Cheers, Robb - I had a photo of Jay issued by Abbott Records, but sold it years ago. The only scan I have is the one I used on ebay, which I'd obscured... the high-res scan got lost somewhere on my hard drive. Shame. Here's the one that sold on eBay...
This interview was done well over 20 years ago, but hopefully there's something you didn't know. Did you talk to anyone, like Fab, when you wrote the article? I didn't cover the last 45 (?) the group had on the Me-O label as Fab had left by then.
There may be a 8783, but Fab and Jay said they never recorded a song like that, so I reckon it doesn't exist - as Tom mentioned earlier.
From what people have said, Diamond Jim was not the librarrian type and no doubt his filing system was far from 100 percent right.
Here's a clip from an interview I did with Fab and Jay back in 2002. They were with The Tempos.
They say it it wasn't their group that recorded the song...
Fab and Jay.mp3
...but it could have been another group.
I've deleted the orig' video as I opted to editit after finding some addition interview audio with Jay - mainly relating to Stanford Givhan, but with a few other snippets...
Here's the new one...
The photo of Darlene Huff is one of a few I have of her that were taken at the same gig. Also appearing that night were Shorty Long, Johnnie Mae Matthews and Ortheia Barnes.
I got the photos from an old photographer - they were up in his attic with loads of wedding snaps etc. The envelope they were in is marked 'Blues' and also has her name written on. This may mean they were taken at a club called Blues Unlimited, which was at 11003 Kercheval - further up from Ben's High Chaparral.