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Everything posted by BRSA

  1. Excellent I shall add this.. Thank you.
  2. It was sent to me at my archive. Am hoping to get the full street number.
  3. Your dream is true
  4. Great also added to the shop page. Thank you.
  5. That is great I knew some here would know of it. I will add your comment to the page. Thank you.
  6. I found this little item in Music Week 1987. I would like to know more due to the fact it states the shop had been going for 45 years prior to this date. https://worldradiohistory.com/Music_Week.htm http://www.britishrecordshoparchive.org Lots more new shops added as a result of the music week archive I found.
  7. Blues & Soul 1978
  8. I have an image of the Music Packs bag do any of you recall this? http://www.britishrecordshoparchive.org/uploads/7/1/4/7/7147924/power_orig.jpg

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