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Everything posted by Solidsoul

  1. Do you want to say who this buyer is? Do we need to be warned? Most double copies of records I have looked at, are random. The runout markings and label orientation are random. Sometimes just by chance and the way they are stacked they might be close, but I have never seen two records exactly the same.
  2. Well you know a lot of people with good taste do like both sides, so why do you want to spoil it for them with negative comments!
  3. John seems to have found a way of doing a sort of mass hypnosis with these auctions. He can get the very highest prices!
  4. The seller knows this is not a Pzazz original of Len Jewell but is still asking £650 for it on ebay! They do not state it's an original, but don't not say it isn't!! Is this type of vague negative description for a record asking price of £650 ok? Item 176527872640 Looking for a mug I think! Do you think this is fair practice?
  5. Which venue in Cleethorpes? There has been lots of different venues used for allnighters, soul nights and weekenders over the decades, with lots of different promoters.
  6. When I came home from the Casino this instrumental tune would buzz around in my head for days! It's a record for amphetamine fuelled allnighters!
  7. Northern Soul classic on a light blue promo! Rarer than the issues. I think this demo is the most desirable format to own this great record on! Original first issue demo of this USA 7" record. £50 + £4.65 postage. This is the light blue promo to the dark blue issues. The promo to the black label issue copies has a yellow label. Condition is Ex. It has a few light paper scuffs when held up to the light, but nothing to effect the playback or enjoyment of the record.
  8. I remember John Vincent was a regular at the Morecambe Pier allnighters in the early 1980's and he was playing the Just Bros (Sharpees) Go On And Laugh. I think he could have been the first to play it.
  9. They are both different records, you can like both and you don't have to pick one above the other
  10. Wade Flemons, over a £1000 for a old soul pack record!! Although it does sound great played loud in a venue!
  11. Bought my copy in Salt Lake City of all places, in 1978! So it should be ok. Salt Lake City is not a hotbed for soul music but this was a nice find, still sealed!
  12. Here Is Barbara Lynn L.P. Every track is great! The one released on UK Oval. https://images.app.goo.gl/k9mNRWmwonHvAEJSA
  13. The copy in the picture is not an original, it should be styrene, not vinyl.
  14. The Superiors "WHAT WOULD I DO". Verve original light blue promo 45. It is quite rare on the light blue promo! Condition is Ex. Has some very light scratches, but plays great. Fully returnable if not happy. Buyer pays return postage. £60 plus postage.
  15. "Alone With No Love" is really by The Contemplations and recorded in 1969!
  16. "Never Gonna Let You Go" by The Jobell Orchestra on Jan was played at Blackpool Mecca Highland room almost as a brand new release!
  17. Great info. So after reading that it seems The Contemplations "Alone With No Love" 101 was used for the flip of Rock Candy 103. But some of Rock Candy that recorded "I Don't Think I'll Find Another Love" had been members of the Contemplations group.
  18. Isn't, Rock Candy "Alone With No Love" Dontee 103 really the Contemplations "Alone With No Love" on Dontee 101 from 1969? They needed a flip side for Rock Candy A side "I Don't Think I'll Find Another Love" so used the Contemplations track!
  19. It was known in the 1970's and often sold with the other good Constellations "I Didn't Know How To" side by side on lists, for not very much money. It's just that "I Don't Know About You" was not in vogue at that time. Possibly if someone had played it in a venue it might have taken off! I remember back in the 70's, playing it on the home record player, it seemed a little too laid back for the allnighters, even though now it sounds great
  20. Yes "Point Of No Return" it's maybe a better version of the once popular record by Dusk on Bell.
  21. Both Constellations used to be £1 to £3 on the Soul Bowl regularly. There must be plenty of copies in collections!
  22. "Sad Souvenirs" The great flip side of "I Can't Help Myself" by the Four Tops. There are lots of Motown hits with great flip sides!
  23. On Hold. Record in great Ex + condition. Original first issue demo Backbeat. £25 incluedes postage to UK address.
  24. rarenorthernsoul.com has a list out today with, "The Bounce" - The Olympics - Sue WI 348A. Mint. It is probably a one you already have, but I thought there is no harm in mentioning it
  25. Good article.

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