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Everything posted by Solidsoul

  1. The copy Anglo had on auction was the slightly rarer two line Four Brothers logo original. The usual one line logo original, and this one, are both Atlantic/Atco distributed, but from there different pressing plants. There is also a styrene west coast delta number original. And of course, the many different copies and boots as well, which is a bit of a minefield!
  2. THE TOPICS (CHADWICK 102 D) - £810.00 JOANN COURCY (TWIRL 2026 D) - £1,010.00 MARION STEWART (R RECORDS 1516) - £250.00 ALLAN HARRIS (EXACT CHANGE 4917) - £475.00 SAM & KITTY (FOUR BROTHERS 452) - £450.00 MELVIN DAVIS (KE KE 1007) - £351.00 TEE CEE HALL (NOVA 101) - £2,000.00 PAUL THOMPSON (VOLT 4042) - £750.00 DOUGLAS BANKS (GUYDEN 2082 D) - £226.00 ROSEY JONES (WICKETT 61472) - £600.00 CIX BITS BAND (HAZE 0012) - £330.00 SUNDAY JORDON (GOOD LUCK 1414) - £955.00 THE INVITATIONS (MGM 13666 D) - £500.00 THE ICEMEN (OLE-9 1008 blue) - £400.00 PHIL TERRELL (CARNIVAL 523) - £255.00 FRANKIE LYMON (MASEDA 134) - £1,650.00 Most are what I would have expected, some a little high. Not as wild as Manship auction results!
  3. You and I would never get that price for them! Only Manship can attract these money people who must regard his auctions, in his own words as "The holy grail! They are buying into the kudos and reputation of the Manship brand!
  4. I was looking about in Llandudno on Thursday and came across a small record fair in a church hall. It was on Friday and Saturday as well. Not a lot there apart from some original Motown Lp's and a black London 45 of Darrell Banks I left it, as I wedge my doors open with them at home!
  5. Same backing track as the much rarer Wigan Casino monster sound "Rock Me, Till I Want No More" by Phil Lowman on Parlos.
  6. Thats very interesting imformative reading on record manufacture. Regarding your question. I think that the millionth press can be classed as an original, if it is part of the original promotion/ release. If the record is still on it's first release on small label or picked up for national release, but still being pushed by the record companies as a new release it's an original. (It helps if the artists are still together and hoping for a hit record). An original to me is part of the original promotion/release of that song.
  7. I bought my original Sassy copy from that mid 1970's find. The story I heard is 500 original copies were bought from the producer Billy Jackson's own stock.. I can't help with what label it was first played on within the Northern Scene, but it must have been played in the US on Sassy first, being the first label.
  8. I used to trade tapes through the tape swopping sections in mags like Derek Pearson's "Shades Of Soul" etc. Back in the 80's it was a great way to learn new records and stay well ahead of the game!!
  9. Look At Me - The Delettes -Blue Rock Can't Lose My Head -George Blackwell -Smoke Loves Made A Connection -Tiaras -Seton This Won't Change -Lester Tipton -La Beat I Am Nothing -Al Williams -Labeat/ Palmer What Happened To Yesterday - Mr Soul /Al Scott - Genuine Ain't Nothing You Can Do - Joe Matthew's -Kool Kat These go somewhere to me, to sum up a bit of Northern Soul!
  10. Rick Coopers very informative article has just confirmed what I have been saying all along. The pink issues of the Carstairs are not USA release originals, but a special legal 1000 press copy order for the UK Northern Scene. If the Northern Soul scene had never happened, only the Sterling stamped White Demos would exist of the Carstairs!
  11. My definition of USA original release, is demo and issue that is meant for the promotion or sale to the USA general public of a certain song. This can include being picked up for national release by a big label, as long as it's all within the initial release timescale. The pink issue Carstairs does not fit into that, because it was not for the USA general public.
  12. They were not issued for the USA market/public, so not part of the original release/promotion. They are a contract product press for a specialised market in the UK. I would only think of the demos as originals because they were part of the original promotion for the release in the USA to the general public.
  13. All the pink issues were done for the Northern Soul UK market in the mid 70's. They were all shipped to the UK. That's why only white demos turn up in the USA! The pink issues don't turn up in the States, unless maybe one found it's way back across!
  14. Do you like any records very much, because you seem to have negatives for most that get mentioned!
  15. That's what I said earlier on this thread.
  16. Most of the later releases on Red Coach, like Universal Mind, were normal releases for the USA market.
  17. There are several stories about this. Ian levine say's he first heard it on the radio in Florida. The radio station will have had the white demo. Another story is that it was found at John Andersons "Soul Bowl" at Kings Lynn. When the record was first played and made into a monster sound, there were no pink issue copies, only Red Coach White Demos made by GRT Chess who went into liquidation shortly after this release. It was legally repressed/shipped to UK for the Nothern Scene on the familar pink issue Red Coach label by Red Lite (Gene Redd JR). There where loads of those pink issues in just about every selling box, for the price of a pressing, by 1976! It never sold in the USA and looking back over the years, only white demos have been found or sold by USA dealers. You will be very hard pushed to find a pink issue in the States, unless one found it's way back there from the UK!
  18. The only true original of this record is the Red Coach GRT Chess distributed White Demo. This has the word Sterling machine stamped into the runout groove. The 1970's demo bootlegs have the word Sterling scratched into the run out groove. The Pink issues are a 1000 copy legal press made later for export to the UK and the 1970's Northern Soul scene by Gene Redd Jr, the label owner. Wigan record bar was swomped with these in 75/76. The copy you describe with the word "Record" written in a straight line, instead of the usual curved shape is a recent/modern repress of the white demo.
  19. The only true original of this record is the Red Coach White Demo. This has the word Sterling machine stamped into the runout groove. The 1970's demo bootlegs have the word Sterling scratched into the run out groove. The Pink issues are legal represses made for the 1970's Northern Soul scene demand by Gene Redd Jr, the label owner. The copy you describe with the word "Record" written in a straight line, instead of the usual curved shape is a recent/modern repress of the white demo.
  20. Drown My Heart - David Coleman £189 was not an excessive price for a great record!
  21. I'm sorry you never found anything in the shops in 1987. But in those pre-internet days, the people who did know all the great records, got all the great records! They deserved them, as it took many years of study, hard work and dedication to get that knowledge!! Now people can get that knowledge, without really trying, from the internet and price guides too easy. They can make a lot of money out of it, without really liking or caring about these great records.
  22. Nice to see Jackie Wilson's great L.P. in the rack on the right, "I Get The Sweetest Feeling" Nice artwork on it as well as some great tracks! The young lady would be better off buying that L.P!!
  23. Maybe someone who has had a Matthew Barnett for many years, could compare to the ones that are turning up recently.
  24. It sounds to me that Ohio Players is vocally poor (he talks it, more than sings!) compared to wonderful Towanda Barnes. Although the funkier production on the Ohio Players version may be more in vogue these days!
  25. That's the money Towanda Barnes should be getting. Loved it since I first heard it in Wigan Casino!

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