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  • Birthday 21/03/1946

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  1. Wilton’s Soulful Sessions - Richard Caiton Concert The event was fantastic – Richard performed 14 songs and an encore backed by our band PUSH, Yes! our band, these guys love the Wilton events and have always done a fantastic job of making their arrangements sound just like the original recording. They love the music our artists created and all the music that’s played by the DJ’s on the night. We have been so lucky to have these guys involved with all our artists; we must thank the band, especially band leader Ernie McKone, not forgetting our celebrity keyboard player Mike Talbot and all the other members. We would like to thank all of you, the fans, for attending and supporting us over the last five years of the Wilton’s Soulful Sessions events. We have had some great artists perform for us, some that have never performed a full concert in front of a UK soul crowd before. We kept the Wilton as a soulful “specialist” event (you know what I mean); the music is not Northern Soul oldies and sadly, today, it’s hard to survive with an event based on this policy. The attendance of 230 at our last night made a very good night for Richard, but was very much down on previous ones, mainly due to the amount of events now on the soul calendar, many on the same night, targeting the same crowd that normally attend the Wilton events. We had our date confirmed in February this year and the artist confirmed in March. Looking at the soul events calendars at that time, we were clear of any major clashes, but through the year that changed and affected our ticket sales dramatically. The result was that ticket sales were short of the financial breakeven point, losing nearly £2,500. We never wanted to make a profit, just get close to breaking even, unlike many other promoters. At this point we would like to thank Mick and Mo, Martyn and Lynn for their collection skills and all your donations on the night, which resulted in £522 being presented to Val in a Champagne Bucket. Your donations helped us out but we still lost a lot of money, and as a result we have decided to end the live acts at the Wilton. It just too expensive to risk when the initial support isn’t there anymore. To agree a performance fee with an artist, pay for his flights and sometimes additional flights for a partner, hotel and meal costs, the fees for the band and their hotel and meals, the fees for the PA guys, artist’s work permit, venue hire and whole lot more, is a lot of money. I know our regular supporters will be disappointed but we can’t continue. We had lots of plans for other artists including Chuck Bernard, Patti Hamilton (Lovelites) to name just two, but without support from the fans this now won’t happen. It’s very strange to me that these artists’ records can fill a dance floor, but can’t fill a venue when they are brought to the UK (Yorkshire) for a live concert!!! In a lot of cases it is more about who is going, or a reunion of a past venue, or a charity event - not about the artist who recorded the music we all love. Richard had an experience at the Wilton that he will never forget; he performed songs that he had never performed live before since he recorded them some 40/50 years ago. You gave him something very special, you showed him how much his music is appreciated by UK soul fans. He left the UK on Monday a very happy man – Thank you. We would like to thank all the people who have helped us stage our events, The dj’s – Soul Sam; Arthur Fenn; Mike Charlton; Mouse. The girls on the door - Kath and quite a few others. Stewart and Steve for help in setting up the room. Mr MC – Tim Brown, and everyone who helped with ticket sales and promotion. We would also like to thank the Wilton (Greywood Hall) Managers – Grant & Gilly and their staff, who have always accommodated us with every request we have made. It’s hard to keep the faith. David and Val
  2. Hi Guys WILTON’S SOULFUL SESSIONS - SATURDAY 19th NOVEMBER 2016 RICHARD CAITON LIVE AT THE WILTON If you have already purchased your tickets - Thank you for your support!!! Just 10 days to go before Richard Caiton will be performing live on stage at the Wilton!! If you haven't got tickets yet, and you are planning to attend, please don't leave it to the last minute. We would be very upset to have to turn our regular fans away because the event is sold out. Tickets for the Richard Caiton concert are available by PayPal - www.greywoodhall.co.uk/soulfulsessions We still have lots of tickets to sell so we intend to leave the website PayPal ticket purchase arrangement available untill Saturday 19th - the concert date. If you buy tickets using this method at the last minute, we will confirm by email and your tickets will waiting for you at the entrance