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G F last won the day on February 13

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    Taoyuan, Taiwan
  • Top Soul Sound
    one that's deep

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  1. I've just uploaded my interview from 1998. Louvain talked about recording in Chicago, with Bobbie Smith and at Golden World and Correc-Tone, and of course Motown with The Rayber Voice, then The Andantes.
  2. I haven't heard back from Louvain and decided to put the interview on YouTube -- I'll post a new thread about that.
  3. Thanks for letting me know. I'm not sure why I don't think of this before, but I've reached out to Louvain. I'll let you know if/when I hear back from her.
  4. Hopefully he sees this thread. The name doesn't mean a thing to me, but it sounds like The Andantes went to Chicago a few times at Al's request.
  5. Thanks, Robb. Any idea who Al is - the guy Louvain mentioned?
  6. Thanks - I didn't know. Funnily enough, I was just looking through the VeeJay listing and trying to guess which song they may have sung on. I listened to a few Jerry Butler recordings, but not that one! Luvain said Mary Wilson (Supremes) joined them.
  7. Yes - Louvain talks about how angry she was when Motown left for LA. She only found out the day they actually left. Hopefully I can get the interview edited fairly soon and uploaded to YouTube.
  8. Thanks Louvaine also mentioned recording for Abner (at VeeJay) in Chicago. She said Pat Lewis joined them on various sessions - especially after 65-ish when Motown said they didn't want the three women to do sessions for anyone else. I'm not sure Louvaine was on that Jackie Wilson LP, as she said that she complied. I'm not sure what they/she sang on at VeeJay.
  9. Here's a short clip of an interview with Louvaine Demps - one of The Andantes. She mentions going to Chicago to record for a guy named (what sounds like) Al Trevishaw. Do you know anything about Al and the recordings he was involved in? Any info' would be very much appreciated. Chicago Andantes.mp3
  10. It's highly likely Bob is the B Thomas, but who he is/was is another mystery.
  11. Sorry - I didn't construct my post very well, Robb. I think the writer could be Fred Brown, but he never sang, so that makes me wonder if the 'other' guy singing simply overdubbed himself - the two voices sound very similar. I've not traced any of Fred Brown's writing credits in BMI, which is strange. You can see on record labels that he wrote songs with Joe Hunter and J.J. Barnes.
  12. I've often wondered who Bob and Fred were. I've a feeling that it could be just one singer who overdubbed himself, and yes, I know there are two songwriters listed. The F Brown isn't the one (Fred Brown) who discovered J. J . Barnes and had Kable and Mickay's etc.
  13. I do have one interview from around 1998 that's on cassette tape (these two interviews were done on a mini-disc recorder). There's not much on it that would add to what's covered, but I feel there may be more interview material somewhere which may surface when I go through other discs. I recall subjects we talked about (Marv Johnson springs to mind) that are not on the two interviews included in this video, but maybe I just didn't record those chats. I met Ron numerous times.
  14. Thanks to all for the positive feedback. I think these interviews I did need to be heard and saved.

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