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Neil Austin

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    Chess Records Chicago
  • Top Soul Sound
    Sam Ward , Sister Lee , Groove City Records

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  • A brief intro...
    Mr Ms Regular, morecambe crowd

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Community Answers

  1. Curtis mayfield , singer , songwriter, takes it all to a different level with the impression’s and lots of other artists on his own label , would love to have met him . or Sammy ward for his groove city classic , sister Lee , still sounds as good today all these years later
  2. 15 of us went most weeks in the back of a Luton van , huddled up from Lancaster driver Martin Brogan once went in the boot of a Vauxhall as the car was full and no seat left wasn’t to bad to be honest
  3. Yep , unlike 4 hours earlier it was a complete crush to get in , leaping up the stairs
  4. Got in at 4.15 am , nobody on the door Shutter down for mrs woods kiosk just walked in , freebee
  5. Her music will be played and appreciated for many years to come . world without sunshine is a true classic Sandra leaves a real legacy RIP
  6. Mark , great news, please post some pictures and if you get chance , a few live posts enjoy Neil
  7. Thank you Richard , have a great new year
  8. Hi Richard , great tune , do you know how many were pressed on the 7 thanks
  9. This 45 is a timeless gem ,
  10. Carol and Gerry , it’s been a while great double and for me , what a memory black stock copy too , how Good is that .
  11. Artistic's Hope we have / Gonna miss you Great Sax
  12. Got to be up there , timeless
  13. Broadway sissy , top instro
  14. It’s just a great tune , timeless classic from a brilliant singer song writer

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