I think that seems to be cause of a lot of these kind of experiences discussed - the crossover between different scenes that have different histories and baggage (as all scenes do). Plus there is racism in all walks of life if we're honest. I'd say in general racism at soul events (considering they are mostly white attended affairs) is minimal compared to the kind of shit you hear as par for the course in ordinary pubs and clubs, particularly in areas like i'm from in South London. I don't think you could ever say any scene is free of this sort of nonsense - and homophobia is still rife across the board btw, no-one seems to give a shit about that - but at the end of the day does the soul scene suffer from ingrained racism so badly that it needs mentioning for no reason whatsoever by a down at heel Corrie actor / populist DJ in a Guardian article about contemporary pop artists? No it doesn't.