desk. We have sold around 230 tickets at the moment, a reasonable crowd for Richard, but this is not nearly enough to pay for the cost of putting on the event, so come on guys get yourselves down to the Wilton. At this stage we think that you should be able to pay on the door but who knows. You can also contact us on 01924 894555. So get your tickets early to avoid disappointment. It's going to be a fantastic concert and Richard can't wait to get over to the UK to perform for his fans, with our full backing band PUSH. Richard is going to sing 14 songs across two 30 minute sets commencing at 11:30 - 12:00pm & 12:30 - 1:00am. Please note there will be no admission after 11:00pm This may be your only chance ever to see Richard performing with a full band (PUSH) - the first time in the UK which may never be repeated again - not to be missed!!!! Hope to see you all at the Wilton. Richard deserves a full house, we have danced and enjoyed his songs for many years; now is the time to give him some payback and be in front of that stage at the Wilton. Just to add to this fantastic night, the next issue of Soul Up North, featuring Richard Caiton, will be available and Richard will be pleased to sign copies. A cd featuring all the songs Richard will perform on the night will also be available for Richard to sign. We will also have a few copies of Richard’s long deleted Grapevine 2003 cd release - “Refections”, for sale on the night. We have some birthday celebrations also on the night: Andy Peake's 60th and his and Bernie's 10th wedding anniversary, Fraser Dunn's 65th and Colin Law. We have posted an article on the Soul Source site which details Richard's musical biography, his song writing ability and record discography, including quite a bit about his early life in New Orleans. Hope to see you soon. David & Val
  3. THE RICHARD CAITON STORY Compiled by David and Val Box 2016 With a lot of help from Richard Caiton, Garry J. Cape and Paul Mooney Ask an American soul fan to name their favourite New Orleans’ artists, and they will probably choose Allen Toussaint, Lee Dorsey, The Meters, Irma Thomas and Robert Parker. Ask a European or Japanese soul fan the same question and they are more likely to select Willie Tee, or an even lesser known artist such as Richard Caiton, a forgotten figure of the New Orleans soul and R&B scene. Even few New Orleans musicians from his era recall his name. However, in Europe and Japan, Richard’s emotive, soulful recordings have become revered, and are highly sought after. Richard Caiton’s name has been kept alive over the last forty years by fans outside the United States. In overseas R&B/soul record collecting circles, some copies of his original singles have changed hands for well in excess of £1000, and in the last few years the prices have escalated. Richard James Caiton was born on December 26th, 1944. One of an extended family of seven children, Richard grew up near the St Bernard housing project in New Orleans. Whilst he attended Clark High School, he taught himself to play piano and he sang in the church choir; the church in question here being the St John’s Divine Baptist. Back then, Richard could barely afford to buy records, but listened to the radio a lot; he especially liked the Motown Sound and Curtis Mayfield. Smokey Johnson lived across the street and he was a great influence. “I remember the time when Smokey was putting together ‘It Ain’t My Fault’.” Richard won his first talent show at Clark High School, singing ‘I Love You’, a song he wrote himself. “Even then, I consciously wanted to do my own individual thing and not copy anybody else.” That might have limited his success, but he was convinced that was the way he wanted to go. Richard’s debut recording was cut in 1964 with bandleader Dave Bartholomew at Cosimo Matassa’s studio in New Orleans. ‘You Look Like A Flower’, with the B-side ‘Listen To The Drums’, was released on the Los Angeles-based GNP Crescendo label, GNP #327, a label owned by Los Angeles producer Gene Norman. “A cousin of mine knew Dave. He brought me to his office and he was interested in recording me.” The record got a few plays locally, but it really didn’t do much. From 1966, Richard recorded for the Up Tight label, an independent label operated and owned by Ulyen Coleman, based in his home town - New Orleans. He released four singles on Up Tight. First up was #101 ‘Our Love Is True’, backed with ‘Without Your Love’, which received radio plays on WYLD and WBOK. Richard made an appearance on Eddie Williams’ Three Way TV Show (New Orleans’ first dance music show for African Americans) on WGNO Channel 26, but few additional gigs came Richard’s way. Richard’s second release on the Up Tight label turned out to be his biggest seller: ‘Take A Hold Brother And Sister’. “That was a big song. That was in the time when you could have a big record right here in New Orleans. It did pretty well around here, maybe 30,000 or so. At that particular time, it was the ‘black consciousness’ period; that’s where I got the idea from. Curtis Mayfield had ‘Move On Up’ around that same time. Yeah, these things still sound pretty good.” Richard recalls a Chicago label being interested in distributing ‘Take A Hold….’ nationally, but nothing happened. In an interview conducted by Garry Cape and New Orleans’ producer the late Isaac Bolden, in 2003; Isaac commented “You know, the Temptations could have done that song ‘Take A Hold…’.. Can’t you hear it? Oh Lord, they could have done that good! That would have been a number one record for them. If Berry Gordy would have signed you….”, Bolden speculated, “if only you’d been at Motown instead of in New Orleans.” Richard’s third release on Up Tight, ‘I’d Like To Get Near You’, is now highly regarded in modern soul circles and commands a very high price tag if ever a copy turns up for sale. The last time this appeared on Popsike was 2005, with a price tag of £1172. Garry asked Richard “What inspired you to write your third release ‘I’d Like To Get Near You’?” “At that time” Richard recalled, “there was a song called ‘Colour Him Father’ and it gave me the idea. I wrote it with Eddie Williams. We came up with the melody and stuff together. That was a nice song. Those are real strings! My stuff was just a little too pretty to be a hit,” he laughed. “I could still sing that song today. My idols were Curtis Mayfield and Nat King Cole, and I liked the Gamble and Huff style of production. During the interview, listening to ‘Reflections’, a Motown-sounding stomper, which was the final release on Up Tight, brought back more memories for Richard. “This is another song I wrote with Eddie Williams. It was recorded in Houston. We tried to get a different kind of sound, more of a Motown type sound,” he revealed. “I always tried to write like Motown, they were my idols.” This turned out to be the rarest release to obtain, it just never comes up for sale. The Up Tight label had only these four releases, which all featured Richard Caiton. After the last release, ‘Reflections’, the label folded. There are some interesting label details: the first release, #101, had a yellow label; the second, #151, came out with two different colours – red and orange, with different imprint designs; the third, #151, (again) came out on a green label with a slight imprint change from the first release; the fourth release #101, (again) came out on a blue/green label, the design being almost identical to the third release. All the Up Tight releases were recorded at Jones’ Studio, in Houston, Texas. “We did a few tracks down there; they were having some big records out of the Houston area at that time. I used to ride on a bus, and I’d get ideas for songs just by looking at people. You know, if I looked at a pretty girl – sometimes that’s how I would write.” As many of Richard’s records had sold well regionally, Garry asked him if he’d performed much on the local club scene? “I did a little bit of work in the clubs, but I wasn’t the kind of person who spent a lot of time in the night life. I had a profession (teaching) and I had a degree, so I preferred to leave music as a passion. If it hit, it hit. And if it didn’t, it didn’t. But I really enjoyed writing, my thing was writing.” In 1969, Richard signed a management contract with Elijah Walker,a music promoter who owned Skyline Attractions. Walker was instrumental in launching the careers of King Floyd and Jean Knight when he sent them to the Malaco studio in Jackson, and assigned Wardell Quezergue to arrange their sessions. So Walker thought he might duplicate their success with Richard. By the early 1970s, Richard was concentrating more on writing, often with Joe Broussard, Carrol Washington and Ralph Williams (the team who wrote ‘Mr Big Stuff’ for Jean Knight), and Maria Tynes. Working from Elijah Walker’s Musical Associates in New Orleans, Richard had several songs ‘picked up’ by local producers such as the late Wardell Quezergue, who recorded the original four-member Pointer Sisters at Malaco. That very first session yielded ‘Send Him Back’, which was issued on Atlantic 45-2893 in 1972. Written by Richard, with Tynes and Broussard, it became an anthem on the Northern Soul scene here in the UK. Senator Jones operated several small labels and recorded Richard’s songs ‘I’m So Lonely’ on The Barrons, and ‘I’ve Taken Over’ on Norma Jean in 1972. These 45s were commercial failures, but ‘I’ve Taken Over’ went on to be popular on the UK Modern Soul scene, and was released in the UK on a Grapevine single, #G2K 45-135, in 2003. Trips to Jackson in 1972 and 1973 resulted in a Malaco single coupling ‘Superman’ and ‘I’m Gonna Love You More’ in 1974 – Malaco M-1020; despite recording another