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Everything posted by Corbett80

  1. Procure it immediately, you won't be disappointed
  2. Alright fella hope you are well You may already have/know it, but theres a tidy thing by Fenton Robinson on this label called 'I Believe' thats semi tough (but not expensive) and is r&b to nut walls to, its excellent......(and better than 'Empty Bottles' imho) See you soon Joel
  3. never seen a copy for sale before so expected it to hit the $200 mark, but was very surprised with this.... only heard John W. play it at the 100 the other week.....
  4. £50 tops sampled by Pete Rock & CL Smooth
  5. this went for $512 last night!!! is this its correct value? been after it for ages thinking it was fairly cheap.....
  6. mental 60's drum & bass wish i hadn't sold mine!
  7. "Was this record ever booted. For an average tune why is it listed for 3 figures ?" should be booted out of the window..... there was a copy in a record shop in Berwick Street by the market for over a ton I think. May still be there for the interested.
  8. flip is an incredible deep soul cut
  9. this is class record talk.....the forums at their best so it IS Chicago after all, the Goldmine lads have got it right? cheers for the info! ps any chance of a large sized scan of The Invaders plz?
  10. An amazing record!!! Wish i had the money to buy this been after it for ages.......
  11. how weird....exactly what the lad on modculture said re: the label name...didn't know the score with it myself.....wonder why you'd put it on a chicago based comp?? cheers for the reply
  12. Apparently out of Milwakee according to a lad whos just picked one up on Modculture. But comped on Goldmine's 'Northern Soul Of Chicago' Vol 2. Is there a Chicago connection with it? Cheers, Joel
  13. an awesome record for sure...thanks for posting!
  14. Anyone have soundclips of either 'Baby Don't Do This To Me' on Black Forest or 'Sychronized' on Dawn-Lite please? Really interested to hear what these both sound like, any cop? Cheers! Joel
  15. dose anyone have a soundfile of the flint emeralds please?
  16. many thanks people!
  17. doe anyone know what labels these three records are on? willie wright - right on for the darkness morris 'jazzy' miller - what people say is the story bobby long - i gotta have love too any help would be much appreciated,
  18. Anyone know what label this is on? Or what year? cheers!
  19. I had a look in Luptons jam jar and it was full of moths and bootlegs...... Cheers Trevski! mail me if you need anything in return Joel
  20. could anyone send me a nice mp3 of this please? can send some files back in return as way of thanks cheers! joel
  21. yes i was bored
  22. 'I was sent a new(ish) magazine the other day. Called Super Super, it's on issue six, and it is a hyper-dayglo-snazz-tastic mangle of dangly pendants, stone-wash trews, luminous hoodies and smiley faces. It is shiny, bright, hilarious, a mess. And it is rave. More rave than Candy Flip, De La Soul and Mr C in a vat full of ecstasy at the Hacienda's Hot night. Can you feel it?' You can imagine her smirking to herself as she penned these incredibly witty lines in some Shoreditch gastropub over a milky latte and a rocket and mozzarella focaccia.
  23. many thanks for this does anyone know how i save it as a file to my desktop? cheers!
  24. Does anyone have this as a high quality mp3 please? many thanks for the responses on the last soundfile i cadged btw cheers joel

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