Condolences Big Al on losing your wife , & I hope you're coping it can't be easy .
Regarding your question wether it's ok to play MP3 , or Laptop out and about on the Northern scene as it is , I would say no .
If however in a local pub , party, celebration, etc I don't think anyone would care , unless requested otherwise by the host..
I understand your point regarding all the emidiscs ,not acetates played at venues like WC etc , in years gone past, but the purists wouldn't and shouldn't have to listen to a totally bootlegged format either, hopefully those nights are gone forever .
An MP3 only release cut to a carver or emidisc , or even a cd only track is a tricky one , otherwise how would it get a play if at all in today's venues , still a bootleg , or cheating ?
During Lockdown there was a fear that we wouldn't ever get the chance to hear soul music played , at venues on vinyl again , now we have let's make the most of it , while we can .