six tracks for Malaco, nothing else was released at that time. This was possibly due to Walker’s unexpected death which left Richard without a label, but he didn’t give up and continued with his writing. Producer Allen Toussaint was impressed with Richard and offered him a job as house songwriter. Richard declined because it would interfere with his teaching career. Almost 30 years later, Garry Cape found the tracks at the Malaco studios. These were included with Richard’s other recordings, and the CD compilation was issued in 2003: ‘Reflections - Richard Caiton’, Grapevine GVCD3008. As if following a pattern, Richard’s next two singles were also commercial failures, but both would become cherished overseas in later years. ‘I See Love Girl In Your Eyes’ and ‘I Wonder Will You Always Love Me’ were recorded at Malaco studios and issued in 1975 on Caiburt VPL-3041, a label Richard owned in partnership with Morris Burton. “I wrote the song ‘I See Love Girl In Your Eyes’ with Joe Broussard. We had planned to release it on another New Orleans singer called Charles Otis, so we went up to Malaco in Jackson. That’s me on piano, Joe Broussard on organ and Malaco’s great studio musicians. We did that one and the song on the other side of the 45, a pretty ballad called ‘I Wonder Will You Always Love Me’. We put it out on Charles, then I decided to put the record out on myself in partnership with Morris Burton, so I took the track down to Cosimo’s studio here in New Orleans and put my vocal on it.” The track by Charles Otis was put out as #002 on Caraljo Records, Corp, 2019 Deslonde St, New Orleans. Garry asked: “What about the song ‘I Will Love You Always’? Was it about anyone special?” “Yes. That song was about my wife – Theola. Every time I hear it I think of her, and about when we got married, because I heard this song playing on the radio the day we got married. It’s not the kind of song that would be a hit,” he added “but it’s a good song to listen to.” Once again, Richard took the ride up Interstate 55 to Jackson in 1978 to record two more tracks, the uptempo ‘Where Is The Love’ and the gentle ballad ‘Thank You’. “Wardell arranged the session and he did the strings for me. We used Malaco’s players and Dorothy Moore was one of the backing singers, though I overdubbed the male vocal parts. It was a good session but when we got through I didn’t have the money to release it, so I gave it to Senator Jones to release on his label, JB’s #131. Senator was pretty hot around here at that time.” The disco-flavoured ‘Where Is The Love / Thank You’, issued on Senator Jones’ JB’s label, is another Modern Soul favourite, and this was to be Caiton’s last single, as he decided to devote more time to his family and to his teaching administration career, which he continues to practice to this day. Over the years, Richard has been made aware of the demand for his records with soul fans in Europe, and these particular singles have kept his name to the fore. A quote from Richard… “I never did music for money; it’s always been for love. I’m humbled by what’s happening, and I really appreciate that, at last, folks finally appreciate what I’ve done.’ Since then Richard has recently been active again with his music; he made an appearance at Soul Essence in 2013 and performed at last year’s Ponderosa Stomp festival in New Orleans. After hearing him at Soul Essence where they used his records as backing tracks I thought how great would it be to have Richard performing a full concert with a full backing band and background singers in the UK for the very first time!! Well here we go! On the 19th November 2016 Richard Caiton will be performing at the Wilton. WILTON’S SOULFUL SESSIONS - SATURDAY 19TH NOVEMBER 2016 RICHARD CAITON LIVE AT THE WILTON A soul night featuring a very special performance from a southern soul legend, supported by our fantastic full eight piece band, including background vocalists, *PUSH*. The night will have the same format as our previous artist nights. Richard will perform two 30 min sets featuring most of his released recordings, and a number of his Malaco recordings that never made vinyl. This will be the first time Richard has performed live with a full support band in the UK. We are so proud to have Richard performing at the Wilton, so come on guys, let’s give him a great welcome with a capacity crowd. Just to add to this fantastic night the next issue of Soul Up North, featuring Richard Caiton, will be available and Richard will be pleased to sign copies. A cd featuring all the songs Richard will perform on the night will also be available for Richard to sign. We will also have a few copies of Richard’s long deleted Grapevine 2003 cd release - “Refections”, for sale on the night. Tickets are available now at £23.00 or £26.00 OTD if not sold out. The night will run from 9.00pm to 3.00am as