it.
  6. It's a shock to hear this, very sad.
  7. That's a lot for D and Joe
  8. They're usually released at the very end of the year. It does seem a bit early this time.
  9. I don't know if it's all that valuable, but quite rare are things like Lashaun Hooks "Go Girl ... " with "Do You Want My Love" on it from about 2000. Also the Touché - What Color Is Love CD. Again quite rare, but no idea if valuable.
  10. Paris Blues - feels like it was recorded in a very large hall, so much depth to the music.
  11. Of all the choices, this one is the most difficult for me. Whichever way I go it will only be 51% against 49%. Think I'll go fo the instrumental. No wait, I mean the the vocal. Yes, the instrumental for me. Voted for the Vocal
  12. Charles Smith and S.C. Department Of Correction Blazons - Music World Also got a release here . . .
  13. The copy in the image above was from the beginning of 2017 on eBay. Later that year Graig Moerer had a copy for $1500 on his site and a BIN on eBay, but it sold straight away. I think it was sold through his site, as the eBay link changed to "item no longer available". Here's the image of the flip, still in archives of Recordbymail
  14. Newcastle Tiffanys in the late 1975, and into 1976. My favourite because they were probably amongst the first "big room" events I ever went to. Fond memories of Keith Minshull greeting me on the door with a half pint of Pernod and Lemonade, and tipping a good half of it dowm my throat.
  15. Yes, it happened a lot within Brunswick - on the Dana Valery LP from '72, all the backing tracks were previously recorded tracks from Chilites, Jackie Wilson etc.
  16. I think Neo is on 12"
  17. Got this from a friend a few years back. He did have two copies, the other copy was a different colour, which he also sold. Maybe a bit hard to find, never heard of it before, but you never know.
  18. Probably a bit of gunge in the runout, usually a spray with cleaner and playing it a few times while cleaner is wet will get it out. (Remember to clean the stylus after, or as I do, have a spare one just for this kind of job). Bet you knew all that though.
  19. Think we can. Take a look at the picture again.
  20. Looking more closely, I see there are three different print variations. I agree the typeface and layout is the identical througout. It's all to do with the secondary overprint, with the black text block being positioned at different heights for each press. The undinked copy lines up exactly with the highest placed text. Also noticed the lower placed text variations have a different colour background, changing from a stong red / crimson, to a more orange. Heres some pics . . . This is the copy with the Highest placed text. (This is the variation that lines up with RS's small middle copy) . . . This is a lower placed test, changing to an almost orange background . . . And this is the copy with an even lower text block . . . Cheers Mick
  21. Original is ZDR-53438 Reissue is ZDR 55438
  22. Ahh, see what you mean now. OK well the label is a different print layout and the vinyl looks different too, so it may be a different press. Having said that, I can't remember seeing a normal dinked copy like this, but to be fair, I've never really looked. In most cases of undinked variations of dinked records , the only difference is the middle. The records / labels / presses are identical. However, In this case, I dont know if a large middle variation of RS copy exists. It may do, just never seen one myself. If it doesn't then it would make this variation stand out more than the other undinked variations.
  23. If you mean it's larger than a normal sized US middle, then it's just an illusion. The record above is scanned inside a white sleeve, hiding the outer edge of the label, making it seem small, giving the impression of a larger middle than normal.

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