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Happy Feet

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Everything posted by Happy Feet

  1. Hi DLP welcome to Soul Source , hope you enjoy the ride. I have a question that you maybe able to answer , after I watched The Plebians ( Plebs) in Halifax in 67 posted by Rick last night , it was quite clear that the band that was playing was Root & Jenny Jackson not The Impressions . I have never heard of any of their tunes played out anywhere and can't find anything of theirs on vinyl pre 68. So my question is do you have any idea which ( as they where live on stage ) song Root & Jenny Jackson where singing at the time ?
  2. Unless someone connected to the the clear out company realised what they where clearing out was historical , it's a possibility
  3. The brilliant comedy series new to Sky Max , previously shown on HBO , " Hacks " about a female stand up comedian based in Las Vegas , Series 1, episode 1 a few bars & then in episode 2 , a much longer portion of I'm sure , Popcorn Wylie " Going To A Happening" , long way from Detroit but great to hear . Had a few days off this week , not feeling great , so binge watching & feet up , very funny so far .
  4. Don't want to sound like a smart arse , but your writing in English is perfect and a lot better than quite a few on here , including myself , have not seen any of your posts edited. I have friends who will only stay in contact via writing a letter, in the old fashioned way , no internet or telephone calls , in 2025 there is still a very good postal service . So why not give it a go , record delivery, 48 hrs etc , nothing to lose & keep a copy of the letter complete with all references etc . With today's method of contacting everyone expects an instant response , I have pre- ordered and had to wait on occasion up to 12 weeks , albeit not for thousands of pounds worth of records , I can understand you're concerns , but your winding yourself up and if you feel you can't give John a ring , I'd be surprised if someone working with John couldn't understand you , otherwise try a letter .
  5. Not good , did the marker pen come off ? Shiny label or matt ? How long was the dry marker pen left on , I don't allow it to dry , remove whilst still wet . The last one I did was a UK Action copy of Bobby Williams, reduced in price substantially due to black marker pen , looks like a completely different copy now ,and no label damage or loss of colour .
  6. To be honest Peter , lots of record dealers both on here and Ebay have reduced their prices not all 50% , but maybe 20 to 25% , so although I didn't order anything from John , I know I've saved a few pounds and am more than happy , there has definitely been a downturn in prices this month . Had an email this morning from a well known seller , that has slashed some of his sales ( albeit new releases from the last couple of years ) to as little as £3.
  7. Wasn't there a silly rumour at the time , that the Pier actually sunk deeper into the sand during each Allnighter , due to the rather energetic dancing
  8. Having listened to Timmy's selections , and his mixed & eclectic choices of tunes he liked , soulful deep & meaningful , I'd like to share my last 3 plays dedicated to the memory of Timmy , I ended tonights session with . Otis Leavill, I love You , Atlantic UK , The Dramatics , I Cried All The Way Home , ABC UK Freddie Scott , Where Doe's Love Go , Coolpix , I hope he would approve
  9. I'm teasing , humour is a great pain reliever , unless you're suffering with a couple of broken ribs , ouch
  10. Hi Mick , I'm now 67 & like most people of this age I to suffer from 2 life changing diseases , medication helps , but no cure , not an immediate sentence to death as surgery if required is available plus a very painful problem with my spine , annual nerve pain blocker , & lots of daily meds , Diazapam, Pregabilin, Amitriptyline. Just got to get on with daily life & now work part time in the building trade . I was lucky found Northern Soul via youth clubs , then onto Alnighters, VaVa's , Wigan , Sheffield, Yate etc etc the list is endless, stopping in 93 to concentrate on bringing up a family , & work commitments very busy with work & living a normal family life style . Dipped my toe back into the scene Albrighton, Kettering, Warwick back in the early 20s but never really committed, lots of other hobbies by now . Nowadays still collecting vinyl and CDs & the love of the music has never wained , 1 or 2 nights a week in the man cave a few beers & the music, wether a 60s classic or a brand new release and the memories come flooding back . During Lockdown The Bury Virtual Alnighters served as an essential means of contact , not just for people still on the scene but also those people, older , poorly , carers , anybody who loves Northern Soul , That I believe is a way forward for the older population, who can't get out & about , a fortnightly or monthly soul night via the internet with the means to communicate, djs or guests picking the sets , but for some reason there seems to be an over whelming disapproval for this kind of event to be aired , as it may reduce numbers attending live venues . Which I think is a complete load of nonsense, & just because we're old an in a lot of cases too poorly to get out & about we should not be allowed to carry on listening to Northern Soul , communicating with old & new friends & mates ,in the comfort of your own home , yes mixcloud & the odd radio shows during the week , buts it's the comaradery we need , I've just had an upgrade on a new set of hearing aids , and the music has never sounded better.
