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Vivien Melia

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Everything posted by Vivien Melia

  1. Yes not many were interested tbh but looking back I missed a lot, it was a long way from plymouth, some of my friends from back then are gone now sadly.
  2. We travelled from Plymouth so we mainly did Wigan oldies but sometimes stayed in a blue transit in the carpark so we could do Saturday night as well, or dragged it out and went to Birmingham locarno all dayers, I went to many many venues around that time some i remember others are a blur, it was everything to me as it was to us all at that time, sadly no more.
  3. Hi yes I think he probably did, now that I've linked it together I think it was highly likely the time I'm thinking of would of been sept 75 because I was convinced in my head that Betty Wright was the second act I had seen but it transpires it was the first, shame its not me in the photo as I was convinced it was and I've no pictures from those nights as we simply didn't take pictures did we, in all honesty I wasn't in a fit state to hold a camera back then! Nor wanted too as it was our personal experience of the night that mattered. Thank you for replying I really appreciate it I hate brain fog.
  4. Hi can anyone tell me if tommy hunt performed at wigan more than once, i thought i was in a pic dancing near the stage turns out its not me, my sis thinks 75 was too early anyway but i definatly saw tommy hunt at wigan, i know im old and senile now but i saw him and Martha reeves and Betty Wright. I wasnt a fan of live acts i avoided them as it stopped me dancing! You all know the feeling. Any help would be gratefully recieved as its hard to argue your case with no dates. I dont want to be like JR and wake up in the shower and ive imagined it all! Ive answered my own question folks i looked it all up with help from this thread, i am indeed not mad (surpisingly) Tommy Hunt was sept 1975 Betty wright was april 1975 and Martha reeves was 1978 i was sweet 16 and was going to Yate first so that would of been a while before my first visit to wigan casino with my then boyfriend Dave its just nice to put the pieces together i would of been 15 when my mad journey started and i didnt think i would be writing on a forum about it at almost 63 yrs of age!
  5. Hang on to your precious memories those of you who lived through the real scene, it was gone long ago, we know how it really was, another time entirely to today. Lifes meant to evolve, but we had the best of it no doubt about that. Its a sad caricature of itself now.

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