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Everything posted by Mezzer

  1. Thank you Derek. That's great information!
  2. Thank you. That may well be the one!
  3. No, definitely not.
  4. I was listening to a compilation CDR yesterday and it featured this single with both A & B sides. The B side, I Can Understand It Part 2 is over 5 minutes long. Having checked Discogs listings, all the copies I can see have the B side as just over 2 minutes. Anyone know the answer? It doesn't sound like a homemade extended mix.....
  5. That's it! Thanks Ste!
  6. No, It's on 'The Truth is a Lie', a Cairo records compilation on vinyl only.
  7. Anybody know which songs these lyrics might be from? I have a miss pressed compilation album and this song appears in place of the stated one.
  8. Found this information too: https://mississippirecords.wordpress.com/2009/01/23/the-safety-zone/
  9. They are definitely a sub label of Mississippi Records. I have 3 of the 4 titles in the American Soul Music series and all have a quite lavish booklet (the 20 page one for Freedom For The Stallion is also in colour). These booklets contain interesting background stories for each track/artist, but no publishing, licensing or songwriter credits (including on the labels). No credits for the photos used either.
  10. Thanks! That's good to know.
  11. Given that there are no credits of any kind, I wonder about that and other aspects too.
  12. Does anyone know whether all copies of this single were pressed off centre? It's appeared on a couple of comps, both of which are clearly from off centred pressings and I've seen an auction listing for a past sale which also referred to this. Such a shame, as it's a gem, but there is quite a drag on the horn lines. Apologies - had posted this originally in wrong forum.
  13. Has anyone checked out the four vinyl only compilations on Cairo Records? Some superlative stuff on these - nice presentation too: https://www.discogs.com/Various-The-Love-You-Save-American-Soul-Music-1955-To-1972/master/1735482 https://www.discogs.com/Various-All-Of-This-Goes-Too-American-Soul-Music-1955-1972/release/12188523 discogs.com/Various-The-Truth-Is-A-Lie-American-Soul-Music-1955-1972/master/1735233 https://www.discogs.com/Various-Freedom-For-The-Stallion-American-Soul-Music-1952-1976/release/13854534
  14. Does anyone know whether all copies of this single were pressed off centre? It's appeared on a couple of comps, both of which are clearly from off centred pressings and I've seen an auction listing for a past sale which also referred to this. Such a shame, as it's a gem, but there is quite a drag on the horn lines

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