Early 80s , with my mate Rich we set off from Brighton, Sussex to go to Slough , Im pretty sure it was a new Alnighter probably one of Dave Thorleys , anyway we where travelling in my old Bedford work van , overheated twice on the journey up , each time resulting in a break to allow cooling down of radiator, luckily had a container of water in the back , after 5 hrs get to Slough only to find a few hopefuls and the All-Nighter was cancelled.
Set off home got about a third of the way back and this time bang , in the middle of nowhere, no choice but to have a rest , wait for daylight find a telephone box ring the AA , who on arrival takes one look , and calls for a breakdown truck to complete the journey home a round trip of some 16 or so hrs and to rub salt into the wounds the van was written off and scrapped ,too old and too expensive to repair , so I had to buy another .