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Dave Raistrick

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Everything posted by Dave Raistrick

  1. Anyone wanting to set up a stand at this event for the "Sunday record show" should contact me direct please. Dave Raistrick. david@starsandstripesimports.com www.starsandstripesimports.com
  2. That's true - Jon had offered it to me a week or so before on one of our selling trips to Wigan at £250.00 but l turned it down after some consideration due to it's condition! Back then just another 45..... Dave Raistrick.
  3. Hey!! Thanks Guys - Really appreciate the comments ! Best wishes Dave Raistrick Email:dave@starsandstripesimports.com
  4. SUMMER SALE LIST NOW AVAILABLE - GO TO www.starsandstripesimports.com Thanks for taking the time to look !!! Regards, Dave Raistrick
  5. Ian, It looks like l have a bit of catching up to do on this thread!!! Will be back later my friend. Dave Raistrick.
  6. Hi Dave Raistrick here, re - Irma & The Fascinations - You Need Love - Virtue Acetate I Found this at Weldon's house in the mid 80's whilst looking through a pile of discs and tapes - Brought it back to the UK as a total unknown/New discovery and traded it with Rob Marriott for a Tayster Demo of Lilly Bryant - When Rob sold up l think Richard Searling ended up with it ? Not sure what happened to it later on ?
  7. Dave Raistrick here! Great to read all the comments re the fond memories and great nights we had back in the mid 80's at Nottingham's Rock City. As the promoter of the event it's fantastic that some 20 years on a lot of the tunes first spun at the Rock are now considered to be Modern Soul classics. Along with myself, Sam, Arthur, Adam, Robin and Graeme we provided a very upfront and forward looking playlist. Many of the tunes were sourced from either John Anderson at Soul Bowl or from myself and my then company, Soul-Utions, based in Grantham. As the interest in this period of music is currently enjoying a new lease of life, you may be interested to know that later this year (November 30th & December 1st) we are holding a two day special at the Grosvenor House Hotel, Skegness, billed as "Upfront on the Seafront", which also incorporates a Rock City reunion. DJ's enlisted include Rock City originals Soul Sam, Arthur Fenn, Dave Raistrick, plus Adam (TBC). Also Paul Phillips (Solar Radio), Simon M (Soul Select) plus other current Modern Soul spinners. For more info go to www.starsandstripesimports.com Looking forward to hearing from the old Rock City crowd and seeing you all here in Skeggy later this year!!!!

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