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Everything posted by Solidsoul

  1. "Count Me Out" by Billy Stewart, is one of my favorites by him.
  2. Very sad to hear this. Keith Minshull will always be a true legend on the Northern Soul scene.
  3. The attraction is the brilliant atmospheric production, and the Vel-vets give a performance of a lifetime. It's a great Northern Soul alltime classic!
  4. He is usually very knowledgeable, but does not get it right everytime!
  5. The thick vinyl copy of Marvin Holmes like yours, are best. They sound loud and good fidelity! The styrene copies play at a significant lower volume, for some reason! I often wonder if the styrene copies were legal reissues, done because of Northern Soul interest?
  6. I thought one of the rules of this forum is not using bad language!
  7. I bought my copy of Guitar Ray from Manship for £3 Yes it was a long time ago!
  8. I think there has been some great rare UK items coming out of long time collections recently. Maybe as these guys get older they are starting to part with some long cherished records, for the high prices they can get for them now!
  9. The red label original version is the best and is excellent Northern Soul. The blue label later version has James struggling to keep up with the backing track! He seems to rush his words trying to keep up!
  10. Yeah thats where mine came from, Adey Pearce. He had a several copies. How many I don't know? It was relatively unknown, apart from a few tape swoppers then!
  11. The one you have with no Archer stamp, but has the 3 www's is an early 70's USA repress. This one was supposed to have been done with Lorraine Chandlers involvement. Not sure how true that is. All you really need to know is that the original demo and original issue have a Large ARCHER stamp. (Not an small archer that runs downhill etc) Any copy without the large ARCHER, is not an original first issue.
  12. NEVER LOVE A ROBIN BARBARA & BRENDA DYNAMO DEMO Condition is MINT- It has a slight storage lift, but it is so small it does not effect play. USA ORIGINAL 45rpm. £100 + £7 Special Delivery postage (fully insures) Paypal f&f or add 4%. Wigan Casino stormer and enjoying a new lease of life, for the past several years!!
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  13. Once the resturants and cafes opened again after lockdown, lot's of elderly people were back to them. So it may be the same with the venues. Only difference is, they may all be dancing with face masks on! The only way it is going to get back to normal is if a Covid 19 vaccine is developed against it.
  14. That's you off Anglo American's Christmas card list!!!
  15. In all my years of collecting, I have never seen a vinyl copy. Styrene white demos and styrene black issues. If it did come out on ABC vinyl, it must be very rare!
  16. Bobby Patterson's original is excellent. But if both records were on a table and I had to pick one to take home, regardless of value, it would be Bobby Shannon. It's just got a bit more oomph to it and stronger production! But I do like both tunes.
  17. Well I don't know how he does it, but nobody else could get those prices! I love Hoagy Lands "The Next In Line", expensive at £338? Someone had a nice mint- Demo copy with pictures, on this sales section a couple of weeks ago for £200! The last time I looked no one had taken it!
  18. The scene has always had people who just buy records to sell and make money. Then there's collectors who just love the music and the collecting the great records. It's a shame that the people who love the music and collect the records, have to end up paying for it all! The speculators and dealers don't care, and have an interest in putting up the prices. Getting as much as possible for a record. I am not complaining as thats the capitalist economy working through market forces. But grass roots collectors like me, end up paying for it all!
  19. There is two different labels designs for the original. One with a black label with silver writing. The other a black label with smaller silver writing and the label logo in blue. I think this was when Warren changed the label design to the blue logo. I still think it's a fabulous record and classic Northern Soul, since I first heard it in Wigan Casino!
  20. Sunny and the Sunliners was a £10 to £15 record for years. It was one of those popular tape swopping sounds!
  21. After reading all of the above posts and evidence about this, i would think you are right about the dates of release. Wear My Ring sounds 63/64 where as "I've Been taken For A Ride" sounds later about 1967. It looks to me after looking at the evidence that The Saints came out first on Stardom then Kent in 1967. Bobby St James came out a year later in 1968 on a yellow labelled Watts. And then when they reissued "Wear My Ring" on a black labelled Watts, they backed it with the Bobby St James track, but credited it to the Uptones, to fill the B side! Thats how it looks to me, but untill there is evidence to date the black labelled Watts, it's not certain.
  22. "MY KIND OF GIRL" Flip is "MY ROAD IS THE RIGHT ROAD" THE VOLUMES INFERNO. ORIGINAL FIRST ISSUE. Raised X Machine Stamp + Bell Sound Stamp. CONDITION IS A VERY NICE MINT- £100 + £6 Special delivery fully insured. Payment Paypal Friends and Family.
  23. I remember the days in Wigan Casino record back bar. You would be going through a sales box with about 20 records to go to the back of the box, when an arm would come over your shoulder and grab them before you had a chance to look at them! I saw this happen many times to young collectors. I think it was maybe a bit of fun or to give people a little bit of a working!.
  24. Does anyone know if the mail delivery is getting any better from the USA?
  25. I agree. The UK Ebay record section is so boring!! The same overpriced records that stay on week after week, month after month. Hardly any of them sell, because a lot of them are poor condition, and very much over priced. It's about time Ebay had a rethink to sort this out.

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