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Everything posted by Corbett80

  1. I'm looking forward to dancing to it out somewhere soon now theres two or three copies in the hands of DJs....great news for the scene with stuff like this being found.
  2. Paradox copies have been on sale on ebay in recent times at £400ish, check Popsike.
  3. Hi also sent you a mail to your 45rpm address
  4. Marco plays this frequently as well. Amazing 45. Was covered up not long ago I think??
  5. Seconded! The first one is heart attack disco funk, brilliant.
  6. That Sir Joe 'Nobody Beats My Love' blows pretty much most stuff out of the water in terms of just sheer knackers on the table, rolling intro, northern heaviness. Its got it all.
  7. Not me, i tried but i failed, thought you might have got in there mate Great prices on this and Young Devines.
  8. With regard to Richard Marks, pretty sure its been played quite a few times recently at the 100.
  9. https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/rarest-of-the-rare/J/1 Clip fo both sides on rarest of the rare, side two being the better record by far
  10. Considering rarity and the fact its a double sider, i'm surprised JD Abram doesn't get more attention. 'Let Me Tell You What I Want' is probably one of the best r&s records i've heard.
  11. 'A Carl and Maria Willingham spin...........come on we need to embrace pop reggae on the northern scene.There was another £10 pink Island spin as well that suddenly shot up to £150 and i have heard of a few Joyce Bond tracks being spun.Why doesn't someone book Wrighty for these deep funk northern gigs.........he's been collecting and deejaying this stuff for years as was Trouble and Jap Jimmy. ' Spot on, nice one
  12. It is me! Have PM'ed you mate
  13. 4000 of Her Majesties' Pound Coins....................
  14. Pretty hard 45 Sam. The flip is gorgeous soul as well. Try Yann he may let his one go??
  15. Pete - just listened to the Del davis thing...as you say it is actually rocksteady/reggae. Wheres this being played out of interest??
  16. I bought Final Society for like 8 quid or something a few months back, didn't know people were playing it. Great record! 'Yeah, me. Maybe two years ago in a similar thread. Not that I am lucky enough to call a copy my own but when I heard it at Bamberg Soulshakers (in the DJ`s house five minutes after we arrived :o ) it blew me straight away LOL ! ' Don't own Sir Joe either Marc but blow me down with a light feather if it hasn't got one of the best northern intros of any new find. Allnighter MAGIC, and with most of the big boys owning copies its bound to get the attention it deserves. Ben interesting to see what happens if it turns up on the bay or a dealers' site.
  17. Outside of that hardly any of them have become big records have they? A lot still waiting to fulfill potential? A lot of really good collectors 45s in that list though!
  18. I got the impression some of us were simply calling jamaican soul 'reggae' in a derogatory fashion. Which would be a shame if we were.
  19. 'Did you see the Richard Marks 45 on Note offered on ebay last year Dylan' This was a decent mid tempo 45 wasn't it??
  20. I guess ultimately there is levels within levels. Glen Miller to me is never a reggae record?! Does it make it reggae just because its from Jamaica? I'm aware you can take anything too far but the day we start treating 45s like Glen Miller or Richard Marks as second rate is the day we should go and do something else with our time.... Room for it all if its good, as previously said?
  21. Has anyone mentioned the Sir Joe on Rujac yet?
  22. From what i've seen most dancers seem to except even very funky records as long as there is enough soul in the lead vocal and backing. I've found dancefloors to be very open to these sorts of sounds. Look at all the Clay Brown stuff thats popular at the moment. 'Everybody's Talkin' top of the pile. I expect the scene will take a bunch of these 45 on and spit out those that go 'too far' and retain the 'best' of the bunch, as it did with r&b. Although to my mind the ones in that genre it held onto like Charles Sheffield, big Daddy Rogers were all the average cuts! Also the argument that the scene is following the deep funk one too late goes both ways. Lots of old r&b and soul biggies only just being played on that scene. Its not a competition, or at least its the wrong sort of thinking if it is. '...is this being touted as northern souls future??' I don't think anyone is touting any particular style as 'the future', just exploring other avenues of soulful black dance music. When all else fails theres always your Al Williams and Tamangoes.
  23. I know but i'm interested to find out what sort of stuff is turning people off. A record that soulful regardless of its funkier leanings has to be nothing but a bonus to the scene. I imagine we are talking Ricky Allen-esque things?

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