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Everything posted by Corbett80

  1. cor the yellow demo has to be a hard one!
  2. thats a good one always liked this
  3. Love the description of Get It Baby...."The 'Poison Arrow' of Northern Dance? Well crucial!" WORD!
  4. Reena also from LA is great
  5. What about Rika?! Awesome.....
  6. With NEV on the Carmen label.....
  7. still after this if there is a copy floating around out there........
  8. Many thanks! Is this not the Tig 45 (from an old Boomerang playlist): ERIC TIG-DON'T YOU HEAR THEM LAUGHING- TUSKA Or is this actually a confusion between Jimmy Tig 'Everybody Laffing' and the Eric Tig 45? Tigging hell!
  9. GREAT thanks for posting Sean
  10. Anywhere we can listen to the Eric Tig??
  11. My favorite clap off is during 'Ever Again'......think its a great tradition on the scene that should carry on as as Joan has said some of the newer sounds be they crossover or obscure 60's are so good they demand a good heartfelt clap whilst dancing
  12. Thanks Marc, i'm aware of both Matt Brown recordings and own 'Everyday', but not the Jimmy Braswell. Is it similar to his Gene tracks? I'd seen this listing before from Georgia Soul.....would be interested to know what the Jimmy Lee Bryant is like
  13. I preferred the Cooking On Three Burners track as a new release but would have to agree with Chalky with regard to this record in particular. Play the other side of your Primers acetate James, as i remember that was an excellent bit of mid tempo soul that deserves an airing!
  14. Really interesting story Andy regarding Tuska contacts....very mysterious label it would seem. Another Georgia label which fascinates me is Jar-Val. Does anyone know of any really good yet particularly rare numbers on that imprint? For what its worth Richard Marks i heard for the first time at Kings Hall the other week and thought it was superb. Would like to get more listens to it.
  15. Both sides have been mod club spins for ages haven't they?
  16. What a beautiful record, would love a copy...good luck on it
  17. I think it would be a bit boring if all we had was white pieces of paper with big letters on them. Can understand non-related images being considered bizarre, but flyers are part of the scene culture and help give it a solid identity not for outsiders but for those already involved, particularly with the different segments of the scene now providing more varied playlists.....rare nights, oldies, funk stuff, more mod & r&b orientated events..... A lot of the flyers from Spain & Sweden are exceptional, along with our own 100 club ones, and Kent artwork in particular has greatly benefited the internal image of the scene imho. At the end of the day it is just a flyer made purely to attract interest, and providing the correct information is being given (as in music policy, DJs ect - the important stuff) then thats the bit that actually counts. The rest is just interesting (or not) gumpf.
  18. That Jimmy Tig is on odd one......can't work out if i like the gnome-tastic horns in it or not
  19. Heard that Richard Marks in the rare room at Kings Hall for the first time....faffing brilliant, its got the lot. Jimmy Tig is the brother of Eric I assume?
  20. Flip of this is really good as well, "Hometown Boy".....
  21. Ah that'll be it...haven't actually heard said disc, but he showed me it at the last Va Va Voom....both us were struggling to stand up at the time
  22. I thought Honey & The Bees 'Be Yourself' was the hardest one?
  23. ps. think Yann has a different instrumental take by another artist of Like My Baby on either blue Mala or Bell?? Honey somebody maybe?
  24. I know its an available record and so forth but i'd like to hear I'll Be Around out a lot more than I do....anyone know where it was first played?

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