I think it would be a bit boring if all we had was white pieces of paper with big letters on them. Can understand non-related images being considered bizarre, but flyers are part of the scene culture and help give it a solid identity not for outsiders but for those already involved, particularly with the different segments of the scene now providing more varied playlists.....rare nights, oldies, funk stuff, more mod & r&b orientated events.....
A lot of the flyers from Spain & Sweden are exceptional, along with our own 100 club ones, and Kent artwork in particular has greatly benefited the internal image of the scene imho. At the end of the day it is just a flyer made purely to attract interest, and providing the correct information is being given (as in music policy, DJs ect - the important stuff) then thats the bit that actually counts. The rest is just interesting (or not) gumpf.