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Everything posted by Fiftyboiledeggs

  1. Found this. A northern soul story same ending different singer: Swan song A reclusive soul singer finally sets the record straight
  2. The New All -Star Club was on a street next to me. Interesting , thanks.
  3. Sounds good, maybe we should have a section, sticky about "new northern"
  4. my dear departed friend Liam, did an album there with Flowered Up, camden town kids, badly produced, wasn't till they got the Madness producer Clive Winstanley they recorded "Weekender" a seminal record of that era.
  5. Qutie a long shirt collar on the kid to the right.
  6. Dancing in synchronicity with strangers who become friends.
  7. Interesting, so that's where the phrase the full monty came from. When they had all the suit, not just the trousers:) Going to read Paul Anderson's book later.
  8. From what I've hear the Paradise Garage came closest to Wigan Casino for atmoshpere and music. Did anybody visit both of them. I'm sure Norman Jay did but anybody here? Like to hear first hand accounts.
  9. John I sell on Amazon, when you get an order now there is a request review button. But wait, give people a few weeks or people get annyoed This guy explains it better than me. https://www.ecomengine.com/blog/amazon-request-a-review-button
  10. Thanks for the info. Curious to hear how the fashions began and where in London.
  11. One last thing, but wait a few weeks, email the buyers through Amazon and ask for a review. Reviews sell things.
  12. Just bought one, always happy to support and look forward to reading it.
  13. For all you London Mods out there, where did the mod scene actually begin? Who were the first mods? Being a spring chicken I'm curious to know;)
  14. Lee Fields one is a cracker heard it on the soul discovery show.
  15. Try and update your lisitng so potential buyers can "look Inside", this should improve sales. This facility can be found when you go into your seller account and edit the lsiting.
  16. What are your new favourite releases. This track just released would have been a monster at Wigan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=earwfqjdNeo

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