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Everything posted by Corbett80

  1. Absolutely stonking 100 Club with great sounds from all the DJs. Tons of heavy duty classics & Kent discoveries (Del Larks, Martha Starr on Charay, Paramount Four etc), insane 60’s coverups of the highest quality (And The Echos, Marsha Evans & the Georgettes) unissued gems (Dynamites from Tim) and a touch of cracking 70’s (Sammie Relford, former JB Hammond c/u, Fluorescent Smogg etc). But it felt like a full on rare stomping 60s soul night. Full floor all night and there was a real energy in the house. One of the best i’ve attended for some time and incredible sounds from Tim, and all the DJs. Big thanks to Adey, Mattie and all the usual suspects that make the 100 so special. x
  2. Been played by various jocks over the years at the 100 Club
  3. Visually VG, plays like a VG+. Slight ring wear, but has black marker pen writing on both sides. B-side has also a store sticker. £100 Great 45!
  4. Need this back vg+ upward please! j
  5. Many thanks for posting this!
  6. IJ Harris went cheaper than expected
  7. Does anyone have these please? thanks! j
  8. Amazing thank you! what a lovely item! j
  9. Anthony are these 45s in your possession and if so, would there be any way you could kindly post up pics of the full records themselves - not just the label - with any runout info? Would be very much appreciated! Atb, J
  10. Lovely looking label! This must be pretty rare…
  11. White or Red copy, any condition considered. Thanks. J
  12. Cix Bits Band - I Can't Turn Myself Around - Haze M- £150. Heinsight - Sugarman - Churchill M- £70 Les Elegantes - I’ve Been Lonely Too Long - Afro K (obscure raw female dancer, Alan H spin) EX £60 SOLD Message me for soundfile. Warren Ray & Infernal Blues Machine - It's The Feeling I Get - Kent 6ts 43rd Anniversary M £80
  13. Mel Williams?!
  14. Ok, here’s a question: is a northern soul film cultural appropriation? Is a northern soul play cultural appropriation? A northern soul fashion shoot? The production and selling of soul tat found at weekenders? Or is all of that ok if it has involvement from people deemed ‘worthy’? At what point do we decide anything related to northern soul outside of the act of humans travelling to a venue to listen to records played from record decks through speakers from original vinyl is deemed cultural appropriation if northern soul related? It does feel like the whole thing seems to hinge on if said people get the ‘pass’ or not. And who decides that? Who’s in charge? Genuinely curious.
  15. Just to be clear - i wasn’t the one who brought the term ‘cultural appropriation’ into this discussion. The concept of that as applied to new people on the northern soul is laughable, whether they have ‘served their time’ / on the telly / whatever. That’s what i wanted to point out, hence my deliberately provocative point about ‘robbing’. I’m well aware this scene likes to pat itself on the back for ‘saving’ all of this music, and perhaps it is quite right to - but please don’t be don’t be sitting around moaning constantly and then seriously try to complain you are having your ‘culture appropriated’ because someone you don’t like is on the telly with it. Ffs.
  16. Isn’t there a touch of the saviour complex there though? Agree it’s great they’ve been saved by someone but to get annoyed by the Levanna thing to the extent that people are so publicly just seems futile and daft to me. And to say its cultural appropriation on the Northern soul scene feels a bit ludicrous. This stuff isn’t ours its borrowed from another culture, isn’t it? Btw, when i say robbing i’m using hyperbole, and meaning the worst excesses of the scene. As i say - most if it has been clearly done with love for the music and people in mind. But it’s just one opinion. We’ve all got em as evidenced daily on here.
  17. Also if you’re involved or have been involved in any sort of ‘scene related extra curricular activity’ - soul films, soul plays, soul fashion videos / promos, soul floats at national events, you really ought to forfeit the right to complain as it feels like pure hypocrisy. If you’re out there chucking it about you best be clean imho. Just one opinion….
  18. There’s a pretty strong argument that Northern soul itself is cultural appropriation of the highest order. A bunch of white people robbing 45s from poor black folk, building a scene around them, copying the dancing and using black power iconography etc - the list goes on. I mean, i love it and i’m fully invested and would argue it’s all out of love, but we can’t get the hump about other people culturally appropriating cultural appropriation can we….?
  19. Brilliant record
  20. Absolutely love the Mello Souls, pure dynamite crazy excitement northern… but only as it has been mentioned on this thread - if i HAD to pick (and i know i don’t or ever will), but i’d go for Lester T out of the two. That’s a level that barely any others surpass or match. IMHO of course! ps, both would be nice.
  21. Steve at Rolling Records in West Wickham (Kent) - think Mick smith knows him well - had a mate who sometimes worked behind the counter who was a former studio musician (if i’ve got that right) at Oak… really interesting label.
  22. I’m 43 and been on here for nearly 20 years i think, maybe more. It’s all Insta etc these days. Apparently!
  23. That’s the one! Still after the Chick Carlton after all these years… fantastic mix.

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