before, with our guest DJ’s Soul Sam, Arthur Fenn, Mike Charlton and residents Boxy & Mouse playing the very best 60’s – 70’s and crossover soul throughout the night. Watch out for further information on the Soul Source website and Facebook. Our usual PayPal payment arrangement is available at www.greywoodhall.co.uk/soulfulsessions or by contacting Boxy on 01924 894555 Acknowledgements: To Richard Caiton for making this possible and for being so patient with my many telephone questions. Thank you to Garry J. Cape and Paul Mooney – for help and kind permission to copy information from your research for the Grapevine CD release in 2003. Val Box for her typing skill and putting up with my tantrums…. RICHARD CAITON DISCOGRAPHY GNP Crescendo GNP 327 - “You Look Like A Flower / Listen To The Drums” - 1964 Up Tight 101 - “Our Love Is True / Without Your Love” - 1966 Up Tight 151 - “Take A Hold Brother And Sister / I Will Love You” - 1968 Up Tight 151 - “I’d Like To Get Near You / It’s Been A Long Time“ - 1969 Up Tight 101 - “Reflections / Forgive Me Baby” - 1969 Malaco (unissued recordings 1972 - 1973) These tracks were released on the Grapevine compilation CD “Reflections” GVCD 3008 in 2003 “Got To Get Across To You” “I’ll Do Anything For My Baby” “I Gotcha My Baby” “What’s Wrong Baby” “I’m Not The Other Man” “I’m Not Gonna Be A Victim” Malaco M -1020 - “I’m Gonna Love You More / Superman” - 1974 Caiburt VPL - 3041 - “I Wonder Will You Always Love Me / I See Love Girl In Your Eyes” - 1975 JB’s 131 - “Thank You / Where Is The Love” - 1978 Grapevine CVCD 3008 - “Reflections - Richard Caition” - 2003
  4. The Richard Caiton Story - "I never did music for money; it's always been for love". Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  5. Tickets for the Richard Caiton concert are now available We have decided to bring the ticket sales commencement date forward for PayPal orders because we had such a great early demand for tickets at the Spirit of Soul weekender at Scarborough last weekend. So get your tickets early to avoid disappointment later in the year. The interest in this concert is increasing by the minute; it's going to be a fantastic concert and Richard can't wait to get over to the UK to perform for his fans with our full backing band PUSH November may seem a long way off, but our concert with Ann Sexton last year was on us before we knew it. All the best David and Val Tickets for the Richard Caiton concert are now available by PayPal at http://www.greywoodhall.co.uk/soulfulsessions WILTON’S SOULFUL SESSIONS - SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2016 RICHARD CAITON LIVE AT THE WILTON A soul night featuring a very special, one night only, performance from a southern soul legend direct from New Orleans, supported by our fantastic full eight piece band, including background vocalists, *PUSH*. The night will have the same format as our previous Artist Nights. Richard will perform two 30 min sets featuring most of his released recordings, and a number of his Malaco recordings that never made vinyl. This will be the first time Richard has performed live with a full support band in the UK. We are so proud to have Richard performing at the Wilton, so come on guys, let’s give him a great welcome with a capacity crowd.
  6. Wilton's Soulful Sessions Saturday 19th November Greywood Hall - Altofts Lane - Castleford - WF10 5QB (Same place different name) A Soulful Night Featuring A Very Special Performance From A Legendary Artist. Richard Caiton A soul night featuring a very special performance from a southern soul legend, supported by our fantastic full eight piece band, including background vocalists, *PUSH*. The night will have the same format as our previous artist nights. Richard will perform two 30 min sets featuring most of his released recordings, and a number of his Malaco recordings that never made vinyl. This will be the first time Richard has performed live with a full support band in the UK. We are so proud to have Richard performing at the Wilton, so come on guys, let’s give him a great welcome with a capacity crowd. Tickets are now available £23.00 or £26.00 OTD if not sold out. The night will run from 9.00pm to 3.00am as before, with our guest DJ’s playing the very best 60’s – 70’s and crossover soul throughout the night. Watch out for further information on the Soul Source website and Facebook. Our usual PayPal payment arrangement is available at www.greywoodhall.co.uk/soulfulsessions If you attended our last event with Ann Sexton you will not want to miss this event. Once again another, not to be missed, soulful night at the Wilton Plus the very best of 60's - 70's - Crossover from our DJ's SOUL SAM - ARTHUR FENN - MIKE CHARLTON plus Residents BOXY & MOUSE 9.00PM - 3.00AM INFO: BOXY - 01924 894555 MOUSE - 07717 338009 More details will follow when finalized.
