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Everything posted by Corbett80

  1. Am I the only one that likes Joe Jama then??
  2. Really interested to hear what goes down as it happens...roll on the 26th. Marcus will certainly bring in some new blood from the mod scene who seem to be digging the funkier soul and r&b sounds at the moment. Should be a varied and interesting night!
  3. Would of thought Harvey Scales would of gone past £1k.....
  4. Hi Phil -happy NY! Shame to hear about Gwen Owens - love that as well. It's 'orrible when a 45 you really rate like these two seems to fall on deaf ears, whether you're playing them or in the crowd with everyone else. George 'Juke' Byrd 'I Know I'm In Love With You' is another for me.....cannot understand why people don't want to dance to it at all. Maybe it IS sh!t?!
  5. I've heard the Primes played out a couple of times and it's so messy it is really hard to dance to. I think it's a nice record as well btw - and achingly rare it seems. Clarence Reid only seems to work now and then dependant on how 'stomping' people feel like getting. I've seen it fill the floor at the 100 and also clear it on alternate months - to largely the same crowd! The lame response to Bobby 'Guitar' Bennett has always amazed me - same pace and vocal style as say Bud Harper and big 45s of that ilk and with a Harold Melvin intro....whats not to like..??
  6. Zodiacs - Rough Nut VG+ upward please - version with the better horns (not sure if thats the CRS or the Zodiac one) Barrino Bros - Just A Mistake - TCB VG+ upward please (recent deal fell through sadly)
  7. New one on me - didn't get out to Europe enough. Nice 45!
  8. Would be nice to see IJ Harris take off....know a few are after it but it just needs one of the big guns to get behind it. Loving the James Knight btw!
  9. EX upward wanted please Ta
  10. Hi still looking....
  11. George Byrd is fabulous and rare on the gold label
  12. VG+ upward please - version with the better horns (not sure if thats the CRS or the Zodiac one) Many thanks!
  13. Hitting £350 almost at one point - then they all came out of the woodwork. A great record - very similar in parts to the Districts?
  14. £150
  15. Old mod spin - great record! he did another on the label thats a mid tempo cut i think?
  16. Chancer wanting top whack. As for the quality of the record anything that opens with the lines 'This man loves you / this man tries / but how can he hide the tears in his eyes' is tip top imho. Wish there were far more records as good as this in the same vein. Pure soul.
  17. Been played for a while in rare rooms by a number of people - Butch now playing it hence price hike, although the Manships copy didn't achieve the price I think some expected. Looks like its a £250 odd 45 record dealer wise at the moment. One of the best crossover 45s I've yet heard imho.
  18. Just a reminder this is ending at 6pm, thanks for the interest so far.
  19. I'm going to suggest my Grandad goes to the next one. He loves a hokey cokey and he's been badass at them since about '42. Plus it would be nice to see him find a decent woman after all these years.
  20. It is but its an old skool r&b cut - title is Cut You-A-Loose.
  21. VG+ upward please Thanks
  22. Theres Chuck Ray on Tamboo as well....

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