You are indeed entitled to your opinion and so is Frankie Crocker, and you both make some valid points - of course constructive criticism should be heard on any level.
What I would say is that in any level of club promotion (online and offline) people have their own agendas, and to pretend that you are the voice of unbiased reason 'telling it like it is' is not entirely true. You and a few of your pals on here have a clear agenda to sell your own involvement and legacy on the scene as perhaps more than it is or was. For example everytime you post you mention yourself or your club night - which of course you have the right to do - but ulimately it undermines any valid point you make, as every comment ends up looking like just another antagonising post to serve your own purpose. That's just my constructive criticism of the situation as I see it unfolding in this (and many other) threads on this website.