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Everything posted by Corbett80

  1. "The Pervis Herder on Crow is looked for by some already...maybe the bext big thing on Crow." Nice 45 too! What about Mello Souls on Mello??
  2. Just interested to know as none of the funky records being played by any of the jocks i've heard are in any way different to aforementioned 'funky oldies'..... Joe Hicks, Lou Pride even....seems to me theres been heavy enough funk elements throughout northern soul to make the current crop of new records almost a revival! :) Maybe some just don't feel the quality is there with the new finds?
  3. Out of interest, whats older scene members view of 'funky oldies' then ie: Frankie Crocker, The Crow et al?
  4. "i know it is steve. but nothing good or exciting about the last 2 records . BAOS is a poor mans psychelic shack soundalike...and APPOLOS is a dull funk instrumental........got pace about them but thats all...not for me.is that the best we can do ..wheres the real stuff dave" But would you rather hear Cee Lo Green at a nighter?
  5. Where Adam heard it and asked me to play it the other weekend - this is all his fault as usual!
  6. I saw people dancing in the usual stylee - certainly noticed a large degree of shuffling going on to The Apollos at Cleggy - in the main room as well!
  7. Maybe we could agree on a special handshake that 'funky soul' lovers can give at soul nights to alert each other to their presence, like the Masons? I'm going to try this on Butch at the next 100.
  8. Hopefully will get something out of the old box to tickle your fancy instead....! And a record you like (boom boom)
  9. Yes its amazing - should be finally on the road and driving end of august so will definitely make it up at long last! Marco has been playing the Universals down here I think and heard Mr. Dobson play it once or twice before as well. Certainly not heard it anywhere near like enough though!
  10. I feel sorry for the bad press that has now been thrust on (to my mind) a fantastic Detroit funk soul record Steve - one that may have a strong funk edged beat but great soulful vocals over it - hence why i thought it fair to play it in todays climate. I would hardly put it in the comedy party funk category - its not Do The Bus Stop for flip's sake! As Boba pointed out to if you want to hear REAL soul check the flip of BAOS 'Betrothal' out.....beautiful. The other sad thing is out of the limited crowd there that night (not due to the funk before any of you start ) most of them danced to it and a few had previously requested it, which was great to see imho. As one of the DJs its my job to try to get a balance right of what people want to hear across the board, alongside stuff you like yourself and hope to play to people. I always try to play what classic 60's stuff I have both mid and uptempo in the first set and try to be a bit more interesting in the second? Some 45s work, some don't - I had hoped maybe the 100 would be a place this might of (and thought it had on the night) - but onward ever upward, have to find something else with the funk toned down a tad - all part of the rare soul jocking game! Cheers! J
  11. "With regard to "funky newies" I think this was a path pioneered by Karl Heard (least in more recent times); and having heard him a couple of times and a few people there after playing such sets I'd say that the key to those sets is taking the audience with you...... A set that blends the right mix of Rare / Northern Soul with funky edged sounds can work superbly and whilst a good tune is a good tune (to the listener) regardless - a whole set of "left fielders" can leave the audience cold as they can't "hook" into it............" I think that pretty much all of the funkier sounds played at the 100 club so far have not been an issue with people - certainly 45s played by Butch such as Richard Marks, Charlene Soul Seranders ect have always gone down superbly. Obviously there is the odd sound that alienates people a little too far - i wouldn't of thought that BAOS was any funkier than say Earl English or the Dynamic Corvettes, both of which have been played regularly by DJs like Karl. The idea of playing a set of all newies is never conducive to a more conservative dancefloor (although there are plenty of places open minded enough for this to happen) , that goes without saying, but that wasn't the case here. I think this is more a case of one particular 45 getting someones goat. I should also point out that luckily the crowd did dance to the 45 in question!!
