Definitely all nighters at bubbles Mark round about 1980 I think , Chris King the promoter , yep and before the leisure centre . does any body remember the steering wheel in Hinckley ? , the place to be before the nighters ...
Boff ..
Manship guides ......says counterfeit replicating the original west coast styrene press deadwax stamp delta 100271 ...
Original as mace says 58579 stamp ...
Here's the other half of what I played at this great event.....
Jean Battle. I've got to come in
The Spindels. To make you mine
Little Ben and the cheers. I'm gonna get even with you
Carl Hall. What's come over you
The Tsu Toronadoes. I still love you
The Four pros. You can't keep a good man down
The Trends. Gonna have to show you
The soul Stirres. Don't you worry
The Dramatics. All because of you
Johnny Truitt. Just the other day
Probably not in that order but was a pleasure anyway, Cheers Boff...