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Everything posted by Fiftyboiledeggs

  1. They're easy ones in the title; what about in the song
  2. Wonder how many northern tracks with 'Keep The Faith' in the lyrics here's one, anymore
  3. I've sold thousands of items online (not records) and never send to Italy. See reasons why. https://community.ebay.co.uk/t5/Business-Seller-Board/Italy-Now-Blocked/td-p/7099067
  4. Anybody dropping this today. End of the night classic.
  5. Froggy for sure is unheralded.
  6. Fantastic me too, sped it up a bit on youtube, I think you're right, that was a good bit of knowledge there bud!
  7. Where is it sampled from and who's the singer, thanks in advance.
  8. Learning lots of new names here, who I am going to look out for, "Tom McGrath, Sean Haydon, Dean Read and Johnny Weston"
  9. The worst DJ is an easy one to settle- he just got led by money, I might have done the same.
  10. I'm not sure it is a bad topic It might lead other members to dig deeper into a DJ they had never heard of. Now if I had said the worst DJ, maybe then;) That would have been negative. Great way he opens his set here with Gil Scot Heron and Frankie Beverly
  11. Has to be Colin Curtis; never got stuck, always moving.
  12. Great voice, great songs.
  13. Something about it being a nasty forum, says a member made a comment about wishing cancer on somebody, over a northern soul movie, sounds bs to me. Fair enough if it is true but if it isn't, shouldn't go unchecked. Think the scene is small enough without people criticising each other. https://podcast24.co.uk/episodes/the-modcast-with-eddie-piller-friends/modcast-114-eddie-piller-with-guy-hennigan-lOUeeUHvIm
  14. Why does Piller have it in for Soul Source, was listening to an interview on TWR the other day with Guy, and he slagged off Soul Source.
  15. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CluS42zDnwX/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D
  16. Alan Freed was no producer but he was one of the most influential in R and B. You do not need any influence on what the artist is making, you are missing the point. Anderson not only had huge impact on Northern but on the Rare Groove scene in Lonon.All these ripple effects from him, led to people like Snowboy, Acid Jazz and countless others who ventured to him for records. They in turn created a scene. Putting, John Anderson aside, you are totally wrong if you think an influencer has to be invovled in the making of a product, to have an influence in that field. Keb Darge massively influenced hip -hop is a good example.
  17. I'm not too sure about that. Your construct that in any creative field you cannot exert influence-" but he didn't actually make any music " does not stand up to scrutiny. Here's a few influencers for starters on black music who didn't make any music: Jim Stewart, Estelle Axton, Alan Freed. You could go through all the arts, painting, literature, music and find many influential figures who either created a scene or propelled it, into a sub culture or mainstream, without making the product. Anderson unearthed and rescued many black artsits from obscurity. His tenacity also tailored the music that found it's way on to the dancefloor and shaped listening tastes throughout the land. So in my mind he was a major influence in black music.
  18. Would it be right say one of the most influential figures in black music in the Sixties and Seventies? If you think about his discoveries and the ripple effect, he'd be hard to beat. I don't think his contribution has been fully recognised by the mainstream culture.
  19. looks very good the Lee Fields one
  20. very nice selection.
  21. Northern Soul has to be grateful for Gordy rejecting this, he preferred the pursuit of pop dollars. When Detroit was burning in 1967 he sent the Supremes to grab the Las Vegas market:)
  22. For me Stax was more raw, had more soul. Motown was pop centric. The artists on Motown had to fight to get anything soul/funk realesed eg, What's Going On, Papa was a Rolling Stone. When artists left Motown they seemed to create more soulfoul work The Isleys , spring to mind..

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