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Happy Feet

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Everything posted by Happy Feet

  1. I recently upgraded from one to two decks , small mixer etc check out Juno media 2 x reloops mk 11 direct drive decks plus Citronic mixer ask for best price ( it tells you to) prior to ordering , £203 each deck & £72.for mixer all in free postage via DHL , fortunately able to make my own cabinets and top to house everthing , at a level , low enough to sit in my comfy all leather John Lewis recliner and footstool , that I treated myself to via ebay £50. ( was over £500. new ) All my records are shelved in front above or under the decks , back & side wall , so I can just spin and reach out without having to move too much , beers in the chiller box sorted
  2. Was this a reaction to England's p*ss poor performance for 93+ minutes , to try and distract us poor buggers , looks to me the kinda thing Rishi would try to put the blame on the Labour party
  3. Just came across these cabinet makers on line bespoke and made to measure etc , https://www.fletcherandmils.com/collections/bookcases-toy-boxes-and-storage-units/products/cube-storage-unit
  4. Recently on the BBC iPlayer, they had the usual BBC style coverage of Gladys Knight with & without The Pips , but the one that stands out for all the wrong reasons , was the one in Hyde park , so many covers and ballads , playing to the crowd obviously. Still touring in 2024 , with all the ups & downs she's had to put up with over the last few years , her son etc , perhaps Gospel is an escape , God works in mysterious ways , ( not for me yet )
  5. That's amazing , thank you
  6. Hi Soul- slider , no but now I have , so far I've found 20 versions Inc .Kenny Lynch, Johnny Mathis , Will Downing , George Benson , The Lettermen , The Vanguards, Lamont Johnson, Righteous Brothers, Isaac Hayes , Carole King , Brian Poole , the previous plus Berry Lipman & His Orchestra , with Daze Of The Weak , 21 versions so far , there has to be more , just for the record Donny Osmond & Mickie Dolenz where the popstars .
  7. Should have done more research I'm now upto at least 10 cover versions , Ray Charles , Michael McDonald, Billy Joel , lots of famous Pop stars , and even a CW instrumental version , The Temptations, is a great version can't remember if it got a mention in the earlier topic , Motown album tracks worthy of a 45 , maybe yet to be ? via our favourite Spanish label of the moment ( yes it did get a mention cheers Wilxy )
  8. Pretty sure no 45 release by The Temps , was included on their "Cloudnine " album released in 69 , but sounds much earlier recording . Was of course 1st released by Freddie Scott in 63 , then at least 5 cover versions .
  9. It seems that this has been around a while but available now on a 45 release, there has been a whole bunch of releases on I.M.G. recently mostly Low rider , but this one's a bit of a mover .
  10. That has to be the worst performance in a major tournament by any England team ever , is it possible that a Manager can be replaced and bring in one that knows how to get the best out of his players during a tournament, all these players are top quality and we are meant to be one of the favourites , B*llsh*t .
  11. Ever thought I know that tune ,
  12. A few years back , bought a copy of a popular and a brand new 45 from the States , when I took it out of its sleeve for the 1st time and put it onto the decks , after 2 or 3 revolutions it was pretty obvious it was knackered and immediately threw the arm and stylus into the air and skated across the vinyl , tried a record sleeve underneath the record and it played but not all the way . So I experimented by cutting a perfectly cylindrical spacer to match the warp / dish using the type of very thin foam packing used in most household products and hey presto , sometimes maybe one or two required , but it worked , kinda like a 6 inch ring of foam about 1 inch wide , 1/16th or 1/8 th of an inch thick , or two if needed , because the centre of the record is flat and the vinyl is warped or dished packing is only required from the middle to outer edge of the record , so a paper sleeve which is the same thickness throughout scientifically cant work , I will try and post one in action , won't cost you a penny , and fits perfectly with any warped or dished record in its sleeve ready when needed .
  13. I just got back from shopping & my wife told me the whole country is flooding , I asked why , and she said " Because everyone's p*ss*ng them selves laughing at last nights Scotland result , boom boom .
  14. Just thinking out loud , but if memory serves me right the opening of a certain Alnighter was the final nail , that lead to the closer of the Catacombs, I never made it down unfortunately. Then again there is no denying that the Alnighter in question for at least the 1st couple or so years was predominantly records that had been played 1st at the Catacombs , and even more so in the room upstairs following its 1st Anniversary , and become the classics that are still cherished today. Anyway cut to the chase as they say , why could there not have been a" Catsino" 50th Anniversary event , because without one breaking most of the playlist , would the other have got off to flyer and I know a lot of the great dancers at the Casino where regulars at the Catacombs, because I met and knew them at the time .
  15. B side , but who knows if this wasn't the side people where actually buying it for , far better than the other side , and it would unfortunately only push the sales of the A side , was it ever played out at the time of release ?
  16. Love to hear these type of repairs , whether warps or label abuse , have deliberately bought damaged records over the years , with an idea that maybe a winner & work and restore to at least 75% .
  17. Was hoping to get back up and running so to speak and attend tonight, but can't happen unfortunately, so anyone attending could you would you please if possible post a listing of the tunes played if only the stand out tunes , thanks in advance , have a great night ,,,,
  18. 2 out of a series of Eps. Wonderful news
  19. I'm pretty sure that Aldi during Lockdown or just before named a couple of their beers ,The Golden Torch , The Twisted Wheel , The Hacienda & Otis ( obviously not their own brew ) in cans , not sure if still available .
  20. Sounds very 90s indie pop to these ears , might do well if they change their anticipated market , definitely not any type of soul in there.
  21. Belgium release too on Epic
  22. It may got a Rsd release too a couple of years back ?
  23. Would make one hell of a jig saw puzzle
  24. Condolences Big Al on losing your wife , & I hope you're coping it can't be easy . Regarding your question wether it's ok to play MP3 , or Laptop out and about on the Northern scene as it is , I would say no . If however in a local pub , party, celebration, etc I don't think anyone would care , unless requested otherwise by the host.. I understand your point regarding all the emidiscs ,not acetates played at venues like WC etc , in years gone past, but the purists wouldn't and shouldn't have to listen to a totally bootlegged format either, hopefully those nights are gone forever . An MP3 only release cut to a carver or emidisc , or even a cd only track is a tricky one , otherwise how would it get a play if at all in today's venues , still a bootleg , or cheating ? During Lockdown there was a fear that we wouldn't ever get the chance to hear soul music played , at venues on vinyl again , now we have let's make the most of it , while we can .
  25. I read it for the 1st time yesterday ( wasn't a member in 2011 ) and like Woodbutcher would love to hear the outcome , great so far , don't keep us hanging,,,

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