'I think both Butch and Marco played the Talmadge Amstrong cover-up'
Didn't realise Marco had that as well....thats a fantastic record....more stuff like that would be gratefully received imho
I'm guessing people are talking about stuff like the Total Warmth c/u and that mad bongo & wah wah laden instrumental that Butch played at the start of one of his sets??
We can't also be talking about exceptional funky soul like Lee Fields et al??
A great example of this sort of stuff is also that Foreign Blue Renaissance Mick's got.....
Second Re$surrection has gone for a similar price the last few times for sale....both ebay copies, and i think the copy John had before?
One of the best 70's dancers out there imho.
Look that tracksuit top was me in sports leisure mode.....have to say though that really DOES look like Luppers. Its the grimace and the conker-esque perma-tan.
'Yes it has, Wrighty bought it, then sold to brother Trouble'
Ah didn't realise that copy was off the bay. I've had the pleasure of having a look at it and its in tip top condition if i remember rightly.
I was hoping it was going to be a '66 or '67 pound-a-thon, judging by how highly its been rated. Is it more in the Five Chances vein?
Has Little Willie Johnson (as a Vendellas issue) ever been on the bay??