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Mick Reed

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Everything posted by Mick Reed

  1. Quick update been in touch with Universal again and was told that my orders have been put on hold till all the stock is checked at the warehouse and would receive a email when it was been dispatched.
  2. There wasnt any problems at all and sold over 800 sets.
  3. Tried that mark but they told me there wasnt problem.
  4. Ok then lads and lasses where have all the duff sets come from ? amazon,universal etc or just random shops, amazon for mine.
  5. Yep good point mate,ive just sent universal a link to this site and posts.
  6. Well just a quick update to my previous post,had a phone call from universal this afternoon informimg me they had sold over 800 sets without any problems.And i can fly.
  7. Well just recieved box set 01933 from amazon yep you guessed it 2 barbara mcnairs no marvin gaye.Sent it back to amazon,spoke to a guy at universal says did not no about any problem but would pass it on.Four reviews on amazon three with records missing its a disgraceful of universai.
  8. F--k me a wish mine was here.
  9. Hope not mines on its way from amazon.
  10. Yip think yu right it was a sunday because I remember starting a new job on the Monday and we broke down in the car coming home.Thanks.
  11. Cant remember exactly where in sheffild in about 76 77
  12. Could this be his mates bidding it up givin the impression and creating interest that it is an original ?.If not f-=kin crazy.
  13. Chris push hard at ebay explain to them what has happened and they will pay for you to send them back l had the same problem so hounded ebay and they paid for the postage it cost ebay £33.Mick
  14. Didn't know about the georgie fame bit
  15. there yu go mate. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jay-D-Martin-By-Yourself-NORTHERN-SOUL-/221194743020?pt=UK_Records&hash=item33803becec
  16. Hi looking for a original M- COPY ONLY OF BABY WASHINGTON/LEAVE ME ALONE/SUE 790 issue or demo,no drill holes please clean labels.Thanks please pm
  17. R.I.P Bill. Great memories of you and the Sombrero in the early 70's. Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.
  18. Hi looking for one of these in ex condition no tears writing etc. Thanks. NOW SORTED.THANKS FOR THE REPLIES.
  19. If not recorded p pal will probaley come down on the side of the buyer if noy sent recorded.It stiks but there you go always send recorded. That should say not , not noy these f**king mobile phones.
  20. No thanks Mal,strange thing this when i ordered it i was expecting coming on the other label design.cheers
  21. The delta number says 1965 but maybe its out be a few months,cheers.
  22. Yip a think yu right.

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