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Everything posted by ReadeK

  1. Responding to Nick Soule, and to Robbk, after a long enough hiatus from this site that I needed to create a "new" profile... First, to RobbK- Tru-Art was Eddie Bo's production company for a brief period in 1965. His Blue Jay releases have Tru-Art Productions listed as producer. As already established via Marvin, there was no 'Arthur' Abney. So, the mystery of how a New Orleans production ended up in Detroit remains. To Nick Soule- I too was leery of the Dynamics 1011 with the single box around the logo- especially as it has the physical profile of many boots. That said, I have to point out that assuming the 1101 Johnny Adams is genuine (it looks and feels genuine to me), it came before 1011 and it also has a single box around the logo. I also can not for the life of me imagine why anyone would have booted a common record like 1011, let alone come up with "punny" names like 'Big Rubber Combo'. I don't have a good answer for that last question, so I have kept the "boot" as a maybe original. Now, though, I guess I need to find the one with Dynamo Music Pub on it to have the set...

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