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John Al

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Everything posted by John Al

  1. Drizabone - Real Love. Has rap in the middle - without that it would be soooo much better then "Pressure"
  2. John Al

    young brickie

    Sadly missed Paul, but never forgotten.
  3. Thanks Mark and keep up the good work - it is greatly appreciated in my house! J.
  4. Agree with Mark - what is going on? No names, "can't reveal them" - why-ever not? Some people seem to know, others don't. The usual gossip and rumour starts spreading and the facts will be lost. Is this an issue or not and if so, let's have full details please, you do not need permission and would not prejudice any case as it is all hear say. John
  5. Country Junkie, surprisingly better than the title!
  6. Getting tough in here too! Warm Though What about O'Jays - If I should Love Again Flippin eck.
  7. Bloody hell mate. Didn't know it, played it and now I'm hurting too! Strangely (or maybe not) Show and Tell - Al Wilson always makes me well up. Oh, and - I'm Telling You I'm Not Leaving - Jennifer Holiday ......and - It's Not The Same - Little Anthony Hmmm.
  8. Nice one mate! Good record this and, if you read my previous posts, not a "disco record". Whatever that means!
  9. Dave, just sent pink JJ Barnes - you get it? John.
  10. Gotta pink one (oo err missus). Let me know if you could use it. John.
  11. I have Madeline Bell, Dee Dee Warwick and Cobblestone on Ebay, records end Friday around 19:15. Link below: https://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZjohn241157hpbdQQhtZ-1 Thanks for looking! John.
  12. Gotta be a double header: Toast to The Lady - Eddie Wilson and, of course - The Shotgun and The Duckfat - Jackie Lee I have both but neither are polished. There you go - back on subject!
  13. Yes, M those finish tabs are a marvel - especially now they have the gel capsule - you don't need rinse aid at all! I usually steam the labels off and stick them back on afterwards but think I'll try your idea of duckfat. If it doesn't work I can always eat it on toast.
  15. Agreed, that's where I got mine (see earlier posting) John.
  16. I used to do something similar only with a brillo pad. Now I find the dishwasher does just as good a job - especially with Finish tablets.
  17. Hiya, Yes, you have an original Demo. Record was issued in 1974 on Valtone which is when I bought my copy. Issues are orange. The reason is sounds 1960s is because it is. The track was originally recorded as "You Got It and I Want It" by Andre Williams on the Ric Tic label. Another forgotten oldie! Both are very good records. Cheers, John.
  18. This is bloody awful and all the points re this guys valuations and the right of your mate to spend his own money are valid. But if his solicitor has advised that it must be done then it must. I can't offer much except a word of sympathy and another of caution. We have all looked at these price guides and at least smiled and sometimes laughed out loud at the "valuations" within and how unrealistic they appear (John and Tim, please don't take this personally - I'm not looking for another thread or a fight!). Would it be an idea for us, as a valuable and constant source of vast experience (face it guys - we are old) to come up with valuations? Could the list be posted here and those of us inclined to do so could give valuations based on what we would pay? This could then be averaged and presented back as the view of independant collectors? Of course, if anyone has any more ideas, I for one would be glad to help. Whichever respondent said "there but for the grace of God" was right........ John.

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