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Pete Jones

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About Pete Jones

  • Birthday 23/01/1946

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    Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales
  • Top Soul Sound
    How can I choose? Let's say today it's "After Laughter Comes Tears" - Wendy Rene

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  • A brief intro...
    75 year-old retired Art Teacher with a monthly music podcast, playing only his own record collection, CD and Vinyl (No downloads)

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  1. Thanks Biggordy. Some years ago Johnny Corsair and a friend, Norman did a shared podcast, similar to the one we each do now and I was responsible for the engineering. They had a regular theme - the Sublime Moment, which J C described as that moment in a song which makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Each month various guests would be asked to choose one. I mention this because I had a quick glance through your blog and saw your "sublime moment" Marvin Junior holding a note. Mine is similar: "If Your Mother Only Knew" - The Miracles; Smokey sings Ooh Baby after the middle 8. That Ooh does it for me!
  2. Coming to you from a small town in Wales, one man's record collection, a journey through both kinds of music - Rhythm - and Blues! And everything else in between. OK it's a shameless plug, and it isn't all R&B, but it is my own record collection - no down;loads, and I welcome thoughts and comments on those Northern Soul and Deep Soul tracks included. I'm up to episode 15 now. Each episode has original artwork and you can find me at: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/smalltowntalkrecords Also listen to the great Johnny Corsair at: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/johnnycorsair9

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