Who wants recognition from someone as inept as Nelson anyway? As long as the artists are happy with how the scene treats their music (which from Sidney Barnes, Gwen Owens, and Lou Prides reactions I'd say they largely, are) then thats all the props you need, surely.
The impression I got from Nelson's childish behaviour on that awful series was that he will only give something credit, if a.) he can make some moolah out of it, and b.) he gets personal recognition for it.
If he wants to challenge that let him present a series that actually properly explores the history of soul music in this country from the perspective of both the black and white fans without making comments which clearly show his immaturity and lack of passion for the subject. For example, the Northern episode could have benefitted from interviews with ordinary black British soul fans, who could of given their perspective of how they see the scene and what they think of the records. That would of at least counteracted his biased mumblings. No ones suggesting it should of just been northern fans gushing about how great it all is, but there was no balance to the structure of the programme. But I also reckon its the fault of the programme makers. It suggested none of them really cared about the subject at all.