  12. Hi Ian, Apologies was slightly perturbed that people might be leaving due to the records I was playing (and nursing a bit of a hangover this afternoon) - that one 45 struck a nerve as well as I hadn' t really ever envisaged playing it at the 100. The problem is those sounds are the ones doing it for me right now and you go in with the intention to play to the crowd but sometimes your own desire to hear certain things out takes over. Its a balancing act and hard to get right sometimes. Having said that BAOS was also a record i had a number of people ask me to play prior to the night, but i can accept it is a the funk equivalent of say playing a little walter record would of been back in the northern main room r&b era of the late 90s early 2000s. Obviously the main aim is to keep the punters happy - and especially long standing 100 clubbers such as yourself. See you soon for a jar or two and chinwag! Ta ra!
  13. I don't agree with that at all. Why would that be?
  14. Seems odd when you consider all of the long established records on the scene which are essentially soulful funk tracks, as many threads on this site have discussed. Comments taken on board however though I find a friendly chat in person is always better. A little list of the sort of 45s that would be preferred by the aggrieved parties would be interesting. Cheers!
  15. It was me who played Black Aces Of Soul at the 100 club which seems to have so deeply upset Ian. I would have hoped he would of been nice enough to tell me personally if my playlist had affected him so much he had to leave. Whilst I don't agree that the particular 45 he has decided to rail against has no soul content I can appreciate its not everyone cup of tea. I've always thought that with such quality DJs as Keith, Ady and Mick playing great mid tempo soul records there would of been room for a few more interesting and left field records, and also being that the club claims to be supposed to be supplying the most recent trends musically on the soul scene (as well as classics) we would of been a bit more open minded. Also, we are talking about a grand total of about 6 records in a total of 8 hours of SOUL music, which i don't think is a night ruiner even you seriously detest the records concerned. I did note that quite a few people seemed to enjoy the 45 and other similar ones that all of the DJs played. I guess you can't please all the people all of the time but to suggest Cee Lo Green is the answer musically beggars belief in my humble opinion. Each to their own I guess?? As ever though, if you are unsure of the current DJ roster at the venue let Ady know he is always open to long standing members comments. Best regards, J
  16. Mental playlist as ever Phil - lordy how good is the Universals!!!
  17. I'm always amazed how neither of these records ever get the credit they deserve: Norwood Long - I´d like to have you Matt Brown - Everyday
  18. Weren't me i'm afraid - i'm all spent out right now plus i usually only go for fair-o minus minus 45s
  19. desperateasfooktodjandfookthedancefloorcositsallaboutme.co.uk I can thoroughly reccomend this website. You get a starter pack with a current biggie in it and membership is only £12,000.
  20. 'If we won it would we go off and buy all the big money spinners and crowd pleasers to make ourselves an instant northern soul DJ' Surely you have to just buy what you like, if its very expensive and you are flush enough or lucky enough to buy it do so, if not carrying on wishing like the rest of us. The idea you would just buy stuff because thats what you are supposed to buy not matter what the cost suggests you are into the whole thing for reason other than genuine love of the music? I've been turned over more times than i can shake a stick at, had far less results on 45s, but i keep coming back for more because a.) i'm stupid and b.) have a terminal affliction called 'love of soul music' (and associated genres, but thats a sad complication of my symptoms and too boring to go into here) Not a dig at you btw Matt, understand the point you were making.
  21. Bill Dennis one of those 45s you either 'get' or you don't. But some of those are the best ones!
  22. 3rd-ed, Bill Dennis all day long
  23. Sounds like the seller has had a few bad experiences on here. What a mental record though!
  24. Great little 45!!
  25. Barry Scruggs - After All - Eaton Ex £200 (won't find this awesome crossover cheaper....on a dealers site @ £500 and on another at £350) Vonettes - Touch My Heart - Cobblestone EX £ 80 (classic) ON HOLD Henry Hodge - I Won't Try To Change You - Zell's EX+ £200 (super rare uptempo r&s) ON HOLD hodge.mp3 Invaders - Best Is Yet To Come - Brewtown EX++ £300 (very rare group stormer) ON HOLD Pm if interested! Cheers!

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