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Everything posted by Corbett80

  1. Yes that version is great as well, love the girlie backing in it. I think for rawness and sheer heaviness the Billy Ball version wins hands down, but its not for the feint hearted. Also for contemporary versions Binky Griptite's 'Mellow Matic Mood' on Daptone is a nice little take on the riff.
  2. Didn't realise Keith has given it a go on Sunday as well Can't beat the original too, one of the greatest grooves ever laid on wax
  3. Has anyone mentioned Alcon Shades 'All Is Forgiven' yet?
  4. Sam played Tommy Dent at Cleethorpes. I prefer the 'Miss Woman' side! Great 45
  5. great prices....Roy docker is great too
  6. I think its fine if its a record that is particularly associated with them. ie Asking Ady for Larry Banks & Jaibai or whatever....just randomly asking for a record you like is a bit spurious......
  7. I asked around about this just prior to it seeing action and the info i gleaned was its never received much attention at all due to rarity, although was weirdly booted. Glad its being played now as its a stonking 45
  8. This has been around on the mod scene for years, has been played on and off in London particularly.
  9. I've spun this a couple of times too after remembering you'd been playing this Chalky, great rhythm and soul record!
  10. Bob Williams great funky 70's dance record
  11. John Fitch & The Associates' 'Romantic Attitude' is an incredible example of real psychedelic soul.
  12. The Hopefuls is a great 100 Club style mid tempo sounded great there when it was played a few months back. Sounds very much like Sugar & Spices or one of those girly group 45s.
  13. Five Chances, two stunning sides. As discussed on here before, all of these seem to play well even in less than perfect condition. Amazing price on the Soul Bros Six too!
  14. Anyone know if these are any good: The Quality Controls - Grapevine The Might Mustangs - Believe I Do Cheers!
  15. Some great solid rhythm & blues 45s in that set, he is obviously as into great and obscure 45s as the rest of us
  16. Pretty sure either Dave Flynn or Irish Greg had one as i heard it down the Capitol quite few times
  17. Perux also has one and another guy called Beaver was selling one at a very reasonable price a few months back (check sales). Might still have it. Plus theres Manships' copygone up too.
  18. wow thats one of the best ones i've ever seen...amazingly insane
  19. Buy this its awesome: https://www.rogueamoeba.com/audiohijackpro/
  20. Sometimes I Wonder is a fabulous track

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