Hi Rod,
On the first point, maybe you misunderstand. I'm sure Richard was always buying new releases, I wouldn't doubt that. I am just talking about a period that I am more familiar with.
I take your point about the London thing, fair comment and again I wouldn't dispute that. Same with Mike S influence, I know Mike well, and am fully aware of his influence in the North West.
I don't doubt any of these influences/contributions etc, but I do know that a proportion of the Richard's JazzFM playlist back then came via Dean's ear...........I used TOP as an example as I believed that to be a specific case, but as you say, I'm sure Dean can clarify if he sees this.
But wherever the influence came from, I'm simply saying that there are always people behind the scenes who are "unsung heroes"........as a record buyer and DJ myself I can tell you that without question!
Of course, it's not quite the same now with internet shopping for new releases where it's easier to find your own from the comfort of your armchair............given the ear!
Mark R