'I agree mate....but i dont like to put to much emphasis on the clothes these days, thats for the individual. It frusttrates the hell out of me when I see smart mod dress only on flyers, if someone wants to come along and see what it's about let them... althought there does have to be a line though, no liverpool or man city shirts or crocs etc ! I try my best to look smart and will always have mod in me but it's about the music for me these days
as a good freind of mine once said
"music for the soul & clothes for the charactor"
How true! '
Agree 100%. What Al says as well about many people getting into northern through mod was true for me and for many others. The London soul thing has thrived with mods and vice versa for 20 odd years at least.The scenes bicker but they are closely linked in many ways and maybe all of these scenes need each other to survive by people crossing over, back and forth.