  11. If anyone can understand this lot , as it says it's supposedly for a fairer outcome I think ? https://www.uefa.com/uefachampionsleague/news/0268-12157d69ce2d-9f011c70f6fa-1000--new-format-for-champions-league-post-2024-everything-you-ne/
  12. EUFA as always too much meddling , causing confusion , I don't think they themselves know either
  13. An insight & wonderful selection of tunes that Timmy loved so much , thank you Hans
  14. Only new him through Soul Source since I joined in 2020 , his knowledge and advice not just on music , but hifi and how to set it up properly will definitely be missed for sure , RIP Tim sincere condolences to family & friends .
  15. Is there any venues in the UK , that support this Genre , or maybe feature it in a satellite room ? Other than the odd tune being spun at a Northern venue . I think age of the punters may be a factor , as we all get a little older & looking for maybe something to suit our dancing capabilities, slower but soulful , this could be the next Northern Soul scene or at least somewhere in between , not just Lowrider , for perhaps the older generation, leaving the main room / dance floor to the younger generation, just a thought , tin hat on ready for the fall out . Here's one I finished my Saturday night session with in the man cave , absolutely brilliant ,didn't pay a lot for it , I know there's 100s of versions , but this is up there with the best .
  16. For the record Kev , a lot of the early sessions Saturday nights at the Casino where Heavy Metal nights , with big hairy arsed bikers pouring out as we where turning up to queue to get in , could be quite daunting at times . The only good thing about them , the staff can't remember if Mike Walker was behind it , use to ask for volunteers to clean the place up , then you got to get into the Alnighters for free , I did on occasion if not stuck at the back of the queue. I do remember some of the early sessions when Russ used to do a warm up Northern Soul session too , not sure how long they lasted as attendances where quite low .
  17. I discovered a method that does remove black marker pen , have used it on a few records and the results are quite impressive . Especially on a shiny label , takes a few attempts on a matt label . You need to buy from your local stationery shop ( I use Rymans ) a set of White Board Marker Pens , chose the colour as near as possible as the label , and then using the Marker Pen carefully write over the writing on the label , then carefully wipe off using a soft tissue ,it seems to reactivate the ink of the offending writing, crosses etc & it just wipes off , I don't allow the ink to dry , wiping off before the Marker drys out seems to work best , patience is key . I would as I did when I first experimented , start on a cheaper record and use a damp tissue or dry and don't use any great force . It's this type of marker pen , which is designed to wipe off .
  18. Not sure yet of release date , Crates Of Soul
  19. Spot on Ken , I did say I was a BWFC fan it was my younger brother who was the MUFC fan , no excuse I know , Denis was out with a cartilage injury just checked, I bet it was great to be there live Jaco It was brilliant on the Tele, thanks to you both for pointing it out .
  20. Thanks Mike , will check that out
  21. Unfortunately we can't get Sky via dish , so have to use a Now stick , so just signed up for free trial for a week , after that £9.99 a month extra , currently Otis , I can't turn you loose, so how many episodes, so I remember when to cancel membership?
  22. Just been watching the Sky Sports News & the tributes to Denis , & it brought back memories of 68 & the European Cup , when United beat Benfica 4-1 , at Wembley , we where a split supporting team family , my old man was a football league Referee, but we all watched the big games on Tele together, & I remember vividly , we'd not long owned our first colour TV , it took up have the lounge it was that big , and not long after the kick off we had quite a few of our neighbours watching through the lounge window lol , so my Dad said let em in , and we had about 25 , watching all squeezed in sat on the floor , United played in Blue , Denis didn't score but played his part , Bobby Charlton 2, Georgie Best 1 & Brian Kidd 1 , wonderful memories ,

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