Hi, David - great to hear from you.
Yes, the book idea just evaporated over time... moving so far away from Detroit didn't help, but as you say, the videos give listeners a chance to hear directly from the people involved, and the audio samples and colour images wouldn't be possible in a book. The other plus is that many people now use YouTube, so it does reach a decent audience, some of whom may find the videos just by chance. It's actually me who compiles these slide shows - I just use Debbie's account - and it's been an interesting learning curve getting to know how the (free VSDC) software works. It takes about 40 to 60 hours to make each one, as the interviews have to be seriously edited first so that they follow some kind of chronological order. It's a shame some have poor audio quality - a few are basically non-starters for others to listen to - but I managed to use a bit of Johnnie Mae's. Unfortuntely a lot of my original one with her has her son (Chuck) continually interjecting.