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Everything posted by Corbett80

  1. Butch had it for sale @ £750 the 100 before last. Very nice mid tempo record.
  2. If you go on the basis that most trad northern records took I Can't Help Myself for inspiration, surely early Motown stuff would be the first 'northern' sounding recordings around '63-64? Thats discounting beat ballads ect...
  3. only wondered if anyone had actually won anything as they don't put the final price.
  4. has anyone actually won one of these auctions??
  5. Sinful by Mr. Bloe?
  6. Jazzman sold one a few months back for £100, no way a $600 record....
  7. First head this along with so many wants on a Frank Giacombe (hope i've spelt that right) & Andy Murfin tape called 'Two Sides'...not sure where i got it from, think i accidently robbed it form someones house after a session Had so much stuff on it: Cal Green, Five Chances, Chryslers.....classic work
  8. which lucky so & so owns this, its faffing MENTAL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63GRhWttR2g
  9. You don't hear the JeJody record out much at all....shame as its an awesome uptempo dancer 'i'm gonna keep yooooouu'
  10. What a great record as well....did they do anything else?
  11. 'Is £2114 cheap?!' No not at all but i thought it was booked at more than that.....? And usually John gets WAY over the book price...
  12. Is that cheap for the Charles Brandy? Thought it was more like £3k or is that the issue?
  13. That Little Curtis is excellent......
  14. Anyone know the rarity scale of the Answers on Scorpion? Never seen one for sale....
  15. San Franciscan TKOs & Hytones
  16. Pal Rakes is a tidy record, someone buy it...also came out as Pal Rames i think??
  17. That Brotherhood is an awesome record....nice price too
  18. brilliant isn't it
  19. £150 according to a well known site, up for sale at the moment
  20. 'And if it's just a record that you and a few other people you asked about know, how do you know that it's not well known by others?' But most of us like talking about rare records which is why we are here, and in mentioning these records perhaps someone can throw some light on them, so this thread is very worthwhile imho. Fine if you are lucky enough to have them all but if you aren't perhaps it may stimulate some info for others?
  21. hi pm'ed you re: the intensions
  22. 'It does have more instrumentation, but both tracks are finished masters. LB & J is a couple of years later.' Thats interesting, would of thought it was the other way round. Such a beautiful record, the lyrics and so forth. Also a big fan of The Waves in case you'd never heard....
  23. Love the Moneytown cut as well...Feel So Good...seems very tough as well although not in the same price league according to the guides...
  24. 'what about the west coast distributors girl i love you on jam-cha, how many copies? remember Kitch having this many moons ago Harry' A few of these knocking about, seen it on ebay end of last year, plus on playlists here and there. Nick Hackett has one, another on the mod scene, plus think Butch had one for sale last year (or year before)...lovely record though.

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