  7. Tickets for the Richard Caiton concert are now available .. Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  8. Richard Caiton Live UK Concert with Full Support Band Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  9. Wilton’s Soulful Sessions 19th November 2016 A soul night featuring a very special performance from a southern soul legend, supported by our fantastic full eight piece band, including background vocalists, *PUSH*. The night will have the same format as our previous artist nights. Richard will perform two 30 min sets featuring most of his released recordings, and a number of his Malaco recordings that never made vinyl. This will be the first time Richard has performed live with a full support band in the UK. We are so proud to have Richard performing at the Wilton, so come on guys, let’s give him a great welcome with a capacity crowd. Tickets will be available early June at £23.00 or £25.00 OTD if not sold out. The night will run from 9.00pm to 3.00am as before, with our guest DJ’s playing the very best 60’s – 70’s and crossover soul throughout the night. Watch out for further information on the Soul Source website and Facebook. Our usual PayPal payment arrangement will be available when tickets sales commence.
  10. Just got this news from my Chicago buddy Edward Keyes. Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  11. Just got this news from my Chicago buddy Edward Keyes. Eddie Sullivan has passed away. No other details at the moment. Here is Bob Abrahamian's interview with Eddie, posted on this site in 2008: R.I.P Eddie
  12. The visitation and funeral details follow: Visitation Friday Jan 15th 4pm-10pm Leak & Sons Funeral Chapel 7838 South Cottage Grove Av Chicago, IL 60619 708-206-0860 January 16th Family Fellowship Hour 10:00 am -11:00am Celebration of Life - Home Going Celebration11:00am - Noon Liberty Baptist Church 4849 King Dr Chicago, IL 773-268-6757 Immediately following Oak Woods Cemetery 1035 E 67th St, Chicago, IL 60637 (773) 288-3800
  13. R.I.P. Otis Really sad news, our thoughts go out his family and friends. Val & myself have met Otis at gigs and socially during our many visits to Chicago and we will surely miss him. A soul legend we will never forget. https://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-01-03/entertainment/ct-ott-0104-otis-clay-20130103_1_recording-studio-gospel-inez-andrews David & Val Box
  14. Hi Guys Happy New Year! Here are the latest details for the next Wilton Soulful Sessions event on Saturday, 19th March 2016. Guest DJ's - Soul Sam - Tim Brown - Roger Banks - Colin Law - Arthur Fenn - Mike Charlton - plus residents Mouse & Boxy To answer the might be's from the earlier flyer you might have read: There will be some food laid on. The event will run from 8.00PM - 4.00AM. There will be NO admission charge because it's me birthday (Unless you want to donate). No live acts this time but plans for November 19th are ongoing. But I'm sure it will be another fantastic night at the Wilton. Hey! it's not only my birthday celebration: Alison H - Howard E - Chuddy - Michelle J - Daryl S are also joining in the fun and celebrating theirs. It's gonna be one big "PARTY" I have also heard that Arthur & Colin will be giving golf lessons sometime during the night, so keep your head down!!! And before I forget, there will be some great records played on the night from a fantastic line up of DJ's. INFO: Boxy - 01924 894555 If anybody plans to to stay over the Bridge Inn is now open just 100m from the Wilton. Also the Premier Inn J31 - M62 Castleford about a mile away. Bridge Inn: bridgeinnhotel.co.uk Tel: 0113 868 5387 Premier Inn PremierInn.com and enter the post code: WF10 5QB Venue address: New Wheatsheaf Conference & Banqueting. Altofts Lane. Whitwood. Castleford. WF10 5QB. Hope to see all the old Wilton crowd together once again!! Dave & Val
  15. Ann Sexton Concert at the New Wheatsheaf (Wilton) 14th November 2015 Not long now! We still have tickets to sell but please note the following: We will continue to accept PayPal orders until all the tickets are sold, at that point the PayPal service will be shut down. If you require your tickets sending to you by post, the cut off date for PayPal and phone orders is midnight on Sunday, 8th November. If you order tickets by PayPal or phone after Sunday, 8th, your tickets will be registered in your name and given to you on entering the venue, and a confirming email will be sent to PayPal orders. On the door admission will only be guaranteed if the event is not sold out. If you are in a group and would like a table be there early - Doors open at 9.00pm If you would like to contact us please call Boxy - 01924 894555 or Mouse - 07717 3380009. Thank you to all who have already purchased tickets, you won’t be disappointed. It’s going to be fantastic night!!! David & Val

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